The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 77 72 Fleet Taking the Initiative

Chapter 77 72. The fleet that takes the initiative

After such chaos lasted for nearly half a month, the empire's expeditionary force finally decided to set off. On the one hand, it is because the efficient mobilization troops and army supply personnel "recruited" by the local governor are already in place, and two companies of the Walker Chapter have also successfully arrived.

Now that the Imperial Expeditionary Force is fully present, the battle can begin.

Regarding the chaotic behavior of the planetary governors on various planets, the Inquisition and the Space Marine Chapter actually ignored or ignored everything that happened. After all, it is not these recruited soldiers who determine the change of the war situation, but the 12 core Astra Militarum legions and more than 3,000 Space Marines and nearly 10,000 Skitarii. These more than 100,000 troops can As for the remaining nearly 1 million miscellaneous troops, the only effective force that controls the entire battle situation is logistical supplies and attracting enemy firepower on the battlefield.

Maybe those who know a bit about history will find it a bit familiar. Isn’t this what happened in medieval Europe?

Yes, that's right, the empire still uses this set of tactics, so Warhammer 40k is the sci-fi version of the Middle Ages, except that the "village" here is about as big as an entire planet.

Of course, there are also some alien colonies located in the territory of the human empire that can be handed over to the expedition fleets in the local sectors. They are also happy to use this as additional income compensation.

A month later, the punishment fleet arrived at the edge of the huge vacuum space in the Gulf of Damocles. For the first time, the Chapter Master of the Raven Guard stood in front of their flagship and his fellow warriors. Some of them had not even seen the Chapter Master appear for more than ten years. Ke Wen, wearing a black hood, looked down at the battle brothers below and said calmly

"Brothers, I know you haven't seen me appear for a long time, but I can tell you accurately that I have been preparing for today. 20 years ago, the Ultramarines set out from here to conquer Damn the alien civilization, the Kalai Protoss, but due to the lack of preparation of the expedition force and the damn cunning strategies of those aliens, the expedition ultimately failed.

And now, we are once again standing here to represent the Emperor's anger and purity in an expedition against this filthy country that deserves to be damned but must be destroyed! We will use our blades and bolters to show them that their ridiculous weapons cannot stop the determination and strength of the Imperial Warriors!

We will also punish the traitors who collude with those dirty aliens and regain the empire's property, Blackstone Fortress! Strike a blow against the arrogance of those damn aliens and traitorous servants!

Crow's Children, Cousins, Champions of the Empire! In the name of the Emperor, expedition! ! "

Encouraged by the Chapter Master, the warriors of the Raven Guard and other Chapters as well as the Imperial Navy roared out the slogan of Fight for the Emperor. Soon, with the help of the pilots, the battleship began to calculate the subspace passage, preparing to penetrate deep into the alien's small territory and deal them a fatal blow.

But accidents always come when people don't expect them. Just when the Imperial Expeditionary Force was preparing to set sail, they received notifications and distress signals from multiple planets.

"Reporting to the Expeditionary Force, this is the RUZ-011 World Defense Fleet! We were attacked by alien warships and have lost almost all of them! Requesting support!"

"This is the A-52 Agricultural World. The enemy has broken through our orbital defenses. 1/3 of our world has been occupied!"

"This is B-53..."


In an instant, a large number of distress signals filled the Astropath's communication channel and the Thinker's network. Everyone was shocked by this situation. They never expected that the enemy would actually launch a surprise attack one step ahead of them. The shocked expedition soldiers began to wonder whether there was a traitor in the expedition team who leaked the news.

But in fact, after the attack on the space dwarves, the Inquisition did not report it to the Imperial Expeditionary Force and the Space Marine Order, but only said hello to the High Collar Order.

But the judges did not expect that the High Lords Council had no intention of telling the expeditionary force the news at the beginning. In other words, from the beginning, this was just a trap.

These aloof, bloated and corrupt mortal bureaucrats are afraid of the descendants of the terrible ancient demigods. They worry that these powerful supermen will rise up one day and destroy their rule like the terrible Horus Heresy. Their power and lives, so they have never let down their guard against Asta's warband, constantly using more laws to control them.

At this time, the 12th Black Crusade had just ended. Abaddon and his Black Legion were severely hit and had no chance to threaten the physical universe again for the time being. The Aeldari were also depressed, and the Tyranids' vanguard troops were being destroyed. The Ultramarines suffered heavy losses after the attack. For the Terran government, it happened to be a period of peace, and it was also a good opportunity to weaken the separatist force of the Space Marines.

Since the Ultramarines were severely injured before, there was no need to continue weakening them, so they set their sights on the Raven Guard, a huge start-up group that had been fighting in the Ghoul Sector all year round and had more members than a Codex group. on the body.

They are the next targets to be weakened.

But now the Astartes did not notice the conspiracy of the High Lords. They now only understood that the enemy had penetrated deep into the territory of the Empire and began to attack the Emperor's properties.

This is unforgivable.

Ke Wen listened to all the reports with a gloomy face. Now almost all the major worlds or node planets on the eastern edge of the entire Extreme Star Region have been invaded. The enemy obviously wants to cut off their rule over the entire eastern edge in this way.

Due to this invasion, the original expeditionary council immediately split into two factions. One side believed that the expedition should continue, while the other side believed that they should immediately return to defend the empire's territory.

The reasons of both sides are also reasonable. The supply side believes that the expeditionary force has been assembled and it is very difficult to return to defend the various planets. By the time they rush back, the enemy will probably have completed the plunder and fled. Those who decided to return to defend believe that these events cannot be abandoned, and many worlds, such as the agricultural world and even the forging world, are challenges to the management capabilities of the entire Extreme Government for the entire region. These important nodes must not be lost.

After listening to the opinions of both parties and the mutual accusations and excuses, Captain Ke Wen finally decided

"Notify, request all expeditionary fleets to disperse immediately to support those attacked imperial worlds, and make sure to drive the enemy out of the empire's territory! After the end, regroup and attack the enemy's territory again."

Perhaps at the time, Ke Wen's approach was not wrong. After all, it is better to support those important imperial worlds than to attack those planets where the intelligence work is not accurate.

But from the perspective of future people, this captain has stepped into the trap set by the elder sons of the ancient saints from this moment on.

The good show has begun.

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