I saw the Skeleton King raising the sword in his hand high, and then a dark red halo of light spread out with the Skeleton King as the center. It was at this time that Skeleton King released a skill with unknown effects.

Small dark red vortices appeared in the area covered by the aperture. Those small whirlpools gradually dissipated after spinning in place for a while, and what remained in place were adult-sized skeleton soldiers.

These skeleton soldiers were wearing black armor and holding sharp swords or heavy bows in their hands. They looked quite powerful. In terms of number, these skeleton soldiers can't be said to be many, but they are quite a lot, about five hundred.

Then, at this time, the skeleton soldiers moved and attacked the army of monsters and half-monsters. At this time, Akhtar slightly distracted his attention to the burly figure. I heard that the burly figure was very close to the undead carriage at this time.

Akhtar glanced at the burly figure and then snapped his fingers. At this time, an invisible wall appeared in front of the burly figure. This invisible wall caused the air to distort. And because of the wind and snow, the existence of this transparent wall can still be seen.

The burly figure directly hit the transparent wall. There was a "boom", and then the burly figure stopped. He stretched out his hand to touch the wall, and his fingers were cut into many wounds by the air wall.

The orc woman said: "Go around this wall." At this time, the burly figure's eyes flashed red, and then he ran in the diagonal direction. As expected, the burly figure tried to bypass this air wall, and then launched another attack.

Then, at this moment, Akhtar smiled slightly and then snapped his fingers twice. Then two more thick air walls were summoned by her at this time, and then these three invisible walls were connected into one, completely blocking the way in and out of the burly figure.

The burly figure was completely controlled by Akhtar's methods. Then the burly figure stretched out his thick arms into the void. A brown arc of light danced on the palm of the burly figure, and then a huge tan hatchet appeared in front of the burly figure's palm.

The burly figure immediately held the hatchet in his hand. Then the burly figure tried to destroy the air wall in front of him that blocked his movement.

But how could "Immortal" Akhtar's methods be so easily cracked? At this time, the large hatchet was slashed on the air wall, but unfortunately, the air wall did not move at all.

At this time, the red light in the eyes of the burly half-demon flickered again. Then the burly figure burst out with a silent roar. At this time, on the tan hatchet in the figure's hand, a tan arc of light began to generate and jump.

The arc of light continues to grow, and the frequency of beating is increasing. Then, at this moment, the burly figure held the giant hatchet in both hands. Immediately afterwards, the burly figure waved the weapon in his hand and slashed horizontally on the wall of air in front of him.

At this time, strong friction broke out between the air wall and the hatchet. The arc of light on the hatchet was weakening, and the air wall at this time gradually became unstable.

"This is very annoying." Akhtar said in a rather lazy tone. Because she is concentrating on controlling the Skeleton King and his skeleton soldiers.

Akhtar had to divert some of his attention to this burly half-demon. About seven or eight seconds passed, and at this time Akhtar saw the burly figure finally cutting through a wall of air.

The severed air wall exploded after a burst of intense distortion, and the burly figure opened up a path. The burly half-demon just set his sights on the undead carriage, and then rushed over quickly.

So Akhtar sighed slightly and said, "Why do you always trouble me?" After expressing her complaints, she took action. I saw her slowly stretching out her palm, and then softly shouted: "Go!"

At this moment, there were a large number of air blades in the air. At this moment, these air blades flew toward the burly figure like flying butterflies. Then you could clearly see that the armor on the burly figure was riddled with holes in an instant, and then shattered.

There were a lot of wounds on the body of the half-demon. These wounds don't look big, but the destructive power of the air blade is quite astonishing, and the blood of the burly figure drains out very quickly.

The half-demon looked up to the sky and roared. Although no sound came out, Lin Mo could still feel the anger and unwillingness of the burly figure.

At this time, the torrent of air blades continued to fly towards the burly figure under the control of Akhtar. Not only did it hit the burly figure, there were also quite a few air blades that hit the orcs behind it. on women. In this way, the health of the half-monster was instantly wiped out, and the orc woman behind it who wanted to protect it also died.

At this time, Akhtar clenched his hands into empty fists, and those butterfly-like air blades bloomed like fireworks one by one.

Lin Mo secretly thought: "This half-demon carries his beloved on his back... Maybe it's because the half-demon feels that he is the safest around him. Or should he die together even if he wants to die?" Lin Mo shook his head slightly. .

The burly figure suddenly started to tremble, and the scarlet eyes of this half-demon that had been silent suddenly burst into intense blood-colored light again. So at this moment, the burly figure looked up to the sky and roared silently again. Then the orc woman behind it fell off her back.

The half-demon has now transformed into a pure monster. The monster suddenly turned around and held the dead orc woman in its arms. At this time, there was no sadness or fear on the face of the orc woman, and she seemed calm and asleep.

The burly figure who had been transformed into a monster held the woman in his arms until the woman's body gradually became transparent and was refreshed by the system.

After a while, the burly figure turned around to face the undead carriage. At this moment, the burly monster clenched the tan hatchet in his hand, and the next moment the color on the hatchet changed to black and red.

Then the burly figure threw the hatchet in his hand, aiming directly at Akhtar.

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