The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 371: : flower invitation

After watching Ling Xingye leave, Hua Ershi led the seven people under his command to continue to the station.

On the way, Hua Eryi once again received information from his subordinates—

"Misaka Mikoto has left school."

"Keep following, I'll be there soon." Hua Eryi raised her eyebrows, turned and left.

"You go back to the team to rest on your own." She turned her head and said to Hua 1172 and the others.

Although Misaka Mikoto wanted to help find Hitomi Shiranui, but after she came out, she realized that she had no idea.

So she decided to take a look at the research institutions that she had investigated before.

Because those institutions are all related to "experiments", the mastermind behind the scenes is likely to be hiding in one of them.

Misaka Miqin also thought about contacting Ling Xingye and joining him to act together.

But thinking of Ling Xingye's attitude on the phone just now, the other party might not want him to come out to "help".

"So it's better not to tell him for now... That guy is only troublesome when he is preaching."

Misaka Mikoto moved quickly through the streets and alleys.

Suddenly, she saw a woman blocking her path.

The other party looked over undisguisedly, obviously not a passerby passing by by chance.

A beautiful and dangerous woman...Misaka Mikoto stopped and kept a certain distance from her.

Immediately afterwards, she discovered that this woman she had seen in the early hours of this morning was the woman who "invited" her at the door of Ling Xingye's apartment.

"Hello, Misaka Mikoto." Without waiting for Misaka Mikoto to ask questions, he said to Convenience, "I'm Hana Twenty-One, I want to chat with you."

"Flower..." Misaka Miqin suddenly opened her eyes wide. The person Ling Xingye had just mentioned to her this morning was the leader of the "Flower Army".

Moreover, Misaka 10001 is in their hands now!

"What did you do to my sister!" Misaka Mikoto asked immediately.

"I'm here to invite you and let your sisters meet." Hua Eryi said with a smile, "How is it? Would you like to have a cup of afternoon tea together?"

Misaka Mikoto hesitated a little, but it was not because she was worried about danger, but because she still wanted to find Hitomi Shiranui.

"Please rest assured," Hua Eryi continued to persuade, "If nothing unexpected happens, we should be natural allies. As friends, I—we will help you, including finding someone for you."

"How do you know..." Misaka Mikoto asked in surprise, but she quickly nodded in agreement.

—It seems that the relationship between this woman and Xingye is closer than imagined. There are many things, perhaps more clues can be obtained from here!

Hua Ershi's temporary residence in Academy City is a detached villa—it was originally used as the school building of a nearby private university, but because the location is too remote, no one has lived there for a long time.

Here, Misaka Mikoto met other women who looked exactly like Hua Eryi.

And, Misaka 10001 tied to the chair.

"I'm sorry," Hua Twenty-one said to Misaka Mikoto, "Because she will attack us as soon as we let go, so we have to take some coercive measures."

"Sister! They are going to kill Master Starry Night! Misaka reminded loudly."

Seeing Misaka Mikoto, Misaka 10001 struggled and shouted.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Hua Twenty-One warily—I hadn't heard Ling Xingye mention this before!

No, it should have been mentioned...

Misaka Miqin once again recalled the scene of talking with Ling Xingye on the road in the morning.

Although he didn't directly explain it, Xingye's demeanor at that time was indeed not normal. Looking back now...

"I thought the so-called pursuit was just his exaggeration..." Misaka Mikoto murmured.

Because Ling Xingye had his own enemies, Misaka Mikoto didn't investigate carefully.

But now, Misaka 10001 issued a warning, which undoubtedly shows that the matter of killing Ling Xingye is not a joke!

Hua Ershi sighed helplessly: "It seems that you still don't know—Ling Xingye once killed Hua."

"Xingye...has... killed someone?" Misaka Mikoto looked at Hua Eryi and the other people around her in surprise.

Hua Blackjack nodded: "I think, you should be able to understand this kind of feeling, right? To use a somewhat inappropriate metaphor—Ling Xingye, to us, is like Fang Accelerator to you."

— "What do you... think about Accelerator? Do you hate him?"

—"If you had the chance, would you kill Accelerator to avenge your sisters?"

— "Or...will you choose to forgive him?"

Misaka Mikoto suddenly recalled Ling Xingye's words in the morning.

It turned out that he was not just asking about me and Accelerator, but also about himself?

"Onee-sama, don't listen to her! Master won't be someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately! Misaka said anxiously."

Misaka Mikoto smiled: "What are you worried about, since you are a younger sister, you should have some confidence in your older sister!"

Saying that, Misaka Mikoto looked up at Hua Twenty-One with firm eyes: "That's it, I believe Xingye is not that kind of person. If you must kill him, I will definitely stop you!"

Hua Shiyi's pretty face immediately showed a weak expression: "Okay, okay, let's let go of the topic about that man first... Now let's talk about how to save your remaining sisters."

A confused girl is walking on the street. She has an enviable waist-length hair, which is black with a little brown color. Matching the pair of thin-rimmed glasses on her face, she has a bit of intellectual beauty.

Her proud figure fully covered the uniform of Wuqiu Girls' Academy on her body, and she would definitely be the type who turned heads 100% when walking on the street...

It should have been so, but in fact, no one in the bustling streets cast even a single glance at her.

Not only that, no one even noticed the existence of this girl—even pedestrians who wanted to pass by her turned a blind eye to her and ran towards her directly.

There was a troubled look on the girl's unpainted face, but she seemed to have anticipated the current situation, and instead actively avoided the passers-by around her.

The girl—Feng Zhan Binghua quietly stretched out her hand and waved it in front of a passerby.

In the end, the other party was still indifferent, Feng Zhan Binghua couldn't hide the disappointment in his heart, he could only sigh helplessly.

——The scene of not knowing where I am again appeared again.

It's clearly in Academy City, on one of the most common streets, but it seems to be in two different planes from other people.

It's like walking alone in the back of the world.

Feng Zhan Binghua was a little uneasy, UU read the book but felt more in his heart, still unspeakable loneliness.

"Obviously it wasn't so uncomfortable before..." the girl murmured to herself, "When did it become like this?"

She stopped and tilted her head to think carefully.

"By the way, it started yesterday..."

Feng Zhan Binghua finally remembered - because just yesterday, she had a friend for the first time.

"Index said that we are still friends." Feng Zhan Binghua smiled, "Then let's go find her!"

She started walking again.

At this moment, Feng Zhan Binghua paused suddenly, then turned his head to look in another direction.

An inexplicable fluctuation strongly attracted her attention, making her walk in that direction involuntarily.

—the AIM diffusion field over there is... agitated.

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