The Queen of Everything

Chapter 825: Sold you?

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Looking at such Fu Mo, Le Anqi was a little surprised.

"Fu Mo, besides being Su Cha's assistant, what are you doing?"

"She can do more."

Su Cha laughed: "Okay, if you have anything, just call me. Recently, you are at home. Someone will watch when you get sick. Don't worry, these are all my people. Other times... well, try to be as few as possible. Go out, I will let you take you with anything, after all, I said to your school that you have returned to Yonggu City, and it is awkward to see you back."

Le Anqi laughed and nodded.

After seeing Le Anqi, Su Cha left and went home to discuss her own affairs.

Time began to pass slowly, everything was much calmer during this time.

The weather began to cool gradually, and recently the Imperial Capital even began to snow.

It is also a rare natural landscape.

Since the last time Su Cha participated in the big show, she really has a lot of fashion resources.

But the strange thing is that most of them are jewelry brands. On the contrary, Chanel and Hebria, who led her to the last time, did not respond.

It seems that Sucha's presence in the spotlight of the world media is nothing but a flash in the pan.

Because there was no big-name endorsement for a long time, the outside world's mockery of Su tea began to resurrect.

Even if it was praised by the chief designer of Hebria, Su Cha is just a small Chinese star, and there is no big name willing to give an official endorsement to her.

Compared with her big show on the show, it seems a bit lonely.

The actress Younis, who met on the show, occasionally gave Su Cha a call. She also seemed to wonder why Su Cha didn't move much in the fashion world. So, who asked Su Cha to go?

There are also some, at least she already has a few endorsements in her body, not a world-class luxury brand, and her position in the industry is not bad, but she is too outstanding, and she can’t catch up with other stars, so people are more harsh on her, as if She must win a big-name endorsement or cooperation ambassador to prove her identity.

In fact, Su Cha doesn't care too much. She lived with her as a child. How cool is the endorsement?

There is also extra money for embroidery.

And her album is coming out soon. Tan Jinsui concentrated on launching all her activities next year, bombarding people repeatedly, and having to be of good quality.

The TV script was temporarily missed, because even Su Cha is famous now, some of the scripts that come to the door are not very good, and the other party who is willing to do it is not willing to let Su Cha pick the beam. Tan Jinsui did not reluctantly wait for the broadcast of "He Di" After going out, everything will be different.

On the first day of the first year of the Chinese calendar, the trailer for "The Legend of Crane Emperor" will be aired, and Su Cha and the crew will begin publicity activities in the Imperial Capital.

Su Cha, who had been busy in the company for the first time, had to catch up with the official TV drama conference tonight. The time was already tight. Tan Jinsui asked her to wait for a while and said that there was a surprise to give Su Cha.

The makeup artist is helping Su Cha to make up her makeup. She has been busy running for a day today. Now she has to leave Tan Jinsui and wait for her.

When Tan Jinsui came, he did not talk too much, and he directly handed over a contract to Su Cha: "I signed it after reading it."

Su Cha took it, didn't even glance at it, turned to the one that signed. Ye signed the name, she only noticed that it was an English contract.

Tan Jinsui couldn't help laughing: "Are you afraid that I will sell you?"

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