<script>The wedding scheduled for October 6th was held as scheduled.

The home court of Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi is in the imperial capital, and their colleagues, friends, and partners are all here, so the wedding was also held in the imperial capital.

Most of the Guo family's relatives and friends are in the city where the Guo family is located. It's not difficult to do, find a travel agency to arrange a unified arrangement, and organize everyone to take the same high-speed train, but it is only an hour and a half away. The imperial city has arranged a unified bus transfer. It looks like a tour group.

On Liao Yuan's side, in addition to his own friends, colleagues and a few tables of media, there are also a few middle school classmates in the imperial capital. And his family, Liao Chengjun came to his wedding alone, his stepmother and stepbrother did not come. For Liao Yuan, it was a joy to be quiet.

The four members of the Cao family came, happily. Even his mother seemed to have finally figured it out, and there was a rare festive look on her face.

Nevertheless, Liao Yuan did not dare to relax.

In the middle of the new daughter-in-law's change of mouth, he stared at it with good eyes. Fortunately, this time, his parents didn't do anything for him again, and handed the change fee he had prepared in advance to Guo Zhi smoothly.

When the wedding finally ended and the guests left one after another, Liao Yuan finally really relaxed.

No one can stop him and Guo Zhi from being together.

On the wedding night, Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi lived in a hotel suite.

In this legendary wedding night, both of them are exhausted and have no intention of making love at all. After taking a shower, they fell asleep together.

From then on, they are husband and wife.

The next day I set off from the imperial capital to Spain for my honeymoon. This is the place Guo Zhi has always wanted to go but has not been able to go to. She had a geography book on her shelf, the Spanish page, folded at the corner.

Liao Yuan took it to heart.

Liao Yuan's announcement was too full, and Limbo was only willing to give Liao Yuan a two-week leave.

The two were not in a hurry, on the contrary, they decided to only go to Spain. Holding hands, slowly, leisurely, and carefully to taste the exotic.

In this warm and romantic country, no one will look at the kissing couple, everyone is very natural.

Guo Zhi doesn't really dislike it, it's just that the cultural atmosphere in China is different and he has to carry it. Here, she can also relax and accept.

The two seemed to have a kiss addiction, kissing from the street to the end of the street, wherever they went.

Wet and sticky, inseparable.

Liao Yuan's hunger and thirst for showing affection in front of others has finally been completely relieved.

They enjoyed their honeymoon at ease.

I not only admired the exquisite San Juan Royal Monastery, but also tasted the snacks from the roadside stalls, walked across San Martin Square, and spent an afternoon in the coffee shop on the street.

This trip is in no hurry. He and her have a lifetime, we can't finish it all at once, and we can come again next time.

When he bit her ear and said so to her, she giggled and her eyes curved.

The best vacations come to an end. Back to the imperial capital, began married life.

Because early marriage has become a hot topic, Liao Yuan was also invited to participate in a talk show. Talking about his new wife, his eyes softened. Anyone can see that this is a happy man.

When the interview was about to end, the host mentioned some doubts on the Internet.

"Some netizens think you got married too early. They can't fully understand the meaning of marriage, and they can't take the responsibility of marriage. Some people make it clear that they are not optimistic about your marriage, alex, what do you think" host people asked.

Liao Yuan's eyes flashed unpleasantly, and said lightly: "Let it be verified by time."

Yes, time.

Questions like this cannot be answered, only time will tell.

Many stories like to end with a big wedding. Set time in the best moment.

But time never stops flowing for anyone.

It's been another two years.

Liao Yuan has paid off his debts and moved into a new house with Guo Zhi. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room of the house were fitted with white gauze curtains and a large beige leather sofa.

On a summer afternoon, the sun shines on the wooden floor, and the white gauze curtains blow gently in the breeze.

A piece of chilled watermelon was forked on a wooden fork and brought to Guo Zhi's mouth. Guo Zhi bit his mouth, leaning against his arms and holding the notebook to read the financial statements.

From the beginning of the business, I personally led the team to do projects, and now I am completely separated and devoted to management. Guo Zhi is also constantly replenishing and improving himself along the way.

"I want to split out the PR department and set up a separate company." She said.

Liao Yuan was surprised: "Is it necessary?"

"Yes." Guo Zhi said affirmatively, "It has always been placed in the current company, the customer's awareness is not high, and I always think it is an additional business. But you look at the data"

"It's very high." Liao Yuan said, "It's already so much"

"Yeah. I didn't expect it at first." Guo Zhi sighed.

In the beginning, it was just a piggyback to help customers do something. It's even free at first.

After more and more customers request more and more, they start to charge for the project. Slowly the department began to be unable to bear it, so it was separated from the original business and established the PR department separately. Little by little, it's done.

Guo Zhi looked at the data, and his eyes were bright.

Liao Yuan didn't understand the report very well, but he liked Guo Zhi's look, so he smiled. In this summer afternoon, I slowly get up and sleepy.

Bewildered, she suddenly woke up.

Large living room, white gauze curtain, solid wood floor, beige leather sofa.

I thought about it for a while and had this dream again. You have to work hard and make money so that you can afford all this and marry Guo Zhi.

It took a moment for her to realize that it wasn't a dream. It turned out that the dream had already come true. The woman with long and dense eyelashes in her arms and her skin as white as transparent was already his wife.

He already has a home.

Can't help but laugh. He bowed his head and kissed his wife's forehead.

Guo Zhi opened his eyes half asleep, "What are you smirking?"

"Have a good dream." He laughed.

Guo Zhi closed his eyes and touched his face: "If you have time, accompany me to Jiangdu next week"

"Okay." He agreed, "It's been a long time, how old is the child?"

Guo Zhi's long and dense eyelashes shook twice and slowly opened.

"Three years old" she said, "she just had her birthday"

Her friend just finished the three-year festival.

Liao Yuan realized that what he mentioned was not a pleasant topic. He pulled her hair together and kissed her forehead.

Guo Zhi closed his eyes and continued his afternoon nap.

A week later, Liao Yuan accompanied Guo Zhi to Jiangdu.

Guo Zhi went to Jiangdu every six months and handed over the half-year financial statements to Gu Qingxia's parents. More importantly, go see your friend's posthumous daughter.

Her name is Xiaoqiu.

The last time Liao Yuan saw Xiaoqiu, she was only one year old, and she was still a snow-white dumpling who could not tell male and female.

Goodbye this time, Xiaoqiu is already three years old, and it is the cutest and most adorable stage for children. This child inherited the delicate facial features and snow-white skin from his mother, and looked as cute as a fairy.

Liao Yuan could not have imagined that his heart would be turned into cuteness by a three-year-old girl.

Coincidentally, the floor-to-ceiling windows of Gu's living room are also fitted with white gauze curtains and a beige sofa. Xiaoqiu giggled and ran around the sofa with bare feet.

Liao Yuan felt that this scene was familiar.

There should be a smaller boy, he thought.

Yes, sister and brother.

In that dream a few years ago, he already had a large living room with white gauze curtains, solid wood floors and beige leather sofas. Just the elder sister and younger brother, running around the house, frolic, crying, comforting, holding hands.

Sweetly call daddy.

Reluctantly said goodbye to Xiaoqiu. On the return flight, he kept thinking of Xiaoqiu giggling and running between the sofas.

She will sweetly call her "uncle".

If this is his child, it should be sweetly called "Dad". The more Liao Yuan thought about it, the more eager he became.

I long for a child who is so cute, like Xiaoqiu, opens her little hands, threw herself into his arms, and sweetly called "Dad".

Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi did not quarrel after marriage. But most of them were not intense, only bickering occasionally, and most of them ended with Liao Yuan bowing his head.

The older Guo Zhi is, the more squeamish he becomes emotionally. That's what happens when a woman is pampered and loved.

Neither of them thought that a trip to Jiangdu would become the fuse for the most intense dispute between her and him after their marriage.

Liao Yuan wants to have children.

"You said we don't have children" Guo Zhi was very annoyed. "It's said"

The phrase "it's said" used to be Liao Yuan's common phrase, Guo Zhi didn't expect that one day, she would also use this phrase to defend her rights.

Liao Yuan was only twenty years old when he said this, and he had no idea about having children and raising children. At that time, Guo Zhi was emotionally fluctuating and said he didn't want to have a child, so he followed up with "then I won't give birth".

To put it bluntly, it is just saying that. I didn't take it to my heart at all, and I almost forgot it long ago.

Guo Zhi has always kept it in mind.

Before she got married, her mother urged her to have a blind date and get married. She got married, and her mother urged her to have children again.

She forced her to go on a blind date, and she gave in. But Guo Zhi refused to let her go if she wanted to force her to have a child.

She swears, iron teeth and copper teeth: "I told Liao Yuan about Dink"

"You are stupid, you believe him" she scolded, "I tell you, this is the Dink, in the end it's all men who can't get down, and in the end it's all men who want children, Ding doesn't Go on. Women either have to rush to have children, or insist on not having a divorce."

Guo Ma said angrily: "You said, what kind of family do you want to choose, and you can give birth quickly. You are so much older than Liao Yuan, and one day Liao Yuan finally wants to When you are a child, can you still give birth?"

These words poke at Guo Zhi's sore spot.

A woman becomes more and more concerned about her age after she is 30 years old, and is afraid of getting old. What's more, Guo Zhi was eight years older than Liao Yuan.

Now, Guo Zhi is thirty-two years old, and Liao Yuan is only twenty-four years old.

Guo Zhi now spends more money on his face than the average white-collar worker can earn. Enough to see her heart.

Having children will not only delay work and affect careers, but also make women fat and ugly. Rapid aging will make Guo Zhi count them one by one. She can give a bunch of reasons for not having children .

But Liao Yuan just wanted it.

Who told her that, she couldn't remember if a man said he didn't want children. But what made her sad and inexplicable was that she really let others say it, and also let her mother say it. Men will really break their promises, and it is true that Dinkling can't go on

No matter what Liao Yuan said, she would never let go.

After Liao Yuan had the idea of ​​wanting a child, he quietly checked a lot of information. He is very worried about the adverse reactions that women who are too old to become pregnant may have, such as gestational hypertension, etc.

He thought about it for a long time, and wanted to understand that if he really wanted a child, considering Guo Zhi's age, it was really only sooner rather than later. He wanted to understand, and only opened his mouth to Guo Zhi.

During the dispute, he also expressed these concerns. When he said it, he didn't think much about it, until he realized that Guo Zhi's face was wrong, and he remembered it.

But the words have already been spoken, and Guo Zhi's anger has ignited. The two eventually had a fight.

This can be said to be the most serious quarrel between two people in the two years of marriage.

Guo Zhi slept with his back to him at night to show that he was still angry.

Liao Yuanhou quietly pasted her and held her in his arms. kiss, caress.

Sex can often act as a lubricant between men and women, especially for Guo Zhi and Liao Yuan. Sometimes two people quarrel, Guo Zhi gets angry, Liao Yuanguang can kiss her to relieve her anger.

Guo Zhi thought that this time Liao Yuan bowed her head as before, and she slowly softened.

Who knows that Liao Yuan is not contraceptive. When Guo Zhi struggled to refuse, he even used force.

Of course it's not the strong force of rape, if it's really that strong, it won't be a mess in the future. Simply unbearable.

Liao Yuan went to record the show the next day, wearing a shirt with a stand-up collar, and had to rely on the makeup artist to cover the scratches on his neck with a special foundation.

Guo Zhi bought a plane ticket and flew to Yangcheng the next day, and it took half a month to leave.

Two people started the first cold war.

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