The Public Enemy of Tower Defense

Chapter 101: war starts now

After a while, Lei Chi came to the war corridor, found the No. 1 [Saber-Toothed Tiger] in his impression, called up its information panel, and set it up a little. a ball of light.

At this time, a regional announcement sounded.

"The power of the tiger is overwhelming and invincible!"

"The tiger is the king of beasts, symbolizing strength, majesty, and power. It acts like a king and acts like a king!"

"Congratulations, your secret camp has opened the tiger totem, and the fourth-order special beast tower [Totem Tiger] is about to be born!"

"Ding, influenced by the totem tiger, your secret camp has obtained the production skills of exclusive equipment [tiger head cap] and [tiger head boots], and a production line has been added in the arsenal. Please explore the details yourself!"

"Ding, under the influence of the totem tiger, a totem altar appeared in the ancient shelter."

After the system prompt ended, the Tier 4 [Totem Tiger] also appeared.

This is a colorful and weird big tiger. Its head is comparable to a giant elephant, as if it came out of a New Year's picture. It has a big head, big eyes, a big nose, a wide mouth, golden hair, a **** mouth, red and blue stripes all over its body, and the top of its head "Wang" "The word is very clear, the tiger claws are thick, and the overall look has a unique domineering and mighty charm.


Defense Tower Name: Totem Tiger

Occupation: 4 meters x 4 meters

Type: Beast Tower

Equal order: fourth order

Attack Power: 5000+10

Attack Type: Physical

Attack Distance: Melee (4 meters)

Attack Speed: 1.0

Possess skills: [Coercion Aura], passive aura, enemy units within 50 meters feel the coercion of the Totem Tiger, reducing movement speed, attack speed, and attack power (the specific reduction is determined by its own ability).

Possess skills: [Totem Tiger Roar], active skill, the totem tiger roars, increases the attack power of all beast towers within 100 meters by 25%, and removes the bad state of the beast towers, the gain status lasts for 60 seconds, and the skill cooldown is 90 second.

Possessing skills: [Detention], Totem Tiger can detain a target within 10 meters, press it under its claws, so that it cannot move, cannot release skills, and continues to lose blood. Totem Tiger can only detain one target at the same time. Units above level 40 or bronze level and above are invalid. The detention time and the blood loss rate of the detained unit are determined by the ability of the detained unit.

Note 1: Only one totem beast is allowed in a secret camp.

Note 2: Sacrificing specified items in the totem altar can upgrade the [Totem Tiger], please explore by yourself for details.

Note 3: [Totem Tiger] will get an exclusive name (generated by the system calculation) after reaching the fifth rank.


"5,000 attack power, such a blast!"

Lei Chi Xin said that this [Totem Tiger] is very powerful. Although it is still a melee beast tower, it can hit a target within 4 meters. Then [Coercive Aura] and [Totem Tiger Roar] are magical skills, and [Detention] is also very powerful. , if he were to guard Jingyanggang, Lei Chi estimated that Zhao Zilong would have to lie down when he came.

Lei Chi called up the camp information panel to check, and he found that a fourth-order tower could increase the camp's defense index by 1,000 points. If all the beast towers were not lurking, his current camp's defense index could reach 1915.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound, and Lei Chi followed the sound and saw that the ancient shelter was changing. The original shape of a hill was quickly transformed into a hill with a tiger's head, and the entrance was the tiger's mouth.

"Totem Altar!"

Lei Chi's heart moved, and he quickly entered the ancient shelter, all the way to the deep stone room. The appearance of the stone room has changed greatly. The original murals have all disappeared, and a small altar has been added. There is also a sacrificial cauldron.


Name: Totem Altar

Type: special building

Sacrifice target: [Totem Tiger], fourth-order beast tower

Sacrifice progress: 0%

The offerings are limited to: teeth rare materials, claws rare materials, [Tiger Soul], [Faith Gem], [Totem Gem], etc.

Function: [Sacrifice], offering tribute to the totem of faith and praying for shelter.

Note 1: Putting sacrifices into the sacrificial cauldron can increase the sacrifice progress. When the sacrifice progress reaches 100%, the Totem Tiger can be upgraded.

Note 2: Sacrifice items can affect the ability bonus of the Totem Tiger after it is upgraded. For example: rare materials such as teeth and claws can affect its attack power. [Tiger Soul] affects its comprehensive ability and skill power. Please refer to your own for details. explore.


"The influence ability bonus of sacrificial items... It seems that after the totem tiger has risen to level 5, most of them are unique. If so, junk materials are not worthy of sacrifices."

Lei Chi thought silently.

Each camp can only have one totem beast, and the cultivation of this totem beast naturally requires caution.

"It is related to the ability of the totem tiger after the advanced stage. The sacrificial items must be paid attention to. The more the best, the better. It is better to lack than to waste."

Lei Chi asked Amei, the smart elf, about the training settings of the totem tiger, but unfortunately Amei didn't know about it.

After a while, Lei Chi came to the arsenal and assigned the task of [Development of Mining Picks] to Amei, and then went to study the production line of [Tiger Head Caps] and [Tiger Head Boots].

In the production workshop, there are now three production lines.

Lei Chi checked the material treasure chests of [Tiger Head Cap] and [Tiger Head Boots], and found that all kinds of cloth materials and leather materials can be used as the production materials for these two kinds of equipment, and the production cost of a single piece of equipment is one gold coin. The production time is related to the properties of the finished product and the production materials, and the quality is divided into four grades: inferior, ordinary, excellent, and superb.

Lei Chi took some slime skins and put them into the production line of the [Tiger Head Cap] and [Tiger Head Shoes], and stored ten gold coins in each of the two production cost treasure chests.

He found that the production time of [Tiger Head Cap] and [Tiger Head Boots] was surprisingly long, it actually took eight hours, so he didn't need to wait beside him.

Next, Lei Chi went to the trading house to search for [Tiger Soul], and found that this kind of material is really available, the quantity is small, and the price is quite high, and they are all listed in the auction house. People are bidding.

"300 gold is not cheap..."

Lei Chi resisted the urge to and went to find boxer Akxi and kung fu master Yuan Yuanzi.

At this moment, in the gang camp of the thugs, all the players of the thugs assembled.

Chen Zhigao opened the storage backpack and released a wooden treasure chest. He stepped on the wooden treasure chest, smiled, beckoned everyone to be quiet, and said loudly: "Everyone lean over and look at me! This time, we will gather everyone together. Get up, there are two important news to announce!"

"The first news is that our thugs have formed an alliance with the Daode Gang, Feihuoying, and Baolong. In the future, the four major gangs will be united and will advance and retreat together! Do you know what this means? It means that I have developed. Go to After that, our gang of thugs will have a fixed sponsorship, so you don’t have to pay bills to make money, if you perform well, you can get a fixed salary, and you can get bonuses from time to time, everyone is happy!”


"A fixed salary? And a bonus?"

"The gang leader is mighty!"

"I'm the deputy team leader, how much salary can I get?"

"Really or not, it's such an exciting feeling..."

The people in the lower ranks immediately began a heated discussion.

Chen Zhigao felt relieved, he pressed his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet again, and continued: "There is a second thing, from now on, the players of the Great Horse Gang and the Beast Concentration Camp will be our enemies, and there will be a joint operation next. , Niu Dao test, invading the secret camp of Lei Chi, the deputy leader of the Beast Concentration Camp. In this operation, there will be experts from the Daode Gang, Feihuoying and Baolong, and Feihuoying will dispatch a war dragon boat. The opportunity for everyone to show is here! I announce that the respective team leaders and deputy team leaders must participate, and others who want to participate should apply to join the team themselves, and the war will start immediately."


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