Lin Mo looked towards where the silver-white spear came from. There was a large palace in front of it. At the end of the stairs of the large palace, there was a black figure.

The large palace does not look gorgeous, but it gives people a sense of weight and vicissitudes of life.

Lin Mo's eyes stayed on the palace for a while, and then his eyes fell on the body of the black figure. Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, because the mark given by the Emperor of Chaos to this figure was blood red. This means that this enemy is extremely dangerous to the Chaos Emperor.

Abil came to Lin Mo and said: "This guy is very scary... Encountering an existence of this level and not having a strong enough guardian, Narcissa's luck is really bad to a certain extent. Of course she can explode The potential is worth fighting to the death.”

Lin Mo did not make any response to this, because the figure marked in blood red summoned a silver-white spear again, trying to attack Saint Narcissa inside the pale golden Rubik's Cube.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and then held the sage's staff. At this time, he had switched to his own vision. The sage's staff burst out with light, and the skill "Doomsday Frost Armor" moved toward Narcissa in the pale golden Rubik's Cube.

However, Narcissa was not able to get the benefit of this skill. This skill was actually blocked by the golden Rubik's Cube. But Lin Mo's actions were not useless. Saint Narcissa's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes.

At the beginning, Narcissa's eyes were full of confusion. But after a short period of time, Narcissa's eyes turned into mysterious and majestic golden pupils. As her eyes changed, her face also changed.

Her expression was as cold as ice, and she stared at the black shadow on the palace with indifference and contempt. I saw that powerful silver-white spear shooting towards Narcissa.

The silver-white spear reached midway, so Narcissa stretched out her palm, and a pale golden disk appeared in the void in front of her.

The silver-white spear hit the pale golden disk, and successfully broke through the disk's defense, piercing the pale golden disk created by Narcissa.

Narcissa's expression did not change at all, and she seemed to turn a blind eye to the attack of the silver spear. When all the silver spears were about to pass through the disc, the disc suddenly shrank. Then the pale golden disc was annihilated silently, and the silver spear also became dim and disappeared.

"What's the principle?" Lin Mo said confused.

"The principle is very simple. Because unlike the surface phenomenon you see, the pale golden disc in front of you is not a defensive method, but the saint's attack method." Abil said.

Akhtar said: "Her attack has the attribute of annihilation, which is why the silver spear disappeared."

Listening to Abil and Akhtar's explanations, Lin Mo nodded and said: "Does this mean you can advance, attack, retreat or defend? It's really interesting." After saying this, Lin Mo lowered his head and said: "It looks like Narcissa can last a long time. Let's advance to the palace first and then take the next step."

Akhtar nodded and said, "Okay." Abil also said, "I have no objection." So after getting their approval, Lin Mo took them to the direction of the palace in the distance.

After walking for about three minutes, Lin Mo heard Abil's prompt: "Be careful, there is another monster blocking the road ahead." Abil stared steadily at the position ahead, his violet eyes flickering.

Akhtar added: "Just a weak, demon-like unit."

After hearing their words, Lin Mo switched his vision to that of Emperor Chaos. Then a unit marked in yellow appeared in Lin Mo's field of vision.

The outline of this unit looked similar to the one we encountered before, except that it was a little thinner and shorter.

Lin Mo said, "Is this a monster similar to a thief?" Then Lin Mo began to control the Emperor of Chaos.

The black chain in the Chaos Emperor's hand transformed into a black sword. Holding a big sword, she rushed towards the hidden unit. The Emperor of Chaos raised his sword and cut off all the health points of the hidden unit.

At this moment, the Emperor of Chaos turned around to see if the unit he had just attacked was completely dead. After all, Lin Mo didn't understand this strange unit that looked like a demon at all.

In fact, there is something strange about this hidden unit. It did not explode or regenerate, just a purple light swaying out from the body of the hidden unit.

This purple ray of light turned in a circle in the air and moved towards the Chaos Emperor who was killing the hidden unit.

Although this purple ray of light looks slow, it actually has a special effect of "locking". In other words, no matter how fast the Emperor of Chaos is, she will eventually be attacked by this purple ray of light.

So the Emperor of Chaos simply refused to dodge, and Lin Mo quickly completed the switch of vision, and then Lin Mo released the "Doomsday Frost Armor" skill on the Emperor of Chaos.

As a result, an extra layer of dark blue armor appeared on the Emperor of Chaos. But unlike Lin Mo's release on himself, there was no vague giant figure on the dark blue armor covering the Chaos Emperor, and naturally there was no shield that could be activated with coating.

Lin Mo nodded slightly when he saw this scene. This result was not harsh and was within the acceptable range.

At this time, the purple ray of light had already arrived at the Chaos Emperor's side, and then tried to get into the Doomsday Frost Armor. In fact, it did it. Its color gradually became very dim, but it still got into the frost armor.

However, although the purple ray of light successfully penetrated into the Doomsday Frost Armor, it did not destroy any of the Chaos Emperor's armor value.

It is said that if something goes wrong, it must be a monster. I saw this purple light starting to try to get into the body of the Emperor of Chaos.

Lin Mo's expression instantly turned ugly. He already understood the function of this purple ray of light. "Seize control..." Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly.

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