The Queen of Everything

Chapter 806: I promise you

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Su Cha was startled, her pupils were slightly condensed, and her eyelashes began to tremble: "End? Why?"

"Because it's not necessary anymore."

He clasped Su Cha's palm tightly, and his dazzling eyes did not see the glory he once had, but he was still extremely firm.

"You just need to listen to me carefully. This thing, from the moment I woke up, that's how I thought. You are alive, I am alive, we are all right next to each other, and I am also learning to take over you Grandpa’s career, I have nothing to ask for. Even if you think Dad is too holy, too kind, Sucha, you just have to remember, I just treat you like my own daughter. I have no regrets I love Ruan Yin as if I had taken you from her for several months."

Word by word, he said very firmly.

In Su Cha's eyes, she saw a swaying white figure, her lips trembling, and when she was about to speak, Zong Yanxiu continued: "I know you hate Zuo Shaoxin because of my affairs, you don't need to think about him, but Ruan Yin It’s always your biological mother. She didn’t mean to abandon you, but she was too helpless. You have to deal with Zuo Shaoxin for me. It’s not just Zuo’s family who will be hurt by that time. You are still the leader of the Star Alliance. Those responsible should bear other responsibilities."

"You are selfish and selfish as a father. I don't want to see Ruan Yin and you both fall into the abyss of pain because of this. I loved her and loved her sincerely. I gave her what I can give. Everything, I don’t regret it, even if this happened to me, I still don’t regret it. In this state, I still don’t regret it. I just want this to end here. From now on, we and them, bridge to bridge, road to return Lu, you are my daughter of Zong Yanxiu. You don’t have a surname of Zuo. Although you have a surname of Su, you will always enter the genealogy of the Zong and Bo families.

His voice was a little trembling, and he seemed to be a little scared. He also felt a little guilty about Su Cha: "Xiao Cha, the hatred of this matter should not be borne by you. I don’t want you to do these things because of me. My cowardice should not be borne by you, you are the most innocent in this matter."

Su Cha lowered her eyes. At that moment, her eyes were reddened, and she held Zong Yanxiu's hand, trembling faintly: "I just feel unfair for you, I can't swallow this breath for you."

"Silly boy, what's unfair."

He touched Su Cha's head and smiled softly: "At least I'm not really miserable, my injustice has been compensated, at least you are my daughter."

At that moment, his eyes that had been silent for many years finally reflected the full glory, solemnly repeated: "You will only be my daughter in the future."

Like a wind blowing, this sound slowly drifted into the ear of Su Cha.

She looked up and there were two lines of tears on her cheeks, but she couldn't hide the dazzling brilliance.

There was a sobbing cry from the side. Su Cha and Zong Yanxiu turned their heads to look. Zuo Zhici stood there, covering his mouth and crying without letting himself collapse.

She shed tears very violently, and looked at Su Cha, already spent her eyes.

Su Cha trembles in a low voice. At that moment, she heard her voice, with a hint of pain, but still agreed: "Okay, I promise you."

Zuo Zhici still couldn't help crying.

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