The Queen of Everything

Chapter 906: Memories

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The childish voice made people panic. The beautiful and amazing woman shook her head with tears. "Don't's too late. Come and help me drag my son out...okay?"

Xiao Sucha doesn't know much about this, but she understands that this aunt has encountered great difficulties.

She also knew that it was absolutely uncomfortable to be crushed by something.

She even saw blood on her aunt's forehead.

Although she was also scared, she walked hard with her legs, and only then saw clearly that beside the woman, there was a little boy who was also crushed halfway.

His face was buried in the grass and he couldn't see clearly.

The woman pushed **** the things that pressed on him. She expended her energy, paled her face, and finally pushed her son out with the last effort.

Xiao Sucha immediately dragged the boy.

It’s just how old she is. She’s just a little over six years old. It’s too reluctant to drag a 11-year-old boy.

The woman was also struggling hard, trying to push the little boy out a little, Su Cha dragged it a little, as if dragged a little bit.

Her anxious tears are coming out: "Auntie, I can't hold it."

The strange woman was shocked when she saw the little girl's black and white pupils with two teardrops.

She smelled an unpleasant odor at the tip of her nose, her face changed, and she finally gritted her teeth and said in pain: "Don't drag it, go away, go away! The plane is about to explode!"

Her body was crushed by the wreckage and she couldn't move at all.

In order to protect himself, his husband fell and was pierced into the lung cavity by a sharp end when he fell.

Now, she can only watch all this.

Her son may not have been saved, and she cannot see the other girl die.

Xiao Sucha's head banged. She probably knew what the explosion meant. It was a terrible vocabulary. It used both hands and feet. It subconsciously made a greater effort and wanted to drag the little boy away.

" hurry up..."

"Little tea, little tea!!!"

The voice of anxious call came, and by this time the woman had exhausted her strength, could no longer support it, and passed out.

Xiao Sucha panicked and responded loudly: "Dad, I am here, here!"

Zong Yanxiu came up and saw the wreckage of the plane, his daughter dragging the body of a boy.

He also smelled a strange smell, his face changed a little now, and Su Cha had turned back and cried at her: "Dad, aunt said the plane is about to explode, but I can't drag this brother..."

At that moment, Zong Yanxiu's face changed drastically, and it seemed that he could see the fire in his pupils spreading. He had almost no idea. He sprinted over in an instant, picked up the little boy, and picked up Su tea with one hand. Run down the top of the mountain.

Just three seconds later, the plane heard a huge explosion.


The top of the mountain seemed to be shaken by the earthquake. At this time, Zong Yanxiu's speed was pushed to the limit, and his desire to survive. The desire made him run down the hillside. In addition to being nearly affected by the explosion, he almost fell. The wreckage of the flying plane was injured.

Just a moment ago, he couldn't hesitate too much, and stopped at this time, only to find that his cold sweat had come out.

Almost wet the entire back, and at the foot of the mountain, there is a large screaming sound.

Zong Yanxiu looked at Su Cha, who was shocked by the explosion beside him, and he was relieved.

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