Bsp; reader: shame p1ay.

Du Ze looked at the silver-blue ring on his finger. This is a story space ring. It was originally a protagonist in the Ma Wen language to absorb the harem proposal props. After a stupid reader intervened, the object of the marriage proposal changed from ♀ to ♂ . Now, Meng Meng upgraded it to version 2, in addition to the original storage function, it also attached an extra binding function.

With it, Meng Mo no longer has to worry about his stupid readers being lost.

Du Ze took a step forward and two steps... When he walked five meters away from the repair, he felt the feeling of wearing a ring hand, like an invisible elastic rope pulling his hand softly. Although Du Ze can continue to move forward, but the pulling force will be bigger and bigger - until ten meters, as if a spring is pulled to the limit, Du Ze will be pulled back "啪" and then prepared to hug Just right.

He rushed to Duze’s back and took Du Ze with his hands. He looked up and said, “Where are you going?”

Du Ze's eyebrows twitched twice, and half a sigh of enthusiasm squeezed out two words: "...convenient."

Shu repaired the Du Ze hand, a red and a blue two rings. "I will go with you."

... Mom is really shame p1ay! QaQ

Du Ze looked at the outside and wanted to squat. He almost couldn't leave the place where Meng's vision was. Although everyone in the public toilets pulls their trousers without any scruples, it is convenient and convenient to watch with people... you feel it.

See Duze face with a face standing inside, bent and opened his eyes, revealing a pair of small dimples. “Do you need me to pull the zip for you?”

A stupid sensation felt that he had been teased. He silently turned around and quickly solved his physiological needs.

After the last round of the incident, the repair of the space ring into a "chain", holding Du De. Now they are just like a conjoined baby. Du Ze can only repair freely within five meters. When he is over ten meters, he will bounce back to Meng.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Seeing Du Ze came out, Shuai suddenly opened his mouth, and his bright eyes stared at Du Ze. "I will tie you around like this, will you be angry?"

Du Ze silent for a moment, then shook his head. Although it seems to be completely restricted to death, but a stupid person feels that in addition to the kind of thing just like something, the other seems, maybe, probably no different from before?

He has always been with Xiu, no matter where he wants to go, Meng Meng will not stop, but go together.

Seeing Du Ze shaking his head, he stretched his hand and hugged Du Ze, because he was only as tall as Du Ze's chest, so he had to raise his hands to circle Du Ze's waist, like holding a large doll.

"Du Ze, I am always afraid." Xiu buried his face, and the voice was full of strong attachment. "Don't leave me, I only have you."

Duze’s hand trembled, and he was afraid – how long would it last like this?

The God of Creation said to him: Point...

What is the point?

In the past few days, Du Ze has been trying to guess the unfinished words of the creation god. The "point" has a strong urging meaning. Generally speaking, it is the speed of doing things right on the target. He is doing things mainly in two aspects: one is to join the tower with Meng Mo, to witness the emergence of the supreme god; the second is to find the news of the creation of the gods, trying to contact the creation god. The latter is closely related to the creation of the gods, and listening to the creation of the gods is also very anxious, like what is being chased. So, is the creation **** asking him to go to him?

But even if he guessed the creation myth, Du Ze did not dare to believe each other easily. That is Bss after the end of the scene. Before I look at the goods, I know how much he is a loyal and villain. If you don’t shoot, it’s a race.

Du Ze thought that his brain hurts, and he still did not reach a valid conclusion. A stupid person feels a trick for his IQ. He can't discuss with the high IQ, not only because he is banned, but because the words "Creation God" have become the main minefield, and they are bombed.

Creation God you are destined to become the ultimate Bss, because the Meng has completely included you in the ultimate blacklist, please let me know.

After returning to the "beautiful" square, the repair continues to catch up with the parts. There was no figure of Garr around, and since that day, the gnome **** was hidden. Duze still remembers the shocking expression of Garr when they discovered their relationship. At that time, Gard seemed to want to say something, but in a state of violentness, he directly used a "I haven't found you to settle accounts". I don't know if it was shocked by the anger, or I couldn't accept the fact that only one ethnic group was engaged in the basics. The gnome gods ran away without saying anything.

It was not until the repair of the latter part that the gnome's main **** reappeared in front of them, and it was very complicated to look at it.

After repairing the latter part into the Kabala control center, the control center spontaneously combines the deformation, so it is close to see the disassembly marks. The ground began to vibrate, and the entire dwarf ruins swayed like an earthquake—the only eight-star mechanical scorpion of the gnome, and Kabbalah woke up.

At the same time, an orange light column appeared in the distance, a layer of slate steps emerged in the void, linking the light column and the ruins of the gnome. According to Rachel, the towerer must start a chase battle with the eight-star mechanic and leave here before being killed by Kabala.

However, for Xiu, this is just the moment he receives the gift - the terrible, strong Kabbalah, just his gift.

On the suspension ladder of the repair and Duze station, I saw that the light-emitting control center broke open a space and pulled the huge eight-star mechanical raft into the exclusive space. After accepting Kabbalah, the control center breaks down into several light clusters, like a meteor, rushing into the star cluster. After repairing the star chain, it seems to be very satisfied with the "toy".

The suspension steps decomposed from the lower level and they had to run along the steps to the exit. Gald sent Xiu and Du Ze to leave, seeing the two people getting farther and farther, the clown snorted slyly, and the black and red croissant cap left and right. He has only one person left to perform alone in the dark.

"You are our future."

Garr's sharp voice came from far away, and Du Ze turned back to see the little body of the gnome **** standing alone in the darkness and making a face to them.

"I hope you have a good time."

The darkness engulfed the words of Garr, and disappeared along with his figure.

Even after returning to the rotunda, the gnome of the Lord God still left the Duze retina. Among all the main gods, Du Ze has a good impression on the main **** of the gnome. Even if there is a reason for the survivors of the gnomes, it is undisputed fact that Garr is good at repairing. Seeing such a sad and lonely picture, Du Ze even had some kind of impulse to do for Garr. He couldn’t help but see that some of them were touched and repaired. If the Lord became the Supreme God, it might save the poor race. ?

"Mr. Du Ze!"

After hearing the call, Du Ze turned to see the Mozu sisters waving to him excitedly, and the footstep Enoch had ran over.

"Hey! Brother, you didn't - ah!!!"

Enoch made a fierce cry. He pointed to the form of gnome around Duze and shouted: "Why, why are you here?!"

Du Ze thinks that Enoch still doesn't know that he once provoked the gnome to repair. In the beginning of the gnome ruins, Meng Mo seems to have waited for four years because of the wheel of time, and is in a state of instant imposing, with the enemy lord as the gold servant. The squad is so dead and dead. Then the Warrior of Enoch will explode in a few words, and the entire gold mercenary team almost confessed there. It is really a professional selling teammates - and so on.

Du Ze suddenly realized a key point, he even ignored such important information.

The creation **** said that he had found him in the wheel of the Ming Dynasty, and the next step is obviously to contact him. However, Du Ze did not see the original **** after coming out of the wheel of time. Instead, he immediately started the pygmy relics and met the gold mercenary squad headed by the enemy.

Eric said: I am for you...

In the original text, the gold mercenary squad went to the gnome ruins for adventure, but he met the mercenary squad, not to explore, but to come to him?

In the weapons competition, the Son said to him: "Evil is about to ravage the chaos; God sends a messenger for this. He will have a pair of night eyes and black hair, and descend on the ruins of the gnomes. Only by welcoming the gods can you save chaos. Big 6 - This is the **** of light.

To find someone else is not the creation god, it is Eric, and Eric represents...the **** of light.

Du Ze felt that the blood seemed to flood into the brain and it hurt. Bright God has the creation of the gods of the scepter, they all seem to know his origins; the creation **** said to find him, to contact him but is a bright god; thus, the light **** and the creation **** absolutely have a close relationship - Or is it a subordinate or an enemy?

If it is an enemy relationship, the light **** wants to kill the repair, then the creation **** must try to save the repair.

If it is a affiliation, the light **** wants to kill the repair, it must have obeyed the creation **** command.

Duze stared straight at Enoch, and Enoch was stared blankly by Duze, and with the help of Wei Wei, the whole man fled behind Moore.

Then came Rachel and looked at the repairs and Du Ze, and quickly cleared the situation: "His Royal Highness?"

Enoch's eyes widened incredulously, and even the words began to stutter: "You, you, you, ... tell me that he is, yes, repair?"

After Ellie brought old John to break the Enoch, a trace of pity.

"Little master." Old John said with a smile: "I still like you like this."

I don’t know if I’m screaming or “hmm”, and the seven-star mechanic slammed forward and took over half of the old John from Ellie’s hand. Du Ze is sympathetic to see that he has completely stupid Enoch. You finally know how bad you were at the beginning. You are still alive and miraculous.

The so-called two-headed brain circuit is unmatched, and Enoch only tangled for a long time, just haha ​​and thrown aside. While repairing the old John and changing his body, he listened to the old John and said that they experienced: Because Meng Ze took Du Ze to take the lead, the two exited and disappeared. Old John and his wife were trapped in the orc copy and had to wait for other mentors to make an exit for them to pass. They stayed in the tribe for a week and finally fortunately waited for a team of towerers. Fortunately, the team was a Thunder team. After ten days of scuffle and Bss battle, they paid a part of the price and finally returned to the rotunda. I didn't expect to come back to the retreat the next day.

"When I saw the statue of the pygmy stone, I knew that my Highness had come out," Rachel said.

Du Ze followed the Rachel's words to scan the round hall stone platform: Mozu, Undead, Terran, Dragon, Elf, Orc, Gnome. He looked at the only vacant stone platform, and the lack of stone statues was the latter of the eight major races - the heavenly people.

As long as you pass the copy of the posterior family, you can climb to the top of the tower.

This world will usher in their supreme god.

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