The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 831 Multiple Fusions

After confirming the upgrade of the base, Lin Mo shifted his attention to the two dwarf warriors to ensure that there were no variables.

In fact, Lin Mo's two combat units still received a normal attack from the white fog spirit. This is because as time goes by, the distance between the four units on the field has successfully brought the dwarf warriors into their attack range due to the slight advantage of the white fog spirit.

Lin Mo said to himself: "This is good, let the other side see the hope of swallowing my combat units, so that the commander on the other side will definitely pursue me." Then at this time, Lin Mo turned his attention to himself on the two archers.

Lin Mo made a simple calculation and believed that it would only take more than ten seconds to complete the rendezvous. So Lin Mo looked at the white mist spirit at this time, his expression indifferent and calm.

The moment the dwarf warriors and archers completed their rendezvous, the dwarf warriors, under the control of Lin Mo, began to turn around and attack the white mist spirit. During this process, the white mist spirit came over stupidly and once again launched a normal attack on the dwarf warrior.

The two dwarf warriors used some of their health to buy time for the archers to attack. Then the archers used their high-speed movement and large-scale attack coverage to successfully carry out normal attacks on the white fog spirit.

So two slender arrows hit the white fog spirit's body, and it was also the white fog spirit whose blood volume was not very healthy. At this moment, Lin Mo saw the hope of eliminating this white mist spirit. Then there was another round of shooting, and the white fog spirit's health was at a very dangerous level.

There was a faint smile in Lin Mo's eyes, because at this time it seemed that the white mist spirit was certain to die. In fact, this was indeed the case. Although the white fog spirit had already started to run away, after the two archers chased it within a range of seven or eight yards, the white fog spirit was once again included in the attack range.

Then the two archers stopped and fired another round at the white fog spirit. The white mist spirit exploded, and a light white ripple spread out in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo said: "I understand, you can't get too close when killing the white fog spirit." Then Lin Mo began to chase the remaining white fog spirit with full health. . At the same time, the two dwarf warriors with relatively healthy health were also pressing towards the enemy's base.

Although Lin Mo was pressing forward, Lin Mo still maintained sufficient vigilance. Under Lin Mo's caution, the archers did not abandon the dwarf warriors to pursue the white mist spirit. After all, at this time, Lin Mo had already gained a certain advantage in the early game, so there was no need to take risks again.

As the four combat units advanced, Lin Mo shifted his vision to look at his base. "Is there still a certain amount of time?" Lin Mo said while holding his chin. Then Lin Mo took a look at the resources and started to create a dwarf warrior and two archers.

After completing the operations on the barracks, Lin Mo's eyes turned to the battlefield again. At this time, something happened that made Lin Mo's eyes freeze slightly. It was at this time that a brand new unit appeared in Lin Mo's field of vision.

This is an existence similar to a rocky beast. But its body was wrapped in light white flames, and a pair of huge and spread wings of flame grew on its back, making it look particularly fierce.

Lin Mo glanced at the opponent's base. There was no change in the base at this time. This means that the enemy base at this time has not completed the doesn't even have the momentum to upgrade.

"Logically speaking, at the beginning, just like me, we should only be able to create two primary arms." Lin Mo's eyes flashed and he said, "Unless...the fusion of arms."

After coming to this conclusion, as if to verify his conjecture, the white fog spirit that escaped at this time was fused with a white fog spirit that had just been produced.

Lin Mo was a little surprised: "Is this okay? Does this mean that these arms can be freely combined and integrated?" Lin Mo frowned slightly, but he did not stop to operate. The two archers began to attack the fused white mist spirit.

The armor of the fused white fog spirit was very fragile, so under three volleys from the archer unit, half of the health of the brand new unit was knocked out.

Lin Mo wanted to keep up his efforts, but at this time the fog beast had already rushed towards the two archers. Lin Mo sighed slightly and said, "It's really a pity."

But because only three volleys could kill the fused white fog spirits, Lin Mo decided to give it a try. As long as they were eliminated, it would be worth sacrificing an archer.

So the two dwarf warriors began to block the position under Lin Mo's command, blocking the fog beast's position so that it could not smoothly approach the low-health unit such as the archer. Thanks to Lin Mo's superb operating skills, the dwarf warrior's movement was very coquettish, and the fog beast was stuck tightly.

After the archer completed two shots, Lin Mo saw the fog beast flap its wings and fly up, then pounced towards a full-blooded archer. Then you can clearly see that the archer was instantly knocked out of more than 90% of his health.

Then the fog beast struck the archer with another claw. Because its attack does not stun, the archer with remaining health still had time to shoot a slender arrow at this critical moment. Coupled with the attack of another archer, he finally succeeded in killing the two merging white fog spirits.

Lin Mo was very serious about the operation of the remaining archer. He had already lost an archer, and the other archer could not be lost.

Then the two dwarf warriors began to carry out normal attacks towards the enemy's buildings. The building that the dwarf warriors attack is the opponent's barracks. This was a plan to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. Lin Mo's purpose was not to destroy the opponent's barracks, but to attract the fog beasts to attack his two dwarf warriors.

Lin Mo's strategy was simple and effective, so you can see that the fog beast really gave up its attack on the archers and turned around and ran towards the dwarf warriors. It didn't take off again, so Lin Mo guessed that this kind of attack required a certain cooling time.

At this time, Lin Mo's base had been upgraded. This was the system prompt Lin Mo received.

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