Lu Qingyue took advantage of Gu Ming's wiping the corners of his eyes, he inadvertently lowered his head slightly, and Gu Ming's hand touched his green eyes.

Gu Ming looked at Lu Qingyue, who was covering her eyes and her face was in pain, and instantly blamed herself, and hurriedly used wood-based treatment to relieve the pain in her eyes.

"Qingyue, I didn't mean it, you bear with it, it's okay right away."

Just as he was concentrating on preparing to expand the output power, a lip covered his mouth, his eyes widened and he was at a loss, and he quickly stopped his healing technique and pushed Qingyue away with both hands, but for some reason his body was weak and fell from her arms.

At the critical moment when Gu Ming was about to fall to the ground, a delicate and smooth hand quickly hugged him.

"Ming'er can open her eyes! there is no danger."

Hearing this, Gu Ming was angry, his eyes were full of tears, and his face was red, and he said:

"Qingyue is not in danger, you are the most dangerous, why was my body weak just now? And why did you put me down just now, I almost fell down and scared me to death."

Speaking of this, Gu Ming couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and grabbed Lu Qingyue's hand with a pair of small hands, but this was equivalent to weakness at all, Lu Qingyue hugged him in his arms with a backhand, and said with a smile.

"Ming'er, I'm teaching you! Next time you encounter this situation, don't easily listen to others, otherwise you won't know if you'll be eaten clean and wipe your mouth, and why aren't you angry at all?"

"Angry, of course I'm angry, you don't want to hold on to me, wait for me to fall to the ground, I guess I'm going to die of pain."

Gu Ming was a little angry, but more than that, he didn't understand why Qingyue wanted to kiss him, but now he couldn't think about it at all, but hugged Qingyue tightly, as if he was afraid that something was happening just now.

"Ming'er, I'll kiss you, aren't you angry?

"Angry, why should I be angry? Why don't you just kiss each other! And it doesn't matter if we're both children, don't fathers and mothers kiss every day? And they still have a good relationship.

I think this should be a sign of good feelings, but why? My body was weak just now, my face was still very hot and dizzy, did I have some illness!" Have

I forgotten a lot of things? Except for the Five Elements Heaven-Winning Skill, I have known it from the beginning, but the memories of my previous life are always scattered, as if I need to trigger some kind of condition to remember.

There are some things that I think should be.,But it doesn't seem to be so.,When Aozuk kisses me, I enjoy it a little.。

But I can't tell you what it feels like, there is some kind of conflict between the memories of my past life and the memories of this life, and my memories are so cluttered from time to time that I seem to be forgetting all the time.

Seeing Ming'er's puzzled expression, Lu Qingyue felt that this matter was not simple, and hurriedly explained: "Ming'er's

kissing is mutual love between men and women, and the head of the family and his wife are this example, but you can't understand because you and I are not husband and wife?"

"Oh, it means that I shouldn't kiss you, right? Then Qingyue, why did you kiss me just now?"

Seeing Ming'er's ignorant eyes, I was instantly stunned, I was pitted into it by myself.

"Ahem, can that be the same? Am I your favorite person? Are you happy to be with me? Are you very clingy to me?"

"Of course!

"So, I'm right to kiss Ming'er, but Ming'er can't let other people understand?"

Lu Qingyue said as she spoke, and raised Gu Ming to her eyes, her eyes were full of love, and a trace of guilt flashed, but she couldn't resist the temptation after all, and kissed it again.

It wasn't until Gu Ming's eyes were full of tears, her little face was already extremely red, and she had to let go of the feeling of pushing away, seeing the petite beauty with her eyes closed in her arms, Lu Qingyue lost her stupid smile for a while.

"Maybe deception is also a way, guilt, ethics, morality, all flash to me, not only now he belongs to me, but also in the future."

Lu Qingyue's eyes showed possessiveness, and gently leaned Gu Ming against the two big steamed buns on his chest, letting him enjoy the gentlest pillow in the middle, looking at him Lu Qingyue didn't know what he was thinking?

Dozens of minutes later, Gu Ming woke up slowly, feeling that the back of his head was soft and lying on his stomach, he couldn't help but sigh at the beauty of being rich, rubbing and rubbing, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

When he raised his head, he saw Lu Qingyue's smiling face, and when he thought of her kissing herself, the possessiveness and greed in his eyes made him shudder.

Sometimes he likes that feeling, sometimes he resists, and the two emotions are very contradictory in his mind.

"Ming'er's comfort is good, right?

"Qingyue, I always feel that something is wrong, it doesn't seem to be like this, I seem to remember something, shouldn't we kiss like this should be a matter of people who love each other

?" "Oh! Ming'er, aren't we in love enough? Time will give you the answer, don't think about anything now, don't do anything, if you just listen to me, will I still hurt Ming'er?"

"Hey, okay!"

Gu Ming always felt that he had a lot of doubts, he really forgot a lot of things, and his current answer was very important, very important, but he couldn't remember it, and his brows were furrowed.

"What do you think, Ming'er has some things you still don't want to know, you just stay by my side slowly, just like the head of the family, just leave everything bad to me."

Lu Qingyue took out a free hand to help Gu Ming rub his forehead to relieve his anxiety, and after a while, Gu Ming fell asleep deeply.

"Everything is under control, as long as I firmly bind Gu Ming to my hands, no one will want to take it away from me."


In Gu Ming's room

, "I remembered, what I said liked was not the same thing as what he said he said, she actually fooled me as a five-year-old child, and as a matter of course, she deceived without heartache."

"But the most important thing is not this incident, but why I can't remember it? Sometimes when it comes to the critical moment, I get stuck and just ignore the previous memories.

I guess I won't be assimilated by the laws of the world! This is much more reasonable, and it is estimated that in the end I will simply forget my previous life, and the spiritual world will collapse and disappear into vanity."

"Haha, this is really good! What should I do in the future? Can I just be indifferent? Waiting to die?"

How happy I laughed when I first came, and how melancholy I laugh now, even if I tried everything I could, I couldn't remember the memories of my past life, and they were always scattered.

"Is there any special factor needed? Yes, why didn't I think of it? When I communicate with Yixue and Qingyue, I can always inadvertently think of my past life, so why don't I communicate with others more?" Gu Ming's

eyes gradually shone brightly, the scattered hair trembled slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth regained his lively atmosphere.

"It seems that I need to go out and walk around, but before that, ah~, why are you so sleepy?

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