The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 777: I'm a puppeteer!

"I'm a puppet master." Ling Xingye said suddenly.

"We all know this!" A boy next to him responded loudly, "So what program are you planning today, Puppet Master?"

There was a sound of "yes, yes" echoing all around.

At this moment, Ling Xingye was shopping with Hitomi Shiranui... That's what he said, but he was actually sitting on a bench beside the pedestrian street, playing with three puppets—performing on the street.

The long-lost street performance quickly attracted many audiences, and people gathered around in an instant, taking out their mobile phones to take pictures.

However, Ling Xingye didn't seem to really intend to perform. He just manipulated the three puppets to make various actions vividly, but there was no theme or plot.

According to Ling Xingye himself, he did the puppet game on a sudden whim, and he didn't actually plan to perform it today.

Even after explaining this, his die-hard fans still refused to leave, and were still watching and filming with great interest.

For them, the last street performance has been a long time ago, as if it was a thing of the last era. I suddenly saw a familiar scene again today, and I felt like "the world is finally back on track".

Ling Xingye didn't disperse the audience and let them continue watching. And his main energy has already been concentrated in the gymnasium in the distance...

"...I'm a puppet master!" Ling Xingye suddenly said to himself.

Then, wanting to suddenly regain consciousness from the state of wandering far away, Ling Xingye pushed his glasses, and the three puppets at his feet jumped into the travel bag, and the surrounding crowd let out a sigh of reluctance.

"I'm very sorry, the latest program is still under rehearsal and preparation." Bowing to the audience, Ling Xingye announced, "It will be presented here at this time tomorrow, so please look forward to it!"

With the puppet master's own guarantee, the audience reluctantly dispersed.

Hitomi Shiranui came to his side: "Is it over there?"

"It's about the same." Ling Xingye nodded, "As expected—it was indeed a Hongmen banquet."

Ling Xingye's eyes were still on the "prosthetic eye agent", and Hitomi Shiranui took his arm and led him forward.

"Who is the enemy?"

"The mastermind behind the scenes is Director Shiokishi. As for the one who actually does the work..." Ling Xingye paused, "It should be a certain Anbu? Strange, isn't there no established Anbu organization now?"

Leaving aside organizations with the nature of special forces like the Hound Force, the Anbu, which was composed of a small number of elite ability users, has long since been disbanded, existing in name only.

The only exception is probably the "props" led by Mai Ye Shenli.

"How could that kind of organization disappear completely? It must be a newly born organization recently." Shiranui Hitomi commented.

"But they still have two hands. Just one person forced 'me' into such a mess." Ling Xingye praised.

"Thank you for thinking of using the 'substitute' puppet method to play tricks on them instead."

Ling Xingye said with a smile: "The doctor has given such obvious hints, and there is such a convenient puppet as a 'substitute' at hand, how could it be unexpected?"

"In addition to this 'prosthetic eye agent'," he touched the glasses on his face, "it's more convenient for my performance."

The linear distance between the gymnasium where the meeting is held and the commercial pedestrian street is eight kilometers. Now Ling Xingye can precisely control every "phase fulcrum" within a range of 30 kilometers, so he can completely control the "stand-in" puppet remotely on the bench in the pedestrian street.

During Qifan’s pre-scheduled visits, a large number of cameras have been installed inside and outside the venue. Through the “prosthetic eye agent”, Ling Xingye has obtained a full range of God’s perspective, and has multiple visual modes such as infrared, ultrasonic, and electromagnetic waves.

That's why he was able to accurately capture the enemy's driven armor in the vast smoke.

Shiranuotong said that he was playing tricks on the enemy, but Ling Xingye said that this is the style of "puppet master".

The two held hands, like an ordinary couple taking a walk.

Soon, they walked out of the commercial pedestrian street and came to the densely populated campus. The popularity around him dropped instantly, and the noise behind him seemed to be far away.

Ling Xingye hugged the girl's waist and accelerated suddenly.

On the other side, Ling Xingye's "substitute" was running wildly on the street.

To be precise, it should be "flying close to the ground". I saw that its severely damaged body was dragged by silk threads, and it swept forward at a speed of more than 100 per hour.

Behind him, the praying mantis-shaped powered armor "Super Five" pursued closely. Behind it, there is a large force of various types of driven armor such as high-speed cheetahs, bee-shooting types, and enemy-breaking types.

It has to be said that Ling Xingye's "stealing the sky and changing the sun" taunt effect is very good, the enraged Silver Cross Alpha is not even willing to let go of this "stand-in" puppet, and chases after it.

In fact, he also planned to follow the "stand-in" to find Ling Xingye's body. After all, the task they received was to "eliminate Ling Xingye", so it was obviously unreasonable to kill only one stand-in.

The speed on both sides is not slow. Under Ling Xingye's control, the "substitute" leads the enemy to approach quickly.

Being led all the way by Ling Xingye, Hitomi Shiranui was distracted from checking emails on her phone.

"Yes," she said suddenly, "this time it is Anbu's 'New Entrance', a new organization that just 'debuted' after the Third World There are about ten core members. For this operation, there should be only two of them—Silver Cross Alpha and Night Seabird, the latter is a level 4 powerful user..."

Hitomi Shiranui read out the information she had just received.

"It's similar to what I saw here." Ling Xingye nodded, "That capable person didn't come after him... Be careful, you will encounter enemies soon!"

Following Ling Xingye's reminder, there was a low roar at the end of the road ahead, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards them.

"finally reached."

Ling Xingye stopped in the middle of the road, took a step forward and protected Hitomi Shiranui behind her.

"Finally showed up!" Silver Cross Alpha's voice came from a distance, "But, is this the main body?"

"Heh, guess what." Ling Xingye pouted.

The other party didn't care whether it was true or false, and raised the Gatling transfer tube electromagnetic cannon and blasted over.

Ling Xingye raised his right hand, and the "phase fulcrum" split into countless small squares, forming a barrier in front of him.

The dense barrage collided with the invisible wall, bounced off one after another, and sparked a dazzling spark.

Before he had time to determine the result of the battle, Silver Cross Alpha suddenly found that his driven armor was out of control.

A wave of violence from the outside twisted off the drive engines of each joint, forced the "Super Cat 5" to turn around, and aimed the Gatling electromagnetic gun at the other driven suits behind it.

In panic, he suddenly remembered what Ling Xingye said just now.

"...I'm a puppet master!"

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