The Queen of Everything

Chapter 812: Should he live?

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The screams came one after another. Several rich second generations and several other men in the private room rushed over like subduing Su Cha.

But as unscientific as in the martial arts drama, the girl's figure shuttles through the crowd, almost like lightning, with absolute overbearing power, one foot can kick a few meters away.

But within ten seconds, all the men in the room fell down.

A group of women shrunk together and shivered, watching Su Cha's eyes full of terror.

Le Anqi lost his strength, and watching this scene was still dumbfounded with praise: "You are so handsome."

Just as handsome as Sucha when he was still in school.

Su Cha walked over and pinched Le Anqi's face, and her mouth was all grunted, she was a little bit angry: "If I go today, can you go out?"

Le Anqi has broken the jar, she has also drunk two bottles of wine, her wine and medicine are on top, hehe smirk.

Then tears shed.

Su Cha looked at it and found a glass of water to fill Le Anqi.

By the way, the backhand hit the bottle again and smashed a man who got up and tried to make a sneak attack behind him.

A peripheral girl heard her voice, and her attitude towards Le Anqi, and then recognized her, with a trembling voice: " are Sucha..."

Shouldn’t she be in a big show abroad? !

Even if it is over, will it come back so soon?

Everyone was shocked, and did not expect this person to be Su Cha.

Su Cha looked over, even through sunglasses, a few women could feel the sensation of coldness flowing down her body, full of absolute coldness.

Di Li was smashed a bottle by Su Cha at first, and screamed and groaned after falling down. The headache was terrible. At this time, he came to relax slowly. He got up and looked at Su Cha with blood on his face. : "You... what are you doing..."

He looked around and found out that those people, including the rich second generation, were lying on the ground.

Suddenly shivered in my heart.

When Su Cha saw him, she couldn't help but kill her. She looked at Le Anqi, who had recovered a lot now, her voice was cold: "You said, how do you want to deal with this dog thing, don't tell me, You still like him!"

"I can clean up everything I did today. To be honest, I don't want to keep this person's life. It depends on whether you want him to be alive. I don't want to blame me when I do it."

She said it was so scary, Dily shuddered suddenly, looked at Le Anqi, and the whole person almost cried: "An Qi, An Qi, is she joking right?"

Le Anqi looked at her with some hatred in her eyes, and some sadness in despair.

If she didn't like Dily, she wouldn't fall to this point.

I still like it now, but I can’t cover that kind of hatred, especially knowing that Dily still wants to sell himself to get resources for him.

Let Su Cha see this, the regret in her heart is actually stronger than she almost happened.

She curled up and covered her body in tears, her tears stopped flowing.

The people next to him watched as trembling, Su Cha was a well-known actress, why did he talk like a triad...

If you don’t move, you don’t save your life. Killing people is terrible!

Several peripheral women couldn't help but cried out with a whisper.

Su Cha sounded very impatient. She really wanted to get started. Suddenly, she heard something outside the door of the private room.

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