"I want to come and cheer for my lovely brother!" Lu Xuyang said enthusiastically.

"What about the circus?" Ling Xingye asked.

"Don't worry, the circus is on the right track now, and my sister will not affect its normal operation if I leave for a few days." Lu Xuyang said, "Unfortunately, this year's tour has been arranged, otherwise I will also go to the Dabaxing Festival performance!"

"Sister Yang, do you know that Baoliang is here?" Ling Xingye asked.

"It's too cunning, to announce suddenly at this time..." Lu Xuyang was brooding, "I want to go and see for myself, how powerful he is!"

"Okay, okay, there will be a chance." Ling Xingye had no choice but to comfort him.

Hanging up the phone, Ling Xingye began to think about the hotel situation in Academy City, and the route to lead Sister Yang to visit Academy City...

Late at night, Jeeves hurried to the underground parking lot at the Branhill Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

I saw a closed truck parked at the cargo port, but there was no one in the cab.

Frowning, Jeeves inspected it carefully before finding a memory chip glued to the steering wheel.

On the surface of the chip, we can see the unique mark of "Yanshi".

"The magician...he really came." Jeeves muttered, even though he was the person in charge of the "Yanshi" organization stationed in Academy City, he didn't know the situation of this mysterious magician at all.

Or the crow gave it a little information to make it ready.

Jeeves reads the contents of the chip with a personal terminal that he carries with him.

"Transformation of people?"

Seeing the instructions given to it by the magician, Jeeves was a little dazed.

Opening the compartment, I saw a total of fifteen human beings neatly arranged on three floors.

They were alive, but stiff as frozen corpses, like planks stacked in a carriage.

Jeeves knew that this was the effect of the "Yanshi Curse".

It is also because of the "curse" that these people survived - it can be seen that they have undergone a rather harsh transformation.

Almost half of their bodies were replaced by mechanical structures. The techniques were delicate but rough. If it wasn't for the "Yanshi Curse", they would have lost too much blood and collapsed to death.

"What is this for?" Jeeves couldn't help being stunned. If combat power is needed, can't you just create some low-level puppets?

Magicians ask it to stabilize their condition and get them back to "health" as quickly as possible.

"It's not very difficult." Jeeves shrugged, summoned a team of robots, and transported them back to the laboratory.

Although this is the base camp of the automatic puppet, the crow once conducted experiments on replicating human beings, leaving behind many therapeutic instruments and technologies for "human beings".

"Then..." Watching fifteen humans being sent into the treatment cabin, Jeeves continued to read the magician's instructions, "Convince them... what does this lord want to play? Forget it, just use the learning device to brainwash them."

During the treatment, Jeeves lifted their "curse". And twist their minds with learning devices.

Let them attribute all their misfortunes to Ling Xingye, replace panic and fear with "revenge", and ignore his physical transformation.

After all this is done, Jeeves wakes them up.

"Do you want to defeat Ling Xingye and take revenge on him?" Jeeves asked.

"Yes! We must kill him! At all costs!"

"Oh." Jeeves said according to the lines, "But even after the transformation, you are still no match for Ling Xingye."

"However, he has two weaknesses." Jeeves said, "First, the iron law of silver, he will never kill."

Saying so, it called in the printers to start making artificial skins for their mechanical parts.

"Second, he attaches great importance to the people around him. As a silver puppet master, it is his responsibility to eliminate automatic puppets, and it is only his duty to protect human beings. But Ling Xingye regards protecting others as an equally important responsibility."

"So," Jeeves put down the terminal, with a bewitching smile on his face, "target the people around him and use hostage tactics."

Longer the girl's dormitory of Shangji Academy.

Lily checked the room and dialed the professor's number as usual.

"Will you come to see the next Dabaxing Festival?"

"Oh, I really want to see the scenery of Academy City with my own eyes, but I've become so busy recently that I don't have time."

"The research of the school and the professor has been taken seriously?" Lily asked in surprise, "But I'm still the eighth?"

"You don't need to care about the ranking anymore." The professor said, "Your battle data with the third and fourth place before is enough to impress the congressmen. They finally recognize the reality and admit the power of superpowers."

"Of course, what really made them nervous was the third clone plan."

Unlike Academy City, which wants to produce level 6 absolute power users, Yanshi Crow and the United States are looking at the technology of "mass production of super power users".

The existence of the Misaka sisters proved the possibility of a cheap but powerful superpower fighter.

"So, my research has also been taken seriously." The professor said proudly, "From now on, Lily, you can spend your high school time well, and don't have to think about those headaches anymore."

"Hmph, I won't give up! I will definitely be number one!" Lily said, "By the way, if you can't come, you must watch the live broadcast. I am the representative of the student declaration."

The members of the executive committee of the Daiha Seishi Festival failed to find the seventh place Sogiita Gunha in the end, so they had to abandon the plan for the boy level 5.

Misaka Mikoto was also considered "unsuitable to represent the Missy School" because she acted too boldly, so she was not able to become a student representative.

Instead, Misaki Shokuhou from the same school is in charge.

At the same time, Changdian Shangji Academy strongly requested that the school's "Ice Age" Lily be another student representative. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In the past, there were no conditions, but now that there is a level 5, it is natural for the school to grow up and not show weakness.

The Dabaxing Festival is a sports festival, so naturally there must be winners and losers.

Not only are all the students divided into red and white teams for confrontation, but there are also ranking competitions between schools.

Changdian Shangji Academy and Tokiwadai Middle School, both of the five famous schools, are the most eye-catching pair of competitors.

Although one is a high school and the other is a junior high school for girls, since all Tokiwadai Middle School members started with level 3 strong abilities, in terms of strength, the entire Academy City may really only be able to compete with the long-term Shangji Academy.

If we go deeper, this is actually a confrontation between the "College House" represented by Tokiwadai Middle School and the "Changdian Shangji Education Group" represented by Changdian Shangji Academy.

Since it was a competition, and the opponent was Misaka Mikoto who was in third place, Lily immediately ignited her fighting spirit and tried her best to lead her school to win against Tokiwadai Middle School!

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