The Queen of Everything

Chapter 839: Run abroad

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She went to a safe place, her face gloomy.

There was a scream on the mall. Everyone didn't know where the violent explosion came from. Fortunately, there was nobody but her around.

There were no casualties.

Su Cha quickly left the parking lot, where it was discovered that it was a matter of minutes. The fire protection device has automatically alarmed, and the fire alarm will come soon.

She was still being stared at. This was still her driving. She wasn’t in the vehicle that Bojia often used to pick her up. This was the first time she drove out the door. She could still be recognized by the vast crowd. It's hard work.

She only went to the mall for a while.

If she hadn't felt something wrong just now, she heard a very quiet voice at that time and was not sure that her body had responded instinctively.

As long as she is not in the car, even by the side of the car, she may not be killed. If she gets on the car at that time, I am afraid it will be dead.

When I got home, the explosion was already reported on TV, and soon Su Cha received a call from Bo Muyi, "Chacha, are you okay?"

His tone was anxious, but it was still normal, and it was probably news that Su Cha was fine.

"I'm okay and suddenly attacked."

Su Cha explained the matter in detail just now: "I didn't feel that someone was specifically following me. Where did I find me before I started thinking about it?"

"I'll check it. Don't leave Wangge for the moment when there is no activity."

Ever since he knew that Su Cha had a good skill, although there were still secret guards following Su Cha, he always followed Su Cha activities.

No one expected the parking lot.

"The killing alliance should be able to deal with you..."

Su Cha frowned: "Are you sure to kill the Alliance?"

The killing alliance wants to deal with her very well, if it is because of the recent events that the killer can be expected, but Su Cha must be certain.

"The results will come soon, the mall is monitored, even if it is destroyed, there will be other clues."

Bo Mu also assured her: "You can stay at home and wait for me, be a little better, don't go out, let me worry."

Su Cha "huh", "I wait for you to come back."

She was not idle at home, letting people check what happened in the mall.

She told Tan Yeluo that it was time to start, and now the Alliance has moved to her head?

As a result, this incident soon came to fruition. When Su Cha didn't think about it, it was not the killing alliance, but a killer organization, a civilian high-tech killer organization, which had nothing to do with killing the alliance.

They knew the existence of the killing alliance, but they didn't know Su Cha's information. They just dispatched after receiving the mission.

Knowing that Su Cha was in the mall was very painstaking to track down. I saw Su Cha's figure directly inside the mall before I prepared to move. Of course, the matter of the investigation was so clear, because the person who was doing it was caught directly and the organization was not organized. Resisting the pressure on the Chinese side directly leaked the employer who bought the killer.

When Su Cha saw people, she was totally unexpected.

She originally thought that the two had been demons, and one of their lives was almost gone, so she should be honestly quiet like a chicken. Who knew to dare to buy a murderer to harm herself?

And these two people are Qin Bei and Jin Jiayu.

The two of them partnered for 10 million and bought the killer to shoot Su Cha. Now, apart from Jin Jiayu, Qin Bei has already gone abroad.

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