The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 617: queen's tea party

On October 12th, at 3:00 pm, at the House of the Academy.

Girls from various schools in Academy City came to this mysterious "Kingdom" with invitation letters.

The Academy House located in the seventh school district is a collective name for an area, consisting of five aristocratic girls' schools including Tokiwadai Middle School. It is usually in a fully closed state and is not open to the public. Except for internal students, others who want to enter must apply for a pass.

It is also the only special existence in this Academy City, which can be called a country within a country. Almost equivalent to a small school district, it is a country within a country within a country.

For girls other than Academy House, this is also the kingdom they most yearn for.

...of course, in the eyes of the boys too.

It's a pity that under normal circumstances, almost no boys have been invited to enter it.

Even on the Internet, there are very few reports and news about the Academy House.

Even the annual Daha Star Festival, which takes the entire Academy City as the stage, remains mysterious and will not be opened to the public.

All of these add a bit of mystery to this daughter country.

But today, hundreds of girls from various schools were invited to come here.

Although it is not a rest day, it is a rare opportunity to have a glimpse of the style of the academy house. Even if they ask for leave, these girls will come to the appointment on time.

What's more, this time it was the invitation sent by the Queen of Tokiwadai Middle School, Shokuhou Misaki himself.

Even if they are both girls, there are not a few people who want to see the "Queen" up close.

Of course, not just anyone is eligible to be invited. For example, Chuchun Shili, who has always been fascinated by the life of the young lady, regrettably failed to receive the invitation.

The selection criteria are actually very simple. The girls who came to the scene looked at each other and they all understood it—the usual circle is so big, and almost all the invited people are people they know.

In short, they are all veritable young ladies.

Girls from all over the world, whose families are either rich or expensive, are gathered by Shokuhou Misaki, plus the school house where the eldest ladies gather. This tea party attended by nearly 500 people is almost a social stage for future celebrities.

"Well, they came together quite well." Looking at the Yingying and Yanyan in the garden from the balcony on the second floor, the host of the tea party blinked his starry eyes, but with a bored expression, he sat at the round table with his hands on his chin, He fiddled with a remote control absently.

"Of course, after all, it's your invitation, Queen." Junzi Fanfeng stood behind her and smiled, "Are you about to start?"

"Really, try to trouble others to do this kind of thing." Without hiding his emotions, Shokuhou Misaki complained loudly.

"Queen, please be more reserved, the people below will hear about it." Fanfeng Junzi smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, let them forget all about it!" Shokuhou Misaki said willfully, "What's more, can't people complain about being asked to do such a troublesome thing?"

"Okay, okay." Fanfeng Junzi comforted repeatedly, "Then I'll tell the people below to wait a little longer."

"No need," Shokuhou Misaki stood up, "Start early, let's make a quick decision!"

As she spoke, she put away the remote control, arranged her makeup, and walked to the edge of the terrace with her head held high.

Like a queen visiting her subjects.

The girls below raised their heads and looked at the **** the high platform.

"Well, thank you all for accepting my invitation to come to the tea party~"

Under the influence of the microphones prepared in advance by the members of the faction, Shokuhou Misaki's sweet voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

"Ah! It's Her Majesty the Queen!" The girls immediately screamed, and even saw many people holding bouquets, as if they wanted to rush over to offer flowers.

Those who didn't know thought it was some idol and her fan group.

Even though Shokuhou Misaki was well-informed, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable pressure when he saw the actions of everyone in front of him.

"...Academy City is the home of all the students, and the Academy House is a home for girls to study and live with peace of mind. No one can disturb you here..." Shokuhou Misaki took the manuscript paper handed over by Junko Fanfeng, Read it carefully.

It seemed insincere, but because she was Her Lady Queen, no one cared.

"... Well, all in all, please don't be restrained and enjoy the leisurely tea party. If you are interested, you can continue to visit the school house..."

Listening to Shokuhou Misaki's speech on the stage, Chie Isshiki who was in the crowd muttered, "Isn't it a tea party? Why are there such boring speeches?"

"I thought the queen's invitation had some special meaning in it," Yakushiji Mixi also said, "I didn't expect there to be so many people."

"Because it was requested by the board of directors." Misaka Mikoto's voice suddenly came from beside her.

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 came here because they saw Saten Ruiko dangling in the crowd.

"Board of directors?" Yuan Shanyao looked at her, "That is to say, this tea party was held at the request of the top management?"

"Of course," Misaka Mikoto nodded, "otherwise, how could that guy invite so many people to the Academy House?"

After finishing speaking, Misaka Mikoto frowned and thought for a while: "No, it's really possible that her words are so messy!"

Of course, this is just Misaka Mikoto's complaints. She knew very well that today's tea party was a task arranged by the city's top management.

Because Misaka Mikoto, who is level 5, also received the same commission—but considering her usual performance and personality, the senior management finally decided to let Shokuhou Misaki take charge of this matter.

"Do you know that the Christianity is launching a new round of crusade?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

Yuan Shanyao and the others nodded. Because they are busy playing Ling Xingye these days, whether they like it or not, they have all been baptized by a lot of international and domestic intelligence.

"Unfortunately, it is said that the target of the Eastern Expedition is here." Misaka Mikoto pointed to her feet.

"Because of the 'puppet invasion' war?" Yuan Shanyao immediately reacted.

"Yes, to fight against the automatic puppets." Misaka Mikoto nodded, "Of course, the real war will not spread to the mainland of Japan... It should be said that the war will only be waged at sea."

Misaka Mikoto just relayed the news she got, and didn't know the specific information.

"A war is about to break out? Isn't that very dangerous!" Saten Ruiko exclaimed.

"Don't be so loud!" Misaka Mikoto hastily covered her friend's mouth, "These are secret information of intelligence control! Besides, Academy City is definitely safe and will not be threatened by war anymore!"

"Really?" Isshiki Qianhui expressed doubts, "The thirteenth school district has just been invaded, and now there is a crusade. No matter how much you declare the safety of Academy City, it is not convincing, right? "

"That's why there is this tea party." Misaka Mikoto shrugged and looked at Shokuhou Misaki on the stage.

Those who were invited to the tea party were all daughters of rich and powerful families from all over the world. They are nothing in themselves, but the power and influence behind them cannot be underestimated.

For Academy City, which is currently in the midst of the "leaving school wave", it is of great significance to stabilize these young ladies, and it is enough to convince other students to continue to stay in Academy City with peace of mind.

And "Psychic Mastery" Shokuhou Misaki is the perfect person to carry out this move—both in terms of her superpowers and influence.

"However, why do you ask us for this kind of thing?" Isshiki Qianhui asked strangely, "Aren't we a few young ladies, and Junko Fanfeng, the Queen's number one general, personally sent the invitation?"

Just as they were talking, they saw two girls in Tokiwadai Middle School uniforms coming to, Toyama-senpai..." The two greeted each other politely.

"The queen is here, please go this way."

"Is there really another purpose?" Isshiki Qianhui muttered.

Yuan Shanyao followed without hesitation, and the others quickly followed after seeing this.

Coming to a living room indoors, they saw Shokuhou Misaki himself.

To their surprise, there was already a guest at the scene.

Wearing the uniform of an unknown school, she looks like a high school student or even a college student, and she is more mature than the other girls attending the tea party.

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 recognized each other at a glance.

I met not long ago, Ling Xingye's third senior sister.

"Yu Wufei?" Out of surprise, Misaka Mikoto called him by his first name without regard to etiquette, "Why are you here?"

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