The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 805 Sacred Contract

Lin Mo said: "After I gave the order, you immediately used the sacred contract between me and her, do you understand?"

Cecilia smiled slightly: "I understand." Then her eyes fell on Akhtar. Cecilia said softly: "But she needs to wake up."

Lin Mo replied: "She will wake up soon." His tone was very calm, as if he had everything under control.

Cecilia nodded and said: "I understand. I will use the sacred contract after receiving your instructions. However... you have to share 50% of the curse in this process." Cecilia At this time, he also realized that Akhtar was in a bad state at this time.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "A woman can bear such huge pain, there is no reason why I can't persevere...and it's only 50%."

"If you insist on doing so." Cecilia's voice became serious, "I will strictly abide by your will."

At this time, Abiel already fully understood Lin Mo's plan through the conversation between Lin Mo and his familiar Cecilia. Abil took a deep breath, and then said to Lin Mo: "I hope you can succeed... Once you succeed, you will be able to gain combat power at the level of a sage and a demon king."

Lin Mo smiled and said: "I hope so... Well, we won't delay any more time. Please let this immortal regain consciousness temporarily."

Abil nodded and said: "No problem." After saying this, Abil took out a bottle of red potion from his body. This bottle of red potion looks similar to the potion that restores health, but the effect should be completely different.

Abir pulled off the cap of the red potion, and then he asked: "Can we start?"

"One more question. How long can you keep her awake?" Lin Mo asked seriously at this time. Abil tilted his head and thought for a while before saying: "A conservative estimate, about a minute."

"One minute is enough." Lin Mo nodded and said, "We can start now."

Abil placed one hand under the bottle, then tilted the bottle, and poured out the red potion. At this moment, the red potion began to gather larger and larger in Abil's palm, and finally became as big as an adult's fist.

However, things are far from over. I saw that the potion gathered in the air began to compress, gradually becoming the size of an egg.

Immediately afterwards, the egg-sized potion drop began to crystallize, and further shrank, finally turning into a dark red crystalline substance the size of a fingernail.

Then Abil placed the dark red crystalline substance on Akhtar's forehead. Lin Mo saw the crystal glowing red, and then at this moment, some color returned to Akhtar's face.

Although Akhtar's camp is the undead, she has regained the characteristics of life to a certain extent after becoming an immortal. In other words, all she has is health, not durability.

As the dark red crystals rotated and consumed, Akhtar's eyelashes trembled slightly at this time. After a while she slowly opened her eyes.

"You only have one minute now." Lin Mo said seriously and quickly, "If you want to survive, then sign a sacred contract with me."

Akhtar stared at Lin Mo's face at this time, and then suddenly smiled slightly and said: "Okay." After saying this, Akhtar looked away.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Cecilia!" Then Cecilia used the "Sacred Contract" skill on the two. After a while, a complex and exquisite mark appeared on Akhtar's forehead. However, there was no change in Lin Mo's body.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly frowned, and Lin Mo knew that he had begun to bear fifty percent of the curse. Drops of sweat flowed from Lin Mo's forehead and back at this time.

Then Lin Mo gritted his teeth and said, "Is this a fifty percent curse... It's really exciting."

At this time, Akhtar had been carefully observing Lin Mo's reaction. Seeing Lin Mo gnashing his teeth, Akhtar smiled at Lin Mo: "It hurts a lot, right?"

"Don't make sarcastic remarks on the sidelines." Lin Mo said word for word. After a while, Lin Mo gradually adapted to this kind of pain. His face also became slightly prettier.

Akhtar suddenly reached out and held Lin Mo's cold hand. Abil looked dull, and Saint Narcissa was also in a dull state.

Immortal Akhtar said: "Now answer me a question." Lin Mo frowned slightly at this time, but still said: "You ask." Lin Mo finished the sentence weakly.

Akhtar said: "Let me ask you, if someone pushed you to death, how would you treat this person?"

Lin Mo said: "First of all, I will live well, and then I will double the suffering I have suffered."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Akhtar's mouth, which looked bright and moving, making it difficult for people to tell that she was still suffering from 50% of the curse at this time.

She whispered to Lin Mo: "You have to remember what you said. No matter what happens, even death, it will never make that person feel better..."

"That's natural." Lin Mo bared his teeth in pain and said, "I'm notoriously petty."

At this time, Akhtar's beautiful eyes burst out with bright brilliance. She raised her head and faced the void and said slowly: "You should be looking here...I am not dead. If you have other skills, use them all, because we will definitely fight to the death."

After saying this, the black smoke surrounding her was completely dispersed at this time.

Akhtar slowly lowered her head and looked at Lin Mo. She said with a smile but not a smile: "When you got a high-level combat power like mine, you also completely broke with that person. It is said that misfortunes depend on blessings. This is what we say when good things come and misfortune comes."

After a long time, Lin Mo finally managed to withstand the pain caused by this curse. He moved weakly towards the undead carriage, and at this time Akhtar also let go of his hand.

Lin Mo urgently needed the undead carriage's ability to shield the environment to escape the blizzard. Otherwise...he knew that he would definitely get sick.

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