The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 285: Teristina

What's going on here? Ling Xingye looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, where were the monsters and ghosts running around all over the ground just now? A gust of wind disappears?

He looked back, only to see that the girls behind him also looked dazed.

Ling Xingye frowned, then boldly took a few steps forward, even entering the woods to try to find the root of the mutation.

It turned out to be nothing.

"Even the forest itself has not suffered any signs of damage." After returning, Ling Xingye said to Hitomi Shiranui and the others, "I didn't see any suspicious people either."

"My lord!" At this time, Shirai Heizi suddenly appeared from the side, "And my lord! Are you all right?"

The observation deck collapsed just now, and she rushed to rescue those who fell from a height, and then cooperated with the guards to maintain order, so she has been delayed until now before returning.

Seeing that everyone was fine, she felt relieved.

At this time, Chunshang Jinyi, who had suddenly calmed down just now, suddenly went limp and passed out.

Hitomi Shiranui quickly hugged her, not letting her fall to the ground.

Misaka 10001 immediately turned around and went to look for an ambulance.

"What's the matter with this child? Has he been attacked?" Ling Xingye leaned over and asked.

"Actually, this child has been behaving strangely since just now." Hitomi Shiranui said, "She seems to be affected by the Hyakki Yako just now."

Hitomi Shiranui carefully considered her words.

At this time, the sound of jets sounded from behind them, and a pink powered armor flew from below to the viewing platform.

A woman's voice came through the loudspeaker: "Students here, please leave the dangerous area immediately and take refuge in a designated place! Repeat again..."

"Is it the Security Department?" Hitomi Shiranui asked suspiciously looking at the powered suit with strange colors.

"I am the captain of the Advanced Rescue Team, Teristina." The visitor introduced himself, "Okay, get out of here quickly, now this place may collapse at any time, please evacuate immediately!"

Shirai Kuroko also remembered her status as a discipline committee member, and hurriedly came forward to cooperate with the evacuation and separation work.

After such a fuss, the fireworks show was not in the mood to watch.

In fact, by the time the girls remembered that there was such a thing, the fireworks show had already ended.

Members of the Security Department, who called themselves the Advanced Conditions Rescue Team, worked with Shichiban's subordinates to maintain order and evacuate the crowd.

Fortunately, due to the timely actions of Ling Xingye and Baijing Heizi, no one died.

Not even seriously injured patients requiring hospitalization.

Many people left on their own after simply being bandaged.

Only Ling Xingye and Misaka Miqin, who faced "Hundred Ghosts of the Night" and even fought against it, were left behind and asked to cooperate with the investigation.

"What's going on here?" Facing Captain Terestina's inquiry, Ling Xingye first asked back, "It seems that you have already expected such a situation, right?"

The driven suit team specially deployed nearby seemed to be waiting for this kind of event to happen.

"That's right, we did make predictions," Teristina admitted graciously, "but the predictions were only calculated based on the data collected in the past, and the accuracy rate was not very high. So this time it was only Come and deploy with a precautionary attitude.”

After a brief explanation, Teristina took the initiative of the topic again, continued to ask a few questions, and then let them go back.

"It's so disappointing..." Chuchun Shili was still brooding, "I didn't even see the fireworks show..."

"It's good that no one has an accident." Shirai Heizi said, "I heard that in the previous incidents, there were serious injuries!"

Saten Ruiko, who was walking on the other side, had a subtle expression: "So it really exists—the urban legend of 'Hundred Ghosts at Night'..."

Ling Xingye looked at her: "The urban legend really appeared before my eyes, how does it feel?"

"I feel that there is no sense of mystery at all-the lack of that kind of atmosphere, but a little disappointing." The vitality girl said distressedly, "The previous vampire legend is also... After knowing the truth, I have no motivation to pursue it."

"When you go back, you must pay close attention to the website introduced by Saten Ruiko." Shirai Kuroko said, "Sometimes, the so-called urban legends are unexpectedly true and reliable."

Ling Xingye thought for a while, then shook his head slightly. He doesn't have the mood and energy to meddle in his own business now.

Anyway, no one was killed today, so just treat it as non-existent.

The geisha puppet followed Ling Xingye, carrying various props and equipment used in today's performance.

Not having sprites with him was also the main reason why Ling Xingye didn't want to cause trouble.

After all, such a dangerous and terrifying incident happened, so Ling Xingye insisted on sending the girls back to their dormitories one by one.

Originally, Misaka Mikoto also wanted to **** them together, but she and Shirai Kuroko were in a special situation and were worried about a sudden attack by the dormitory teacher, so they had to hurry up and return first.

Then I sent Misaka 10001 back to the school house—even a companion from Shokuhou Misaki's "faction" came out to greet her in person. It seems that there is no need to worry that the teacher will find out that she sneaked out.

In the end, Saten Ruiko and the others who lived in the ordinary student dormitory were safely sent back to their residence.

Only Ling Xingye and Hitomi Shiranui were left.

Shiranuotong was not in a hurry to go back, so he slowed down and strolled along the street with Ling Xingye.

"It's been a long time since the experience of two people being together like this."

"Yeah, it's really..." Ling Xingye also nodded in agreement, with a look of indescribable words, "Sometimes I don't even know what I have done."

Carefully recalling those few days at the beginning of the first month, it seems that I was fighting non-stop... The only thing that can be regarded as a "normal" summer vacation life is the experience in the swimming pool that day.

As for the next two weeks, in addition to making up for homework, Ling Xingye is busy performing performances to make up for the financial deficit. Even sprite repairs have been delayed.

"Really..." After recalling for a while, Ling Xingye sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"Huh? Why did Xingye apologize?"

"I haven't been able to save money at all recently." Ling Xingye smiled wryly.

The two of them have a joint account and save money together for traveling during the holidays.

As a result, this summer vacation was coming to an end, and Ling Xingye realized that he had neither saved money nor time...

"I originally planned to go back to China and take a look together." Ling Xingye regretted.

"It's okay," Hitomi Shiranui said with a smile, "There will always be a chance. And I'm saving money here, so Xingye doesn't have to worry."

Ling Xingye looked up to the west: "If you are going back to China, you don't need to spend too much money. After all, the headquarters of Ling's class is there."

After all, that was Ling Xingye's home.

Then Ling Xingye suddenly remembered that now he seemed to have another organization he could rely on.

- "Silver" is over there.

Although the deadly enemy "Yanshi" is also on that land...

"Now, I don't know where Sister Yao is." Ling Xingye thought to himself.

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