The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 294: Midsummer Festival

On August 25th, the annual Tokiwadai Middle School Midsummer Festival started.

Strictly speaking, the full name of this event should be "Students' Dorm Open Day in District 7 of Tokiwadai Middle School".

Because only the external dormitory building of Tokiwadai Middle School located in the seventh school district is open to the public.

Even so, it is an important activity at Tokiwadai Junior High School.

Because there are only more than 200 students in the whole school, in fact almost all the students participated in the preparation of the open day activities.

At this time of year, many people will come here especially to visit this rather mysterious private aristocratic girls' school.

Excluding some people who came for reasons such as "girls' dormitory", more people came because of Tokiwadai Middle School and her students themselves.

As one of the five prestigious schools in Academy City, and an extremely elitist girls' school, Tokiwadai Middle School has always been legendary.

Not to mention that a group of junior high school girls once achieved the almost unbelievable achievement of overwhelming all other schools to win the "Dabaxing Festival".

No wonder it's getting people's attention.

Of course, only on this day, the unique scenery of the daughters of Tokiwadai Middle School in maid outfits is also an important reason.

"Oh! This is where the young ladies live!" Chuchun Shili, with golden eyes shining, was so moved at the gate that she almost shed tears.

"There's no need to be so exaggerated, right? Didn't Misaka-san invite us in?" Saten Ruiko said.

"It's been a long time, Saten-san, Uiharu-san, and Harukami-san." Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko greeted them.

"Oh! This outfit is very suitable!" Saten Renko's eyes lit up, and she went up to look at the maid outfit on Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto was still a little unaccustomed to being in front of her friends, the smile on her face was very stiff, and she hurriedly pushed her friends in.

"By the way, haven't seniors Shiranui and Xingye arrived yet?" Saten Renko turned around and asked.

"I called Shiranui-senpai just now, and they will be here soon." Misaka Mikoto said, "Let Heizi take you in for a tour first, and I'll wait for them here."

"Speaking of which, did my sis send out the invitation letter in the end?" Shirai Heizi asked.

But Misaka Mikoto had already gone out and didn't hear her.

Soon, Hitomi Shiranui and Ling Xingye arrived, and Kamijou Touma and Index were with them.

"Sorry we're late." Senior Shiranui said.

"No, don't worry about it," Misaka Mikoto waved her hand, "Today is an open day, and there is no time requirement."

"Oh! It looks amazing!" Kamijou Touma exclaimed, "Thank you for the invitation, 哔哩哔哩."

Misaka Mikoto sighed, her eyes became indifferent and dangerous: "How many times do I need to say it! Can you please call me by his name properly!"

Fortunately, Misaka Mikoto still maintained her rationality, knowing that she couldn't be disrespectful on this occasion, so no bolt of lightning struck her.

"Dangma said that there is an unlimited buffet lunch here, please take me there." The silver-haired nun Index had already abandoned this side, and said to another girl who came to welcome guests at the door.

"Okay, please follow me." The maid responded politely to her request.

"Hey, don't run around!" Kamijou Touma hurriedly chased after him, "You still have to restrain your appetite a little bit, it's not lunch time yet..."

"It looks like it's hard work..." The three people behind watched them go away speechlessly.

"What's wrong with Xingye? She doesn't seem to be energetic." Misaka Mikoto looked at Ling Xingye.

The latter, as always, carried his travel bag. But compared with the usual image, Ling Xingye at this time seems to be awake, following behind Hitomi Shiranui as if sleepwalking.

Misaka Mikoto even felt like he didn't see herself at all.

"I don't know." Hitomi Shiranui was also a little worried, "Xingye has been behaving strangely for the past two days, as if he is troubled by something."

"Could it be about the younger sisters?" Misaka Mikoto said nervously.

This was the first thing Misaka Miqin could think of, because when she was desperate and troubled by the "experiment" before, she felt a bit like Ling Xingye's current state.

"Ah no, it's nothing." Ling Xingye suddenly came to his senses, "This is my own business, and has nothing to do with my sisters."

"Xingye," Hitomi Shiranui looked at him with concern, "you can tell me anything, don't be bored by yourself."

"I'll tell you in two days." Ling Xingye said, "Maybe I'm just worrying too much, wait for me to make sure..."

Ling Xingye and Shiranui Hitomi will perform a memory backup every two weeks, and the next time will be two days later.

Before that, Ling Xingye wanted to finalize his concerns.

——Is the woman I saw the day before yesterday real?

What is the meaning of the repeated nightmares in the latest stage?

So for the past two days, he kept searching for the woman.

Perhaps, a new round of "book competition" is about to begin.

"If you really encounter any difficulties, you can tell them." Misaka Mikoto also said, "I owe you a favor for my sister, so please don't be polite when you need help!"

"Okay, okay."

"What do you mean by this tone? Are you perfunctory me!"

"No...I mean go in, we've been at the door for too long."

Indeed, other maids nearby also paid attention to this place, after all, there was Misaka Mikoto they admired here.

Before drawing more attention the three hurriedly entered the building.

"Xingye, are you going to visit just like this?" Misaka Mikoto suddenly stopped, pointing to his travel bag and asked.

"Is there a rule not to bring bags in?" Ling Xingye asked back.

"It's not... but it's very eye-catching." Misaka Mikoto frowned, "And won't you feel troublesome, just keep carrying it."

"I'm used to it." Ling Xingye shrugged, "It's better to say that I will be more uncomfortable if I leave my hands empty-handed."

Misaka Mikoto stared at him for a while before giving up and saying, "Well, forget it. Do as you like."

Hitomi Shiranui next to her frowned secretly—Misaka Mikoto's understanding of Ling Xingye was limited, but she had already discovered the problem.

Inside the travel bag is the sprite—that is, Ling Xingye's weapon.

What was the situation that made Xingye insist on carrying a weapon with him?

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