The Queen of Everything

Chapter 830: upright

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Su Cha gave the transcript to Le Anqi: "Nuo, here."

Now the transcript is sent directly to the phone.

Le Anqi looked at it, and the whole person almost passed out: "My God, the second place in the whole year, it is too great, too great!"

She is also not stupid. With so many people in the whole year, it is quite remarkable that Su Cha can get the second place, not to mention that the first Fu Mo is even more awesome than Su Cha.

Fumena is really a reading material.

Su Cha yelled, "Fu Mo is still the first."

During this time, Le Anqi and Fu Mo have become acquainted a lot, and hearing that Fu Mo is the first, she almost fainted: "What monster are you two reincarnated?"

Su Cha moved her nose and smelled the fragrance from the kitchen: "Are you cooking?"


Le Anqi nodded happily: "I bought the hot pot base, let's have a hot pot tonight to celebrate?"

Su Cha's face was a bit embarrassed: "I promised my dad to go home for dinner, or should you just go with me?"

"I'm so sorry for your home. Let's go for another day. You don't have to eat it. Fu Mo and I will eat at home. I didn't think you would come over. Anyway, I prepared it for two people.

She spoke quickly and understood quite well. Su Cha scraped the tip of her nose: "I'll be fine tomorrow night."

Le Anqi smiled: "Okay."

With a smile on his face, Su Cha casually said: "Hasn't there been a recent attack?"

Le Anqi instantly understood what she was referring to, and she responded naturally: "No, the last time was five days ago."

Then I was busy disassembling the ingredients for the hot pot tonight.

Su Cha was relieved to listen, and now Le Anqi was calm in her heart, which meant that she was indeed recovering every day.

Because Su Cha had to go to Zong's family, she had to go there for a while, and then she saw Bai Kun came with a doctor.

Pak Kun was not surprised to see her. Sven: "Miss Su, I took a blood test today for Miss Le. I brought the doctor over."

Su Cha nodded: "Okay, if I have something to call, I will go to my dad first."

Bai Kun nodded and asked Su Cha to leave first.

Le Anqi is sitting in the middle of the living room, letting the doctor wrap the device around his arm and start drawing blood, which has become accustomed to recently.

The serious man in a black suit next to him is still very tall. She has seen it twice, and she knows that Su Cha is called to help herself. This kind of thing aftermath.

Such people are amazing.

Le Anqi admired him a little, and asked when he was bored: "What's your name? I think Su Cha seems to be busy with you?"

Bai Kun lowered his head and glanced at Le Anqi: "Miss Le, just call me Bai Kun."

"It's kind of impolite, shall I call you Brother Kun?"

He must be older than Le Anqi. Le Anqi muttered: "It sounds a bit like a triad."

Especially when they followed Dily, they were all brothers, and now she remembered that her head hurts, and she wanted to change her name and call her husband.

Bai Kun was looking at him seriously, but he answered very seriously: "It is indeed a job for the underworld gangster."

The young master is more triad than the triad.

This sentence immediately caused Le Anqi to burst into laughter.

She is not stupid. How could the people Su Cha contacted be a triad?

He also looks decent.

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