The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 887: No need for 2 Misaka


Looking into the distance from the roof, Ling Xingye noticed the figure of Misaka Mikoto on the helicopter flying at low altitude.

The latter also saw Ling Xingye, and quickly leaned out from the hatch and waved at him.

Not just Misaka Mikoto, there are two Misakas on the helicopter - the other one is of course Misaka 10001.

"What are they doing there?" Ling Xingye watched them go away in surprise, while hesitating in his heart whether to chase after them or not.

Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly.

At first glance, it was Misaka Mikoto's call.

"In short, we were called to help." Misaka Mikoto threw out such a sentence first, "After all, I am level 5! So don't worry, we will have no problems."

Ling Xingye nodded secretly, Misaka Mikoto was right, at this juncture, of course, it is necessary to concentrate every ounce of strength to fight against the automatic puppet's offensive. As Academy City's top combat force, Misaka Mikoto has every reason to be recruited even though she is still a student.

"Pay attention to safety, be more careful, and don't be reckless when encountering enemies." Ling Xingye instructed.

"Don't worry, who do you think I am!" Misaka Mikoto said carelessly, "And we are only assisting in the defense of the information center, we will not fight the enemy head-on."

It turned out that the security center had received an alarm just now, and the key information center of Academy City was attacked.

The information center is the key node of the entire city's information network, and it is also the data storage center on the surface of the "library", its importance is self-evident.

When the angel of disaster spread the "plague" not long ago, a lot of "platinum blood" nano particles fell into the school city. Some of them were absorbed by the human body, resulting in more than 500 victims of the Yanshi Curse; while the other part formed a group and began to act autonomously.

These tiny particles are essentially nano-robots with a certain ability to act independently.

Nano-robots + cluster consciousness + biological transformation, the "Platinum Blood" created by the Yanshi Organization is an important bridge to open up machinery, creatures, souls, and information networks.

These clusters of nano-robots that wander in the air and cannot be observed by the naked eye are just a "ghost" that wanders in Academy City, and it is also pervasive and hard to guard against.

Before the action, the Yanshi organization has set a series of important tasks in advance, so that the cluster can complete them as appropriate when they realize it.

In other places, making "Silver Zero" is naturally the top priority of all tasks; but in this Academy City, it has become the least important task-because Yanshi also feel that manufacturing a large number of "Silver Zero" in Academy City It is impossible.

Therefore, they set their sights on Academy City's technology and intelligence.

Looking at the entire earth, apart from the old enemy Silver Organization and his family "Gremlin", only Academy City's technology is worth seeing.

Especially the intelligence data about superpowers is the foundation of Academy City. If possible, we must find a way to get it.

That's why they will specifically attack the information center. However, due to their limited number, they could not form a cluster advantage, so they were blocked by the defense system of the information center.

The swarm of nano-robots whose mission was blocked called for support, which immediately activated the vast number of "companions" left in Academy City, but also alarmed Chairman Aleister's monitoring network.

Therefore, he temporarily issued a task to Misaka Mikoto, asking her to go to the information center to assist in the defense.

Misaka Mikoto's superpower "Railgun" is the nemesis of all metal robots. Although the metal content in the nano-robots is very low, they still cannot escape her ability to capture.

Not to mention, Misaka Mikoto is also an expert in electronic warfare, and she is not afraid of enemy attacks even in cyberspace, so she is an excellent person for this task.

After learning the specifics of the mission, Ling Xingye felt more at ease—for this matter, it would be no problem to hand it all over to level 4 Misaka 10001, and sending Misaka Mikoto out was completely overkill.

But that's okay, at least it's safe enough.

At this time, Hua Qishi came to the rooftop: "Master Xingye, the plane is ready, when will you leave?"

"I'll go right away," Ling Xingye responded, and then looked at the time, "I will arrive at the airport in twenty minutes."

"Okay." Hua Seventy-two nodded in response, and then relayed his answer to her mobile phone.

"Master Xingye, the control tower is ready, and the airspace shield will be opened in 25 minutes. Please rush to the airport as soon as possible," Hua Qishi said.

Ling Xingye didn't move, he still stood on the roof and looked at the angels of disaster in the sky.

After a while, a helicopter flew from a distance, it was one of the fleet that had just flown past.

"I'm going."

With that said, Ling Xingye flew into the cabin with the help of silk thread.

The helicopter cut a straight line in the air and headed straight for District 23.

At the airport, Ling Xingye boarded the supersonic fighter jet that had already been prepared—he wanted to take this plane to the sky to meet those angels of disaster for a while.

Of course, Ling Xingye also has the ability to move in the air, but considering the speed and physical condition, Chairman Aleister still arranged a combat force as a means of transportation.

Apart from the passenger Ling Xingye, there is only one driver on the huge supersonic fighter.

Considering that the plane was on a "one-way route," it was only a matter of time before it crashed before the nanobots that filled the sky and atmosphere. Therefore, the driver has also been replaced with a high-performance robot equipped with a driving module that can perform basic flight tasks. And when necessary, it can also be used as a puppet for Ling Xingye.

"Wait!" Just as the cabin door was about to close, a short guard ran over, carrying a small box in his hand.

Ling Xingye noticed that she was one of the members of the helicopter he was on just now.

"Is there anything else to prepare?" Ling Xingye asked.

The guard didn't speak, he jumped onto the cabin door with his head down, and then plunged into the cab.

— Do I need to load any modules?

Ling Xingye was puzzled, but before he could ask the tower about the situation, the cabin door was closed and the automatic flight system started to operate.

"Hey, what should this guy do?" Ling Xingye said in shock.

After going to the sky Ling Xingye goes out of the cabin to fight directly, the fighter plane looks for no-man's land and lands on its own, or more likely... crashes.

In case something happens, the little guard who came up just now will surely die!

"Tsk, do we have to take her to fight together?" Ling Xingye certainly couldn't just ignore death, "Although the enemy is not very strong, but with such an oil bottle, the challenge is too difficult, right?"

"I won't drag you down!" A familiar voice came from the cockpit, "With my help, Xingye can completely wipe out those thirteen disaster angels!"


The girl took off the full-coverage helmet, and a flash of electricity flashed across the bangs on her forehead.

"Misaka Miqin?" Ling Xingye recognized the girl in front of her at a glance, "Why... where is the information center?"

"Over there, please leave it to my sister." Misaka Mikoto said, "An enemy of that level doesn't need two Misakas at all!"

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