Guo Zhi was so angry that the little universe almost exploded.

"How can such a big face open this mouth?" Guo's mother tugged at the clothes in her hand, "I never thought about the house my daughter earned by herself. When I thought about it, I was so angry that I had high blood pressure and broke up with Fang Fang on the phone."

Guo Zhi was so angry that she was so angry that she saw her mother talk more and more, and she was about to commit high blood pressure. She was so scared that she didn't dare to be angry anymore, so she quickly gave her mother a good breath.

"No madness, no madness, ah. Let's not be angry with them. Let's break up with them. It's no big deal. You have so many friends. I didn't like her at all. Seeing me talking makes me annoyed." Guo Zhi stroked his mother's vest and comforted her.

Mother Guo snorted: "Before, I thought she was an elder, and she cared about you. Even if her mouth is broken, she can't speak, and what she says is not very pleasant. I Who knows, in her heart, you are a **** that should be posted backwards. If she really cares about you and treats you as a junior, she should directly push the other party back. She is good. She told me this shit, and she was very happy. Then The posture is like oops, Guo Zhi is finally able to marry, thanks to me. I bah"

My mother said, but she couldn't help but sighed: "But later, I thought Fang Fang was a fool and could show whatever she wanted. What about others? As for you, my heart is cold."

"I worry every day. You have such a temper, but you don't like these introductions. But you are getting older, and it will be even harder to find in the future. But what should I do? Is it really an old girl for a lifetime?"

"Okay, I'm worried here, you're so good, you conjure me a Liao Yuan"

Guo Zhi: "" what the **** is duang

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I should have confessed and be lenient, don't be angry, have you taken high blood pressure medicine today"

"Hum, Liao Yuan is a good-looking kid. I looked at him, and my blood pressure went down."

Guo Zhi: "" Well, it turns out that Liao Yuan can lower blood pressure.

Guo's mother said and sighed: "My dad and I are just worried that he is too young. It's uncertain. There will be too many variables in the future."

Guo Zhi felt sour when he remembered what his father said to Liao Yuan when he was drunk that night. When she didn't know, her parents were angry because of her, because she was worried. she really

Hey, it must be infected by the little crying bag

Same thing."

"Also" Guo's mother thought for a while.

She looked up at the door.

The door was not closed, leaving a palm-width slit. Guo's mother took a glance and made sure that there was no one outside the door, twisted her body, and put one leg on the bed.

"Let me tell you" She lowered her voice and became serious, "Let's live together, it's okay to be confused in the little things. Liao Yuan is not as good as you in terms of hardware now, the two of you together, little money Don't worry too much about it. But"

She lowered her voice even lower: "Your house and savings, these two big bosses, you take care of me and take them into your own hands, don't be confused, you are a woman, That's all you need to live on."

"You have everything, even without a man, you can still live well."

Mother and daughter had a private conversation. In the end, Guo Zhi was a little reluctant to leave.

"Otherwise, I'll stay for two more days" is coquettish and foolish.

Guo's mother was putting piles of clothes in the closet, when she heard the words sarcastically: "Oh, don't rush back to the two-person world."

Guo Zhi: ""

Mom really is someone

Lin Bo never dreamed of it, but it was Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, Guo Xiaozhi took the child to see the parents, and gave him a clear road


He almost scolded the sentence. He clearly said that he would talk to her when he came back. He was just too busy during the company's transition period and didn't take care of it for a while.

Forcing a mouthful of old blood, he tried to say in a calm tone: "Okay, then tomorrow."

"I can't do it tomorrow, we won't be back until the afternoon, I guess it'll be evening when we get home. Can we do it the day after tomorrow?"


"Gu'an hot spring."

Lin Bo was just about to say it was very nourishing when he heard Guo Zhi say on the phone, "Alex, buy me a glass of juice."

Limbow: ""

Unspeakable heartbreak

The date of the last meeting is decided the day after tomorrow.

Hang up the phone, Limbo was congested for a long time and did not recover. When Guo Zhi mentioned this to him before, she and that little fresh meat were clearly in a pure relationship to him. How did the relationship suddenly improve by leaps and bounds?

Guo Zhi is not forced to marry by his family, so let him charge

On second thought, it was wrong. If you want to fool the parents, you have to find someone who looks right. He remembered that the child was only nineteen on his resume, and Guo Zhi's parents agreed. This is too irresponsible.

He was annoyed for a while, and suddenly thought that Guo Zhi didn't mean to hand over his current boyfriend to his ex-boyfriend

Guo Xiaozhi, your heart is so big

Guo Zhi put the plastic-covered mobile phone on the boulder by the pool, and as soon as his body slipped, he dipped his neck down in warm water.

This hot spring is quite old, and the green plants between the open-air pools are thick and lush, completely isolating different pools.

She and Liao Yuan left home and did not go back to the imperial capital directly, but went to the hot spring villa in Gu'an to come to the world of two. This kind of big holiday Golden Week came to this kind of place temporarily, and it was difficult to book a room. Fortunately, this hot spring villa used to be a client of K family, the project of Guo Zhixian. Not only did the later effect make the client very satisfied, Guo Zhi also became a friend with the vice president here, a eldest sister in her thirties.

Speaking of which, it is easier for people to be friends with people who have the same aura. The female friends who can really talk to Guo Zhi are basically such career-oriented women.

Guo Zhi got up and called the eldest sister, and the eldest sister quickly got her a room.

Liao Yuan brought the juice into the water after a while.

Guo Zhi slid up and snuggled into his arms, the two of them sticking together greasy. There's no one in the pool anyway, so don't be afraid.

Speaking of which, when the two of them came over, there were quite a few people in the pool. After taking off the bathrobe from Liao Yuan and entering the pool, the style of painting is wrong. It was only after she broke free from a wet kiss from Liao Yuan that she realized that the people in the pool had disappeared as if they had evaporated.

"Where's the person?" She was still confused.

Liao Yuan bit her ear and muttered: "They are all embarrassed and left."

Guo Zhi bit his lip and smiled. I can't blame him for grumbling with her as soon as he entered the pool. It's really bad. The few just now, but they are all at the age of uncles and aunts, and there is a half-eldest boy who looks like sixteen or seventeen years old. .

This bad boy, deliberately run away

Guo Zhi felt a little guilty, and happily occupied the entire pool. This pool is not big, and the location is a bit out of the way, so there are not many talents. When they were looking for ponds just now, they saw that many ponds, especially the big ponds, were overcrowded. After all, it was Golden Week.

Guo Zhi took a sip of the cool juice, put the glass on the stone by the pool, and leaned back into Liao Yuan's arms.

"I've found a good agent for you." She said, "I made an appointment with him for a meal and chat the day after tomorrow."

"Hey," Liao Yuan was a little nervous, "it means you want to interview me, right?"

"The same can be said. He wants to see himself. It's okay, don't be nervous." Guo Zhi touched the young man's face with his backhand, "You must be fine."

"By brushing my face" Liao Yuan asked depressedly.

"Pfft" Guo Zhi laughed and pulled his ears.

"You have to trust my eyesight, and" Guo Zhi looked back at him, "have some confidence in yourself."

"Do you know how I felt when I first collaborated with you on the Sanqin Project?" Drawing his facial features with his fingers, Guo Zhi recalled the feeling of the first official meeting with him.

"Amazing, really. At first glance. Then I started to worry, oh my, this kid is so good looking, what will I do to steal the spotlight later"

"I didn't expect anything wrong, you're going to steal the spotlight."

"Who is the photographer for that project, Lao Xiao. Lao Xiao took two pictures and hooked me. I went over and saw that you were standing in the back row, but the structure of the whole photo It feels out of balance. It'll notice you all at once."

"Hey, sparkle."

"What should I do? Lao Xiao said, let him go, it's okay if there are less people in the background. When I think about it, it won't work. I have to pay you if you can't be on camera. I leave it alone. You don't need such a straight face, I still have to pay you, thanks to me."

Guo Zhi leaned against Liao Yuan's arms and smiled lowly.

Liao Yuan was only wearing swimming trunks, and the warm skin was rubbing against her, which was extraordinarily beautiful in the autumn night.

"So you brought me up just to not waste the cost"

"Yes, or what do you think"

"I thought you liked me at that time." Liao Yuan said solemnly.

"Isn't this quite confident?" Guo Zhi smiled and pulled his ears.

Liao Yuan hugged her tightly: "Did you already like me at that time?"

Guo Zhi stubborn: "Don't talk nonsense. My professionalism is beyond doubt"

"When I took the night scene later, why did I always think you looked at me wrong?"


"Really, I was wondering at the time, why does Guo Bian look so greedy? I also wondered if Guo Bian was hungry, the box lunch was not full, oh oh oh oh"

"You are greedy for you" Guo Zhi poked his ribs with his fingers.

"Guo Zhi, let me ask you" he asked her, "If I didn't take the initiative to tease you, would you not be with me?"

"Probably" Guo Zhi leaned on his shoulder, looked at the gradually emerging stars, and thought for a while. "After all, you are too young, so I can't keep my mouth shut."

Guo Zhi: "Tsk"

The kiss is not deep, gently rubs, and grinds finely.

Occasionally the tip of the tongue licks on her lips, causing her to loosen her teeth and he flinch again. Angrily she bit him.

He chuckled, his chest vibrated, and ripples appeared on the water.

Starry night, water, more and more gentle. Let Guo Zhi indulge


"Hey, go somewhere else."

"Walk around, there are also pools over there, a lot"

The footsteps fade away.

People left, Guo Zhicai raised his head from Liao Yuan's neck. Hey, I'm a little embarrassed.

Didn't I just talk about the agent, why did I get tired of talking about it again? Guo Zhi found that he was very easy to let Liao Yuan be wrong. She has always been proud of her concentration, but it is very easy to dissipate when she encounters Liao Yuan.

What a beauty

"Anyway, let me tell you." She sat up and put her arms around him, "I think your conditions are really good. You should have no problem developing in this industry."

"Guo Zhi, do you think I will be very successful in the future?" Liao Yuan looked into her eyes and asked expectantly.

Guo Zhi sternly said: "I don't think it can be successful or not. There are too many factors. I think you have potential, but you still need excellent professional quality and good promotion and team. What we need most is opportunity. This thing has to start with changing agents.”

"The person I found for you is very reliable. I trust him very much." Guo Zhi said, "I am relieved to leave you to him."

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