Limbow stared at the picture.

Guo Xiaozhi hurriedly looked for him, but refused to say on the phone that he thought she had encountered something difficult. result

The result was a pain in the ass.

"Drink slowly, don't drink less at dinner, it will hurt your health. Don't drink you, get a Diet Coke. You've been gaining weight recently." Guo Zhiyou unconsciously , still talking about Limbaugh.

Limbo must have been eating too much and exercising too little. He has gained a little weight recently. He used to have abdominal muscles, so he can't compare with Alex, and he can count eight dollars, but now I don't know if he still has it. If not, it would be a pity.

Guo Zhi controls his face and muscles.

He's fat, he's fat, he's fat

Limbaugh almost got angry.

He wears gym clothes and swimming trunks when he travels abroad. The hotel has a gym and a swimming pool. Even if he didn't exercise as often as in the first few years, he didn't give up, and has always paid attention to keeping in shape.

How come in Guo Xiaozhi's mouth it becomes "I've been fat recently"

He flipped through the information in his hand. The information is very meticulous, which projects have participated in, personal style, etc., at first glance, it is from the hands of Guo Xiaozhi.

More photos are attached.

Limbo turned to a page, the little boy was wearing only a pair of jeans, sitting naked by the window, bathing in the sun. The shoulders are broad, the muscles of the arms are strong, and the lines are smooth, not to mention the abdominal muscles, which makes the narrow waist especially attractive. There is no fat on the body, and the hormones are almost bursting.

From a professional point of view, Lin Bo praised, this child has a good-looking figure and a great ability to attract fans.

From a personal point of view, how Limbaugh sees and blocks his heart. But I found the reason why Guo Xiaozhi disliked him for being fat.

He has passed the year, no matter how he keeps it

Guo Xiaozhi's new and old-fashioned goods really make people hate it

More than that, he recognized the window in the photo

Guo Xiaozhi's house is a viewing room. The side of the master bedroom facing the view has a large floor-to-ceiling window, and there is a bay window on the side. The child was sitting on the sill of the bay window.

Although the photo has been processed by software, Lin Bo guessed that it was probably taken by Guo Zhi with his mobile phone. The most terrible thing is that the angle of this shot should be taken while lying on the bed.

Look at this little boy with only a pair of jeans hanging on his body

Nine times out of ten, Guo Zhi took it casually.

I was about to get a sense of the film, so I fixed it and stuffed it into my resume.


Can't be more heartbroken

"How is it? I feel that he has unique potential." But Guo Zhi didn't notice it at all, and he was still talking nonstop, sparing no effort to give Lin Bo Amway. "The camera sense is very good. Let me tell you, Lao Xiao praised him last time on our project. Let me tell you, he really shines when he is in front of the camera"

Is he a light bulb shining.

Limbo gritted his teeth and closed the document: "I still have to see myself. If it's really a good seedling, I'll accept it."

"Absolute potential stock. Guarantee you will not regret it." Guo Zhi vowed.

I really work hard for this child

Limbo molars and regrins

"Are you living with him?" He went straight to the point.

Lin Bo saw her mouth open, but her eyes began to roll, and said angrily: "Don't think about making up nonsense. Isn't that your window?" The information in his hand shook.


Guo Zhi didn't expect Lin Bo to look at it so carefully, she obviously processed the pictures.

"Why are you still old cows eating young grass" Limbaugh turned forward again, "How old are you, this year's nineteen or twenty"

"Twenty. Twenty soon" Guo Zhi's face burned slightly.

Limbo nodded: "You can." He has grown.

"Eighteen. The youngest is eighteen." Limbaugh was also frank, "I don't touch minors."

"Then why are you talking about me"?

"Can men be the same as women?" Lin Bo looked at her.

Guo Zhi is troubled by this argument. Stubbornly arguing: "Why can't it be the same if it's different? Why can you sleep with an eighteen-year-old girl, and I can't sleep with a twenty-year-old boy?"


After finishing speaking, she smiled at Guo Zhi.

Guo Zhi choked up

Lin Bo couldn't help laughing when he saw her eyes wide open and puffed up. This feeling of being stuck in the heart is gone.

"Can you say it?" Guo Zhi asked angrily, drinking her Diet Coke. She drove today and can't drink.

"I'll have to wait until I get back. I'm on the plane tomorrow morning." Limbaugh said.

Guo Zhi remembered and asked, "How is it, it's about the company."

Lin Bo is an ambitious person. As the company's business becomes stable and bigger, he begins to gradually penetrate into film and television.

Mentioning about his own career, Lin Bo's eyebrows surfaced with complete confidence: "Give me another one to two years to be reborn"

Guo Zhi likes his confident and energetic look.

Whether a man or a woman, she likes someone who is confident, capable and ambitious. Most of her personal friends are like this. Take Lin Bo and Gu Qingxia as typical representatives.

They chatted for a while before they came out of the bar.

"Drive me back." Lin Bo was not polite to Guo Zhi at all.

"Where is your driver?" Guo Zhi asked. When he came, it was the driver who brought him here.

"It's very late, I don't know what's going on with you, and when you're going to talk about it. Just tell him to come back. Let's go and see me."

The car reached the downstairs of Lin Bo's house, Guo Zhi put on the P gear and pushed Lin Bo.

"Wake up, wake up, oh, it's here"

Limbo woke up, rubbed his eyes, and seemed a little confused.

Guo Zhi leaned on the steering wheel and looked at him: "I didn't drink much"

"I drank a lot at the dinner party, but I saw the boss of Chengcheng Films today." Lin Bo said, rubbing his face.

Limbo gave a "hmm", but got out of the car without immediately opening the door.

"Guo Zhi" He grabbed Guo Zhi's hand on the gear handle by drinking, "Let's live here today"

Guo Zhi hesitated.

She really hesitated. For her, Limbaugh's invitation was not impossible.

After she rolled over the sheets with Zhao Tianzhuo, she felt that the exclusivity between men and women caused by Alex was broken. She felt that she had returned to her former self, unconstrained by anyone.

She hasn't been with Limbaugh for a long time. Today is the right time, place and people, it's really not impossible.



She couldn't help but think of the previous week, she didn't go home on Friday night, and when she came home on Saturday, Alex stood at the door and looked at her.

Eyes were red, and cyan stubble appeared on her chin, giving her an unspeakable haggard feeling.

By the way, he called her by her name, as if he wanted to say something to her. As a result, she was blocked back. What was he trying to tell her

Is it a confession?

This guy's confession is so unexpected. Lying beside her, he looked at her with dark eyes.

I know, I like you and you don't like me, he said.

This line is like a campus idol drama. He is also like a school drama idol star, young and handsome.

She even made her, an old driver, revive the girl's heart in an instant.

"Guo Zhi" Lin Bo is still waiting for her reply.

Guo Zhi broke free from his brief thoughts and looked at Limbaugh

No, she's not exclusive The influence of alex on her has been eliminated really

She just

Alex is too young. The last time with Zhao Tianzhuo, he hit him hard enough. He also felt that he liked her. Thinking about this kind of blow to this little boy in love, it was actually quite cruel.

Really, when I think about it that day, he wanted to use force on her, and the places where he gnawed her and bit her were the places where she left traces on her body

Hey, why do I feel so sad when I think about it?

She glanced at Limbaugh again.

No no no, she is not exclusive to others because of Alex. She was just soft-hearted. That kind of blow is enough to give it once.

Give it again, I'm afraid a child like Alex can't bear it.

Yes, she is just soft-hearted.

She is kind

"Stop it," Guo Zhi pretended to be disgusted, "How late, can you get up tomorrow, don't miss the plane again."

Lin Bo was silent and looked at Guo Zhi faintly.

Guo Zhi was a little hairy and a little guilty by him.

"Guo Zhi" Lin Bo said quietly, "You can just play with that kind of kid, don't come for real."

"What do you say?" Guo Zhiqian smiled.

"He's only 20. He can play with you for a few years and he won't be able to get along. If he wants to eat your soft rice, he wants to get out and is willing to be with you" Lin Bo's words were sharp and merciless, "Don't delay yourself."

Guo Zhi couldn't stop laughing. The car fell silent.

After a long time, Guo Zhi said, "Hurry up, don't get up tomorrow."

Lin Bo sighed, opened the car door and got out of the car, bent over to look at Guo Zhi and said, "Remember my words. I'll talk to you when I get back."

After speaking, the door closed with a "bang".

He drank a lot at dinner, the car was swaying all the way just now, and he was drinking. His chest was tight and a little nauseous. He didn't wait for Guo Zhi to start, he advanced to the building by himself.

After Lin Bo left, Guo Zhi did not change gears immediately.

She was sitting in the car, leaning against the back of the seat, the back of her head resting on the neck pillow, her eyes pierced through the car window, a little dazed.

Even Limbaugh felt that she and Alex had no future at all, was she just delaying herself?

After a while, she closed her eyes and pinched the corners of her eyes.

Actually, it’s hard to say who doesn’t think so, because it’s a fact.

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