Because at this time, the magic bullets and physical attack arrows were already being released towards the Emperor of Chaos.

However, with the Chaos Emperor constantly moving around, most of the attacks in front of him failed. In other words, only a few attacks with "locking" effects hit the Chaos Emperor's body. Most of these attacks can only deduct a little blood from the Chaos Emperor or are blocked.

Of course, there are also some powerful units that can cause twenty or thirty points of damage to the Emperor of Chaos by using special items. These attacks are really scratching the itch for the Emperor of Chaos, because her automatic blood regeneration is enough to offset the damage she takes.

At this moment, an emerald green arrow flew into the sky. Although his vision was greatly affected, at this time the Chaos Emperor still slightly raised his face to look at the emerald green arrow flying into the sky because the arrow's brightness was too high.

It was at this time that Lin Mo saw a large area of ​​the sky dyed green. After that, magic arrows shot out from the green area, pointing at the Emperor of Chaos.

When Lin Mo saw this scene, he originally smiled slightly and wanted to use the Chaos Emperor's movement speed to avoid this emerald-green arrow group that was a range attack.

But he suddenly discovered that the Chaos Emperor at this time was actually unable to move. Lin Mo understood the reason instantly and said: "Control."

A green halo appeared at the feet of the Chaos Emperor. This green halo is different from the complex and beautiful lines of a magic circle, but has green leaves growing like vines in a painting.

Those emerald green arrows scattered from the sky also hit the Emperor of Chaos at this time. Some of the arrows in front hit the Chaos Emperor, because the Chaos Emperor's super high defense was only blocked.

However, each of the next batch of emerald green arrows almost caused single-digit damage to the Chaos Emperor. Lin Mo's eyes were calm. After all, the damage was too low, and it was nothing to the Emperor of Chaos.

It was at this time that those magic bullets and physical arrows arrived one after another.

Although these attacks would not hurt the Emperor of Chaos at all, it would be a shame for Lin Mo if he had to rely on super high attributes to crush him in order to win the final victory.

So Lin Mo began to operate very devotedly. The Emperor of Chaos continued to struggle under the suppression of the halo. The strong vines withered in an instant, and the emerald green leaves also turned yellow in a short period of time.

At this time, the Emperor of Chaos finally broke through the control and began to dodge the attacks in front of him. Although during this period of control, the Emperor of Chaos suffered approximately 0.5% damage.

Because the damage of the green arrows increased significantly, the damage the Emperor of Chaos received was not too small. But it was a level 200 boss after all, and even though the Emperor of Chaos was hurt like this, he was still alive and well.

It was at this time that Lin Mo made up his mind to get rid of the enemy with the "yellow-green" mark first. Some other units are just grass to be cut, while the units marked in yellow and green are more than a little stronger.

So Lin Mo used the Chaos Emperor's skill "Flicker" to get rid of the interception and obstruction of enemy units. Then use movement speed to become untargetable and unattackable. It took about a minute for the Chaos Emperor to arrive in front of the yellow-green marked enemy.

Lin Mo didn't bother the unit at all, and just swung the black sword in his hand. At this time, the unit, an orc archer, used the displacement skill at this time, leaving a white light in place.

Lin Mo raised his head very seriously, because the displacement direction of this unit was not on the ground but in mid-air. The archer's body was seen staying in mid-air, and at this time, the archer pointed his longbow at the Emperor of Chaos very arrogantly.

Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly. He decided to take the arrow damage at this time, and his choice was to exchange injury for injury. At this time, the Chaos Emperor was seen clenching the black sword, and then flames of various colors appeared on the black sword.

These flames burn quietly and are distinct from each other. Then in the next moment, the black sword turned into a black chain. When the black chains were formed, those burning flames dissipated at this moment. The black chain also had golden lines flashing on it.

At this time, the orc archer is still staying in mid-air, which means that the time for the black sword to switch to the chain is extremely short.

Then at this time, the orc archers had already released emerald green arrows. One of his attacks doesn't just release one arrow, but three magic arrows in front and back. Then at this moment, the orc archer fell from the sky.

This was really the best time to attack the enemy halfway, and Lin Mo would naturally not give up such an opportunity. So at this moment, Lin Mo asked the Emperor of Chaos to throw the black chain in his hand.

The black chain directly penetrated the archer's body, directly clearing his health to zero. The archer looked at the Emperor of Chaos in disbelief, then fell heavily to the ground the next moment.

Lin Mo sighed slightly, and then began to check the status of the Chaos Emperor. He didn't make the Emperor of Chaos stand still, but made him move at high speed before taking a glance at her health status.

"Fortunately..." Lin Mo said, "It only takes about half a minute to recover." At this time, Lin Mo started mowing the grass.

In one attack, more than twenty people were intercepted and their health points were emptied. Under such efficiency, even a legion was destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's lips. Because of the leader's death and the Chaos Emperor's astonishing mowing speed, the entire legion was paralyzed. This means that the whole group has become a straggler.

Lin Mo's experience points continued to rise. He estimated that after destroying this legion, he would be able to raise his level to level 63.

However, there were still twists and turns in the development of things. At this time, an existence as huge as a meteorite slowly landed.

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