After Lin Mo finished saying this, he began to face the enemy's attack with a serious expression. At this time, Lin Mo got a piece of relatively good news, that is, the second defense tower at this time had been completed.

But the second defense tower built by Lin Mo was different from the undead ice tower. Its top crystal is red, while the top of the Undead Ice Tower is white.

The attack power of the red tower is much higher than that of the ice tower, but it does not have the freezing effect of the ice tower, but the presence of an ice tower on the field is enough.

After all, in this simplified version of the strategy game, there are not many combat units on the field. Therefore, the real strategy is to let defensive buildings play to their own advantages and complement each other.

After the construction of the red tower was completed, Lin Mo felt more confident. So at this time, the small poisonous spider rushed towards the statue at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Mo was instantly surprised by its speed, because the poisonous spider was moving faster than the previous human knight when he started charging.

Although the poisonous spider's attributes were average, it still withstood a normal attack from the statue and began to cause damage to the engineer at this time.

When the poisonous spider bypassed the statue and struck the engineer, the statue also turned its inflexible body to attack the poisonous spider. Under the statue's second normal attack, the poisonous spider died without any surprise.

"It would be great if it could explode when it dies like the white fog spirit." Lin Mo thought. After all, the conditions for the creation of this kind of unit are relatively harsh and the existence time is extremely short. Therefore, in Lin Mo's opinion, it is not too much to ask for poisonous spiders to have explosive effects.

The performance of the small poisonous spider just now stopped the enemy's attack. But the mud-stone puppets, statues and the remaining engineer attacked again.

At this time, Lin Mo frowned slightly. Because if something goes wrong, it must be a monster. The enemy completely ignores Lin Mo's home field advantage and provokes Lin Mo. This must be a plan to distract Lin Mo. So what problem is the other side covering up...

Lin Mo said: "The answer is already obvious. That is that the other side is stealing minerals. So this wave of battles must be resolved as soon as possible." Then Lin Mo set his sights on the edge of his heavy barracks. Of course, Lin Mo made three more ghouls before that...

At this time, the second butcher has also been completed. Lin Mo asked the butcher to stand not far from the first butcher, and then Lin Mo began to welcome the attack from the opposite side.

In Lin Mo's opinion, the most correct choice is to clear out the engineers first, and then the mud puppets to clear out Fei. The thickest and hardest-to-gnaw statues are the ones to tackle last.

Perhaps because of the lack of long-range combat units on our side, the enemy statues and other units did not move far before stopping. Of course, they also stayed on the corrupted land at the end of the forest.

"Want to seduce me into fighting?" Lin Mo said, "Okay, as you wish." At this time, Lin Mo organized the butchers and corrupted spiders into a group, and then asked them to move towards the position of the engineers. past.

The Corrupted Spiders begin to attack the Engineers with Corrupted Venom. At this time, the engineer was pulled back, so the corrupted spider could not attack the engineer.

Then at this time, there were certain problems with the positioning of the engineers. At this time, the engineers actually walked out of the defense line of the statues and mud-stone puppets, and this opportunity was seized by Lin Mo very keenly. At this moment, Lin Mo asked the butcher to quickly throw out his hook and grabbed the engineer.

At this time, Lin Mo did not need to perform any operations. Under the attack of the butcher and the mud and stone puppet, the engineer died quickly, and then a poisonous spider emerged.

After the poisonous spider was produced, it immediately started attacking the mud and stone puppets under Lin Mo's control. Of course, I only had time to attack the mud puppet twice before it was crushed by the statue...

Without the endurance of the engineers, the enemy seemed to be retreating. At this time, Lin Mo no longer relied on the protection of the red tower and the ice tower, and took the initiative to attack, together with all the ghouls in his home.

Lin Mo once again launched an offensive involving his family and dogs, which surprised the enemy. So at this time, the mud puppets and statues began to retreat back, but Lin Mo, who had a hook, obviously would not give the opponent a chance.

So under Lin Mo's strong attack, he had successfully swallowed up all the opponent's suppressed troops... This was a very bloody fight.

Because at this time, there were only three ghouls left in Lin Mo, and except for the corrupted spiders that attacked from a distance, all the units' health was not very healthy.

But the three ghouls can quickly regain their health by devouring corpses... so the health of these ghouls quickly returned to full value. What they devour is the corpses of dead ghouls.

Lin Mo glanced at the two butchers and felt that they still had the ability to fight on the battlefield. So at this moment, Lin Mo selected all the combat units, including the ghouls, and dragged them out. His current purpose is to go out to find the mines that the other party stole and then destroy the sub-base.

After dragging out all the combat units, Lin Mo had already begun training some ghouls. After all, the family still needs ghouls to cut down trees and defend the base.

Lin Mo's team found a completed sub-base in front of a gold mine not far away. There are still two defense towers in the surrounding area. Not only that, the farmers of the hostile races have already started moving gold mines into the base in full swing...

"This is a bit too much." Lin Mo said, "Stealing minerals is nothing. If you use cheating races to deal with normal races and still steal minerals, you don't follow martial ethics."

Lin Mo shook his head slightly, and then began to kill farmers of the enemy race. Because of the existence of corrupted spiders, every time a farmer is killed at this time, it means that there will be one more small poisonous spider on the field.

Soon there were five more such small poisonous spiders on the field. Although one poisonous spider is nothing, once a certain number is formed, the attack power will naturally increase. With their help, this base has been completely destroyed.

At this time, Lin Mo asked his troops to stay where they were and sent a ghoul to investigate the situation in other gold mines. The team stayed where they were because Lin Mo wanted to take possession of this mine for himself.

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