The Queen of Everything

Chapter 842: let me out! !

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"What the **** are you talking about, we don't know anything at all, don't know what you're talking about, neurosis!"

Qin Bei gritted her teeth and scolded her, even if it was true, she could not admit it directly.

Who knows if Su Cha is cheating them, is there a recording pen?

After filming similar TV series routines, they are also afraid of encountering, let alone finding a killer is a fact.

Su Cha smiled softly, and the laughter drifted in the air, bringing an inexplicable void-like silence: "Don’t think too much, there is no recording pen here, and there is no monitoring. When I hit you, I didn’t plan to let you go. You can let the killer want to kill me with a bomb, then it’s better to think about it now, how will I deal with you?"

These words caused goose bumps on the two people. Jin Jiayu wanted to fight Su Cha and push himself directly on the set. Now he sees that he is caught by Su Cha. Here he is called Tian Tian dysfunction, and he should not be able to call the ground. Suddenly cried: "What do you want, I tell you, killing... it's illegal to kill someone!"

Because I was too scared, my words began to tremble, and some shuddered.

In this way, she made Qin Bei look down.

She just looked at Su Cha with a pair of black lacquered eyes. Even if she was afraid, she could not stop the deeper resentment in her heart. She gave a yawning laughter: "Sooner or later you will be retaliated, Su Cha, you will The retribution, God will not make you feel better."

Su Cha suddenly approached her, so close, the strong deep atmosphere made Qin Bei suddenly unable to say anything.

She saw Su Cha's faint smile: "Of course it won't be better, I'm not good anymore."

So, now that she has everything she wants, she can do whatever she wants.

Jin Jiayu saw Su tea's tone as if it was a joke, and she grew more afraid, "How do you want to deal with us?"

Su Cha looked at her sideways, like a joke: "What do you think?"

"I... I was wrong, Su Cha, we were just crazy, we didn't think about killing you, really didn't..."

At this time, Jin Jiayu's sophistry really lied and did not draft.

If the bomb wasn't Su Cha's car at the time, she got into the car and she is now dead.

"As soon as I thought about the grievances and grievances, what you did to me, I will give it back to you. You were targeting me in the crew, and then again and again, I just robbed your second woman and did not break your way. Now, if you want to kill me, you almost succeeded, because I am not dead, do you think I will let you go? How can there be such a cheap thing."

Her smile became more and more happy: "I will also give you a chance, I put the bomb on the car, if you two can escape from the car, that's God let you live, so this time, let God let you I won't let you live."

Their eyes widened suddenly. At this time, the outside light was bright. Through the full light, the two talents could see clearly that they were tied to a truck.

Two chairs were placed in the empty carriage. They were tied to the chairs. After Su Cha finished the sentence, the smile on her lips rose more and more. Then she jumped off the truck and stared at Jin Jiayu and Qin Bei in horror. In the eyes, the door was closed.

"No no no... let me go, let me go!!"

Jin Jiayu started screaming wildly, the whole chair was shaking violently, but she was **** and could barely get out.

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