Alex caught up with the end of summer and autumn. This wave of his work has been intensive for about a week. He rushes every morning and afternoon. Since I came to the imperial capital, except for the first episode, when I earned less as a group performer, it was the first time I was so busy.

But he didn't feel tired at all. He was originally a great guy in his twenties, and he was full of energy at all times. He wouldn't be annoyed, on the contrary, running around like this, doing work, making money, meeting new people, leaving a new phone number, and being tapped on the shoulder and saying, "Yes, I'll look for it next time I have a job. You" alex feels very fulfilled.

When I get home every day, I wash my hands and change my clothes quickly, and then I rush into the kitchen to get busy. In this busy, his mood is light and flying. For many people, the tedious housework and cooking, for him, is a kind of enjoyment. He is more familiar with her kitchen than Guo Zhi himself, and knows what is in which corner.

Whenever this happens, he feels as if he has taken root in this house.

It feels good, very good.

He put on earphones, hummed a song, and turned over the pork ribs in the pot. The aroma has permeated the entire room. He sniffed, satisfied. Put the lid on the pot, lean out and look at the wall clock on the wall in the living room.

It's almost time to come back

I was thinking about it when my pocket shook and the music stopped.

I took out my phone and saw that Guo Zhi called.

"Sister Guo"

"I can't do it today." Guo Zhi said, "You can eat it yourself. It's too late. It's very late today."

"In Beauty"

"Yes. I won't tell you, I'm busy here" Guo Zhi quickly hung up.

Alex looked at the phone, sighed, took off the headphones, and stuffed the phone in his pants pocket. Turn off the fire.

I wanted to fry some vegetables, but Guo Zhi didn't come back, so he ate two bowls of rice with spare ribs.

Eating alone is obviously something you are used to. But looking at the empty house, Alex lost his appetite for some reason. The guy who usually eats three bowls of rice and drank two bowls of soup, today only ate two bowls of rice and drank one bowl of soup. But one plate and one bowl, plus a pair of chopsticks, just wash your hands.

If I had nothing to do, I went to Guo Zhi's study and looked through it. Most of the books on the bookshelf are professional books in this industry. There are also some books on geography, some with a special angle in a certain place. Alex guessed that that was where Guo Zhi wanted to go.

For example, Spain. There is a travel book, the part about Spain is broken in several places. But the book looks a little old, and I don't know if Sister Guo has been there since.

I turned to some domineering CEOs and little wives

I flipped through it, alex: ""

I can't believe Sister Guo still reads this kind of romance. Alex feels that this is what his high school female classmates saw

The president is always strong and domineering, rich and powerful, and calls the wind and rain. No matter how misunderstood the mutual abuse with the heroine before, as long as you understand your own feelings, you will start pampering and pampering all kinds of riches, all kinds of short-term protection, and all kinds of slaps in the face. In short, what the heroine wants, the president has everything, and can give.

So, even an independent woman like Sister Guo, will she yearn for such a man in her heart?

Alex put the book back in, feeling a little heavy.

In this country, in this society, the most common value is that between men and women, men should be stronger and women should be stronger, or both can be strong, but at least men are stronger than women. A little bit, yes, even a little bit, it will make people feel comfortable.

Not so, the balance between the man and woman cannot be maintained.

In fact, even Alex's own values ​​are like this. Therefore, he was very frustrated with his "weakness".

Really, compared to Sister Guo, he is really too weak. This weakness is not only reflected in economic ability, but also in temperament. Guo Zhi is really much more tenacious and resilient than him.

This will not work, Liao Yuan, you have to work hard

But what to do, it's even more frustrating to think about.

Even if he works hard to catch up now, how can he just make some quick money and hard money. In the modeling industry, what you eat is youth rice. He really had seen too many people who couldn't get along, and finally got old and could only leave sadly. David is one of them.

He does look better than David. So what? There is never a shortage of handsome men and women in this circle. Let's just say that he used to do group performances and earned 50 yuan a day. Among the partners who were lying on the ground with him to play dead people, there were also a lot of handsome guys. They are not red.

If you are not popular, you will not make money.

For the goal he wants to pursue, making money is the first thing that must be achieved.

Alex sat on the sofa and rubbed his face. With his brain, he couldn't think of a good way out for a while.

Let's wait for Sister Guo to come back and have a good chat with her, and see if Sister Guo can point him. As long as you can show him a way out, he is not afraid of how hard it is.

He lay down on the sofa, picked up his phone and brushed it. After chatting with my classmates for a while, I switched to WeChat to brush Moments.

Suddenly I saw a circle of friends of Guo Zhifa.

A selfie.

Guo Zhi poses with dead fish eyes, and also has a scene map with a messy scene. The text reads: Mom x has been delayed again, I don't know what time it will be today. Take a ten minute break to catch your breath. It feels like the stomach is brewing

The time was three minutes ago.

I feel like my stomach is brewing

alex was taken aback. What's the meaning

He replied below: Sister Guo, what's wrong with your stomach

Guo Zhi was obviously resting, and he replied in a second: he didn't eat well, and he had a stomach problem.

alex remembered, Guo Zhi once said that she used to stay up late to work overtime, and because she didn't eat on time, her stomach was boiled.

The best thing is to have some hot porridge, she said. The kind that is boiled soft and rotten, drink it, the stomach will feel a lot more comfortable.

But the porridge in the porridge shop outside was made so rotten by adding baking soda. It was not really cooked. Drinking too much is not good for the body, she complained.

alex looked up at the wall clock. Cooking porridge takes time. If you want to boil a pot of porridge to the point of being soft and rotten, you need more heat.

But it doesn't matter, in addition to adding baking soda, there is actually another shortcut you can take.

Alex turned over from the sofa with a straight face, and dug out a pressure cooker in the kitchen cabinet.

Yes, a pressure cooker.

Alex did ask Guo Zhi about how Guo Zhi, who is not skilled in the kitchen business, had a pressure cooker.

"Oh, the one my mom bought last time"

Sure enough, it was impossible for Guo Zhi to buy it himself. And when Alex found the pot, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on it. It can be seen that the "last time" Guo Zhi's mother came to the imperial capital was a long time ago, and after that, obviously the pot was never used again.

Then alex cleaned the pot and used it twice. Look, this time, it comes in handy again, isn't it.

Thank you Mama Guo

With the pressure cooker, a pot of soft and glutinous white porridge was quickly pressed. According to Guo Zhi, alex found an insulated soup bucket. According to Guo Zhi, it was a prize drawn during the company's activities. It was brand new before, and the box has not been opened yet. After alex found it, he wisely washed it again. Look, it's also used now, isn't it?

So it is not a bad thing to be diligent and diligent

At around 8:40, Alex went out with a bucket of porridge. Take a taxi to Meiying's studio.

Alex really wanted to go in directly, handed the porridge to Guo Zhi, and watched her eat it with his own eyes. But he knew that was impossible. Sister Guo would never like her relationship with him to be known by her colleagues.

This realization made him feel a little sour and lost, and let him know that he had to work hard. If she can't be a person who is worthy of her, she will not let him stand by her side.

Yes, it is.

He called Guo Zhi from outside the shed.

Coincidentally, Guo Zhigang shouted "Ten minutes to rest", and Alex's phone came in. She frowned, rubbed her painful stomach with one hand, and answered the phone with the other: "Hello", being careful not to call Alex's name.

"Sister Guo, I'm outside the building, can you come out when it's convenient for you?" The boy's voice was cautious.

"I'll go over now, you wait." Although she didn't know what happened to him, she thought it was better to go over there and take a look. Alex is not the kind of ignorant child who will not disturb her work casually. There must be something wrong.

I hurried to the outside of the building, but didn't see anyone from Alex. Guo Zhi looked left and right, and heard the boy's voice suddenly sound: "Sister Guo."

Only then did I see that in the night, the boy was very careful to hide himself in a corner where there was no light. That place, even if someone walked by, if you didn't look there deliberately, it would be difficult to find a big living person there.

"What's the matter?" Guo Zhi walked over quickly and asked with a frown.

"This" boy handed over the heat preservation bucket in his hand, and said softly, "I have cooked porridge, you can drink it when you have time, and your stomach will feel better."

The bucket was handed over, and Guo Zhi subconsciously reached out to take it, but he didn't say a word for a while.

"I'm gone, Sister Guo. You remember to take time to drink. It will make your stomach feel better when it's hot." Alex still remembered telling her, "Don't forget to bring the bucket back."

He knew that Guo Zhi was busy, and also knew that she did not like to be disturbed at work, and even more that she did not like others to discover his relationship with her. He didn't say a word of unnecessary nonsense, greeted Guo Zhi, and trotted away from here to take a taxi by the side of the road.

Guo Zhi only had time to say "um" a few times, but didn't say anything, and Alex was gone.

When it came, it was as quiet as a shadow, and when it went away, it was as clean as a gust of wind.

Only Guo Zhi was left standing there holding the heat preservation bucket.

When I returned to the shed, the rest time was not over yet.

Guo Zhi found a corner, opened the heat preservation bucket, and drank the porridge. The porridge was warm and hot, soft and glutinous, nothing was added, it was pure white rice. It was Guo Zhi's favorite drink when he had a stomachache.

The warm feeling slides down the throat and into the stomach.

Guo Zhi bit the spoon when he thought about the boy quietly hiding himself in the dark corner, and for a while he was confused.

I can't tell what it feels like.

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