The Psychopath's Harem

221 Good girls should stay clear of ugly bastards!

I apologize, my lady. Your boyfriend has made it quite clear that he doesn't wish for me to touch your breasts. So, I've taken it upon myself to solve your problem. No one will ever dare touch them again!"


The only sound that echoed through the stillness was Feng Xiao's agonizing cries as she knelt on the ground, clutching her wounded chest.

The air itself seemed to hold its breath, allowing the painful echoes to linger for a haunting minute.

Xia Tian shattered the silence, his voice cutting through the air. "Oh, by the way, she is mine, if you would please," he declared, extending his hand to claim Xia Rouyan from Long Meihui's grasp.

"Ah, okay," Long Meihui replied, perplexed by the sudden turn of events but obediently handing over the little girl to him.

"You little demon, why did you run away?" Xia Tian accused, his gaze fixed on the adorable bundle in his hands.

"Huh?" Xia Rouyan was taken aback, momentarily rendered speechless.

Hadn't it been him who disappeared without a trace?

Even the young girl possessed enough intelligence to understand that she was being falsely accused.

However, with her limited ability to express herself, she could do little more than pout in anger, attempting to convey her grievances.

Unfortunately, her efforts proved futile against the sadistic nature of Xia Tian who loved seeing people in pain. 

Just as Xia Tian put the final touch, a piercing scream echoed through the air, belonging to Shen Huang.

The blood-curdling scream of Shen Huang ripped through the atmosphere, its intensity vibrating with anguish and fury.

His eyes widened in a ghastly mix of horror and rage as he bore witness to the merciless scene unfolding before him.

Long Meihui's heart skipped a beat, her attention immediately seized by Shen Huang's anguished cry.

She swiftly turned to face him, a facade of concern masking her true amusement, "Shen Huang, what's wrong?" she exclaimed, rushing towards him.

Feng Xiao, writhing in excruciating pain from her wounded chest, lifted her tear-streaked face.

Despite her torment, she mustered a feeble smile. "Master... be careful," she gasped, her voice strained and layered with utter anguish.

Xia Tian's smirk widened, his eyes locked onto Shen Huang as he turned his attention away from the chaos around them. "Oh, it seems you want to save this enchanting lady," he taunted, his voice dripping with a venomous mockery. "Or are you too weak to defend what belongs to you?"

In a sudden, chilling moment, Xia Tian's hand forcefully landed on Feng Xiao's blood-soaked chest, and her anguished scream pierced the air, shattering the silence. "Argh!"

His fingers mercilessly dug into the already crimson flesh, causing her to writhe in excruciating pain.

Her very essence was violated and shattered, her very existence mutilated.

Yet, Xia Tian sadistically placed his hand on the same spot, intensifying her torment.

One could only imagine the sheer strength and resilience that kept Feng Xiao from succumbing to unconsciousness.

Shen Huang stood frozen in disbelief, his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

A wave of fury surged through his trembling body, threatening to consume him whole.

Zhao Xin desperately urged Shen Huang to resist his impulsive urge to charge at Xia Tian, both for his own safety and because she silently reveled in the diminishing competition.

"Come on, you idiot. Aren't you going to fight?" Xia Tian taunted, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He spared no chance to provoke Sheng Huang further, adding fuel to the fire.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR DEEDS!" Sheng Huang's voice echoed with rage, his body launching towards Xia Tian like a raging bull.

The very air around him crackled with the aura of a great emperor, swirling with power and fury.


Xia Tian, still holding Xia Rouyan protectively in one hand, moved with the grace and speed of a panther.

He swiftly turned around, catching Sheng Huang off-guard. The look of surprise on Sheng Huang's face was priceless.


Even though Sheng Huang's fist met only with empty air as Xia Tian effortlessly dodged, there was something else lying in wait.

With Xia Tian's calculated maneuver, Shen Huang's reckless charge led him straight towards Feng Xiao, who was now defenseless and vulnerable.

Shen Huang's momentum was unstoppable as he barrelled into Feng Xiao.

His legs slammed with bone-crushing force against her body and face.

The impact was ferocious, shattering several of her teeth in an instant.

The sheer force of the blow sent her flying meters away, her form limp and lifeless.


A collective gasp escaped the onlookers, their eyes wide with horror.

Zhao Xin, unable to contain her shock, instinctively closed her mouth, unable to tear her gaze away from the horrifying scene.

Sheng Huang, on the other hand, wore an expression of disbelief, his body shaking with tremors.

Suddenly, he turned around, his eyes burning with fiery rage.

Tears streamed down his face, mixing with the sweat of his exertion. "You will die today!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mix of anguish, vengeance, and madness.

Once again, he extended his hand, his fingers balled into a tight fist. His intention was clear - he was determined to connect his fist with Xia Tian's face, to make him pay for the pain and humiliation.

But each time, Xia Tian moved with elusive ease, effortlessly evading every strike. To add insult to injury, he mockingly taunted Sheng Huang, further fueling his rage and frustration.

"Die today? Oh, I've heard that so many times, you idiot!"

"If you really want to kill me, come up with something new, like you would tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

Shen Huang bellowed, his face contorted with anger. "Stop blabbering and face me, you coward!"

Xia Tian chuckled nonchalantly in response. "Huh, you can't even save your own woman and yet you dare call me a coward?"

"I did her a favor by ending her life early. She wouldn't have to stay with a short-dicked monkey like you," Xia Tian taunted.

Shen Huang's face turned a deep shade of red. "Fuck you!"

Xia Tian burst into laughter once again. "Ah, so it's true. You really do have a short dick. But I believe your appearance matches more with that of a red-butt chimpanzee. Calling you a monkey would be an insult to their tribes."



Zhao Xin, witnessing Xia Tian intentionally provoking Shen Huang repeatedly, was stunned at how effortlessly he transformed Shen Huang into a raging mad dog, devoid of any rationality, solely by mocking him.

Zhao Xin turned to Long Meihui, who was observing the spectacle with great interest. "Do something and call for reinforcements!"

Long Meihui's expression changed abruptly. She turned around and smirked. "No!" With one word, all of Zhao Xin's hope vanished, leaving her with a sobering realization.

Her face turned ghostly pale as her accusation hung in the air. "Y-You're with him? Did the two of you plan everything? I'm warning you, neither of you will escape the wrath of the Shen Family! This is an act of war!"

Long Meihui huffed, her cheeks flushed with defiance. "Who said anything about wanting a war?"

Zhao Xin's voice trembled with urgency. "Then call for reinforcements!"

Long Meihui's gaze drifted to the crimson stone pendant resting against her chest, a symbol of hope given to her by Shen Qing in case of emergency.

In a hushed tone, she muttered, "But who will be the messenger?"

Zhao Xin furrowed her brow, perplexed by the question.

Long Meihui lifted her head, a fleeting smile on her lips—a smile that held a profound meaning for Zhao Xin. "Do you honestly believe you'll live long enough to deliver the message?"

Long Meihui feigned a nonchalant demeanor, yet Xia Tian wasted no time in responding. "Don't worry, that one will survive." His words, laced with calmness, complimented his nimble evasion of Shen Huang's relentless attacks.

Long Meihui's expression instantly transformed, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Can't you let me enjoy this moment for just a second?" she shot back wrinkling her nose.

She couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Xia Tian harbored deep-rooted grudges against her, using this life as an opportunity to exact his revenge.

Although Shen Huang's reign was short-lived, just before he could descend into madness, a minuscule small creature stealthily approached from behind and struck his vulnerable neck.

Although it was small, but it wasn't a dick!

Not everything small is a dick!

It was a fox—an otherworldly pink fox, to be precise!

"Ah!" Shen Huang cried out, startled by the unexpected encounter.

The impact was astonishing, causing his eyes to roll back and instantly rendering him unconscious. His limp body crashed against the unforgiving ground with a thud.

Xia Tian, a witness to this bizarre spectacle, clicked his tongue in disdain. "What a pathetic man! Not even a graceful beauty to catch his plummeting form! If it were me, the heavens themselves would descend to save me! The ladies would surely engage in fierce conflict for the honor! But alas, you are hideous." He concluded his scathing remark by delivering a deliberate kick to Shen Huang's face—a move that left Zhao Xin wide-eyed in astonishment.

Meanwhile, the little girl Xia Rouyan was treated to a captivating spectacle before her very eyes.

She watched with wide-eyed curiosity as Shen Huang's foam-filled mouth emitted an eerie fume.

Blinking in confusion, she turned her gaze away, unable to bear the unsightly scene any longer.

"Haha," Xia Tian chuckled, unable to contain his amusement. He affectionately patted Xia Rouyan's shoulder. "Well done. Good girls should stay clear of ugly bastards!"

Long Meihui, on the other hand, rolled her eyes, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the sheer narcissism before her.

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