60, Jinjiang starting

Chapter59 protagonist: How to become a god.

The **** beast slowly disappeared into the air, repairing Moore's neck and letting him fall from the sky.

At the moment when the black dragon landed, the long dragon gun pierced the chest of the sand thief. In the horrified eyes of everyone, the sand thief who stepped on Duze was like a balloon that was pierced by a hole. The older, the more and more dry, and eventually decayed into dust and was blown away by the wind. He didn't have a little bit of blood, because the person riding on the dragon's back had the same idea as him - the clothes could not be stained by blood.

The sand thieves smashed, and the black headscarf also dropped Nina and turned away. The black dragon snorted and the invisible Longwei spread. The sand thieves fell to the ground without running a few steps and could not get up again. The low strength was directly shocked by Longwei. The black headscarf couldn't move under Longwei. He looked stiffly at the Black Dragon Knight from the back of the dragon and raised the young black man. The gentle movement was like treating the lost treasure. When he saw the blonde youth looking over, at that moment, the black scarf learned that he had no future ending.

"The quicksand is buried."

When he heard the repair and sang the mantra, Du Ze couldn’t care for the sand in his mouth. He quickly called out: "Don't - cough, don't kill the fox, cough!"

I don’t know what it means to be a fox, but when he sees Nina with a fox and a foxtail, he knows that it is about the orc girl. For Du Ze's request, the repair will not refuse, he controls the magic, but only let Nina.

The huge magical array is in the land of wind erosion, and the sand thieves are struggling in the sand in horror, and the sand under them is constantly consuming them. The black turban is a gray, and only one spell can release such a large magic. They are not only a dragon knight but also a god. The moment that was engulfed by the sand, the black headscarf was still thinking, why did they find the black-haired youth carrying the fox?

After Du Ze wiped the sand-covered glasses clean, the eyes were empty and the wind erodes - all the sand thieves disappeared. Nina sat on the sand and looked at the sights with fear. Du Ze felt a sinking head, but the repaired hand was placed on his head, helping him to open the sand in his hair.

"I always seem to lose you..."

The sound of the repair was almost sighing, with a kind of depression and heavyness. Du Ze looked at the repair and said seriously: "This is an accident, and you can always find me."

When I heard Du Ze’s words, the mood of the repair seemed to be slightly higher. He pressed Du Ze’s neck and was jokingly saying: “If I lose it next time, I will make a cage to lock you up. ?"

Du Ze nodded with the location, and a smile appeared in the corner of the mouth. Nina couldn't describe this feeling at all. She felt that the golden head youth was terrible and terrible. When that person appeared on the black dragon, Nina even felt that death was coming, and the strong killing was several times more horrible than the black dragon's Longwei. However, when the man stood with Duze, Nina discovered that it was a handsome young man with a gentle smile. The dazzling blonde seemed to be able to dispel all the **, not the horrible thing before. Death.

Why is there such a difference? Nina looked at the Du Ze around her, it seemed to be a taboo, can not say, can not touch.

Du Ze and Xiu said a few words, then the two went to Nina together.

"Where is your tribe?" said to Nina: "We will send you back."

Nina's fox trembled, she looked at Duze, and then nodded carefully.

After Xiaoyan, the Black Dragon opened its wings and flew to the West. As time went by, the bottom desert began to gradually become a Gobi, more and more stones, and the land became more and more solid. Even in this case, plants and creatures are rarely seen. The wild land in the east of Chaos is worthy of the name. The Orcs lived in such a harsh environment for an entire era. Suddenly, Du Ze saw a dead city in the distance. On the ridiculous Gobi, the waste city was so awkwardly built there, Nina said with amazement: "Why is there a city?"

The black dragon hovered over the abandoned city, and Du Ze looked down on the waste city underneath. I don't know why he always had a vague familiarity. When Du Ze saw the unfinished idol in the abandoned city, the stupid reader finally reacted: This is not the one of the 72 main cities but the forest city! ?

Xiu seems to be aware of this as well, he let the black dragon land in the abandoned city. Du Ze looked at the human figure in the opposite side with a square object. He only felt that his brain was not enough - but wasn't Lincheng the opposite? Why is it here? Or is it that he has built a main city in front of him? Du Ze carefully looked at the statue and dismissed the previous conjecture - it was the same time that he and the road he built, but his city, the degree of completion of the statue is exactly the same.

"When I came to see you, I saw the city of Harpas on the road." Shutou said in the ear of Duze: "There are many other main cities of the Mozu, ** front and back... seems to coincide ""

The sea of ​​the dead spirit is integrated into the ocean, and the seventy-two main cities are presented everywhere, and only coincidence can explain all this.

** Why do the front and back overlap? Du Ze and the unfinished gods look at each other, maybe only the gods will know.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒.

A footstep came from behind the statue, and the black dragon raised his head alertly. The comer quickly appeared, and he saw the black dragon when he saw it. When the eyes fell on Duze, the comer showed a familiar gentle smile.

"It seems that I have not found the wrong place." The brown-haired man knocked on the instrument in his hand and smiled and said: "Long time no see, Mr. Du Ze. As long as I see you, I know that the little master must be here."

Duze didn't think that he would meet Old John here. When he saw Ellie peeking out from behind John and squeezing his eyes, a stupid brain seemed to fall out of a key part and stuck.

Old John put the instrument away, and he swept the people on the back of the Black Dragon. When I saw the six-star metal bracelet in the blond blue-eyed youth, Old John smiled happily, like an old man playing hide-and-seek with his grandparents. "Little master, I found you."

"I am very happy to see you, old John." Look at his loyal mechanical shackles. "What happened to me so far?"

"I am sorry, little master, I am afraid I will tell you a bad news." Old John said: "The gnome remains occupied by the elves."

According to Old John, after the separation from the day, Old John led the Dark Elf to return to the gnome. They chose a place in the ruins to plant a tree of life, and then the Dark Elves began to build their new home. Everything was organized in an orderly manner. Until one day, the goddess of spiders appeared in front of them. She did not hide her malice against other gods, and let the dark elves obey her orders and begin to expel other creatures. Almost all the dark elves obeyed the spider goddess, and only Ellie followed the old John out to find Shu and Duze. They have always found a wild land based on the positioning instrument, and then suffered a black storm. In order to avoid the black storm, Old John and Ellie spent seven days in this abandoned city, but did not expect to meet their goals at this time.

After the old John told, the sky was close to dusk, so they decided to take a rest in the abandoned city. Old John was ready to take a rest, Moore became a human figure and leaned against the corner to keep his eyes closed. Nina and Ellie put together, and sitting on the fire seemed to be thinking. Du Zewo couldn't sleep in the blankets. His headphones didn't take long after the old John finished speaking, so he didn't know how to respond after listening.

** coincidence, the gods come. Readers who don't know the story can only look at the page in a different world and know that Qiu is playing more and more, for fear that the author will come to a god. Duze always looked at the moon and climbed to the top. He didn't have any sleepiness. He could only stare at the two rounds of the moon and gradually fit.

"Oh, are you already asleep?"

Dan’s voice screamed abruptly, and Du Ze got up and saw the green-shirted businessman sitting on the statue and laughing very disgustingly. Dan appeared so suddenly that even Moore looked at Dan wrongly, and he did not know how he came out. Seeing everyone seeing it, Dan jumped from the statue and smiled awkwardly.

"I am very sorry, I was unable to call because of limited ability last time." Dan glanced at the ruins around him and smiled and said: "Fortunately, I feel your breath this time, and can come to make up for my fault. Then, Do you have any needs?"

Du Ze looked at the opposite Dan and the unfinished but his **** statue behind him. He only felt very subtle. They are in the other's base camp, and it's no wonder that Dan will run over. Du Ze looked at the repair. The last time he summoned Dan in Long Island was to know the intelligence of God. Now that there have been so many things, it is rare for a demon to come up with it. If you don’t ask, you are really sorry.

"I want some intelligence related to the gods."

"No problem." Dan looked at Du Ze. "In exchange, I would like to ask you a question."

After seeing Du Ze nod, Dan smiled. "In order to make up for my last loss, this transaction was provided by me first. What do you want to know, please."

Straightening and intercepting the local question: "How to become a god?"

"It's a very embarrassing problem." Dan used his book to pat his head and fixedly looked at the repair. "In fact, in terms of strength, you are a fake god."

"The final point of the chaotic ** level is the **** of law and the **** of martial arts. Although it has a **** character, it is far from God. Even the false gods can't say it. The realm above the **** of martial arts has the qualification to touch the gods. This state is called a pseudo-god." Dan said: "In fact, some pseudo-god is even stronger than the gods. Once there was a false **** named Louis who almost killed a superior god. The pseudo-god has great strength. They are not afraid of prestige, but they are not gods at all, because there is no faith."

Dan glanced at the main city that he had personally abandoned. He didn't want to be a god, so he didn't want any faith.

"Faith is the meaning of a god."

Du Ze listened, this is actually a very simple truth. In the 21st century, even if no one really saw God, there will always be people who are convinced of their existence, believe in them, fear them, and God, Buddha and other gods are born.

Dan said to Xiu: "When you become a god, the power of faith determines the size of your divine power. Even the gods have ranks, the lower god, the middle god, the upper god, and each race has one of the most powerful. Lord God, these are all determined by divine power - well, run off the problem, we continue to say that God: When a false **** has the power of faith, then he needs a godhead. You can think of the godhead as the gods absorb and use The necessary tool of the power of faith, it is the core of the power of the gods. Most of the power of the gods depends on the godhead to run... How to get a godhead?” Dan replied with a smile: “It’s very simple, killing a **** to capture his godhead. Is the quickest way."

"In short, you become a false god, have a godhead, and gain the power of faith. You are the god." Dan spread his hand: "Friendly reminder, you will be thrown into the realm by the rules when you become a god, but that is A rather bad place."

"Spirit world?"

"Now it is okay, the gods do not know why the cause has been coincident with the chaos, the following gods and the median **** can run down." Dan complained: "I saw the gods once, and then I don't want to God."

Some accidental questions were asked: "God world... can you see?"

When he heard the repair, Dan revealed an unidentified smile.

"In fact, you can also see." The green-shirt businessman reached out and pointed to the moon that the sky was about to coincide with the purple moon. "It's on our heads, it's always there."

Du Ze looked up in horror and looked at the moon that had been with him since he came to the world in two rounds, like knowing them for the first time. In the eyes of all, the purple-yellow moon has never been so close, it is simply a reunion, no longer separate from each other.

"Completely coincident, ** and the gods." Dan sighed, the meaning is unknown.


In Long Island, the **** of justice, Landis, stared incredulously at the nephew lich who was wearing a black cloak opposite him - too powerful! Obviously it is just a false god, but it can withstand the siege of the five dragon gods, and even the **** of the dragon, Bahamut, is also seriously injured. Randy looked at Long Island, which was about to be drowned by zombies, feeling desperate as never before. Under the infection of the undead, many of the dragon's bodies have been transformed into zombie dragons or bone dragons. They joined the army of the undead and besieged their former companions. If you go up, the dragons will soon disappear in chaos.

Death Louis lifts the giant python, and if Du Ze is there, he will surely find that the giant python and the repaired death knives are exactly the same. He smashed Carricks into two pieces with a knives before everyone could react. Carricks was killed in an instant, but before Luis recovered the body of the Dragon God, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared in midair, and the body of the **** of destruction disappeared.

Louis stared at the place where the black hole disappeared, and then looked at the remnant dragon **** - it doesn't matter, there are other dragon gods.

Just as Louis was ready to smash the python again, one person blocked his attack. On the appearance of the man, it surrounds all the characteristics of the dragon.

"My Lord!" Ashley Reina screamed as she pressed the injured arm.

The main dragon **** Aiou grasps the sickle of the death of Louis, he can finally come to chaos, but the casualties have not been recovered. Ai Ou saw Long Island at this time, his eyes filled with sorrow and anger.

"Undead, you have to pay for everything you do...!"


In the ruins of the gnomes, the spider goddess Rose retreats, and she looks angrily at the opposite gnome. Among them, the forged **** Frando, who has a relationship with Shu and Du Ze, sat on the mechanical raft, and his Mia was mercilessly killing the dark elves.

"Hey, elf, this is not the place where you can scatter."

Rose saw the death of the dark elf, the wounded wound, she wanted to be angry, but there were three gnomes in the opposite side, and she was alone.

More and more machinery is coming, and the Dark Elves finally die only a few. At this point, Rose smiled awkwardly. She raised the spider's dagger in her hand and threw it into the heap of the dark elf's body.

"Black blood is killing."

The **** of the spy, Barry, was dragged into the bloodline, and soon disappeared.

Frando looked at the spider goddess in shock: "You actually let your believers die in order to cast a ban!"

Rose laughed: "It is their honor to die for me!"

When no one noticed, a black hole appeared and silently inhaled the **** of spies.

The death of the companion made the gnome God completely irritated.

"Elves!" Frando yelled angrily: "Since you are not rare, we will destroy the tree of life and help you erase the elves from chaos!"

"Oh." A cold voice came, the elf Lord Godrelon fell from the air, she glanced at the spider goddess in disgust, and then looked indifferently to the gnome god: "You kill her, I have no opinion, but the tree of life is not you can move of."

"We just want to help your partner achieve a long-cherished wish."

A gnome dressed as a clown jumped in front of Correron, and the gnome **** Gard squeezed his eyes at the elf god.

"She seems to be hoping to taste the taste of no race - just like us."


Bright God took the scepter and got up from the throne. He waited for this day for a long time.

The rules are no longer ** he stays in the realm of the gods, he can go to chaos in person, no longer need to rely on believers to do what he wants to do.

For example, kill that heresy -

The author has something to say: In this way, the Terran and the Orcs are picked up, the Dragon and the Undead are picked up, the Gnomes and the Elves are picked up, the Tianzu and the Mozu are picked up, and the order is the same as the "Hybrid" copy.

It’s too late for OTL to come back tomorrow.

The following is the information:

[Gnomish God]

Gnome Lord God, Gal B Flash Gold [Upper God]

The **** of forging, Flando B steel skin [median god]

God of Guardian, Corradron B Slipper [Median]

The **** of the forest, the Pall B-wild swimmer [the lower god]

God of death, Shaying B big caller [lower god]

The **** of spy, Barry Fan B cloak [lower god]

[Elves God]

Elf Lord God, Coreylon [Upper God]

Spider goddess, Rose [middle god]

God of bow and arrow, Soronol [middle god]

The **** of forest leaves, Ruirifin [the lower god]

God of hate, Chevrolet [lower god]

The **** of dexterity, Ai Ruifen [the lower god]

God of conspiracy, Velen [lower god]

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