The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 840 The Ultimate Arms

Although the speed of these small statues is very fast, they have successfully approached the combat units at Lin Mo. But these small statues only caused three attacks on a ghoul before they were all destroyed. Those corrupted spiders that automatically made some displacements did not suffer any damage.

The troops on the opposite side were already retreating in the direction of the fog. Lin Mo stared at the mist for a long time, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Then Lin Mo gave instructions to all the ghouls near the branch base to cut down trees.

Seeing that the ghouls who had received the order had begun to increase wood resources for themselves, Lin Mo set his sights on a gold mine at the back of the game boundary, where Lin Mo's main base was located.

Lin Mo was preparing to upgrade his three bases, so at this time, Lin Mo started waiting for resources. The gold coin resources are sufficient, but the wood resources are still lacking.

If Lin Mo hadn't been mobilizing these wood-cutting ghouls frequently, he wouldn't have been stuck with resources at this time... But if Lin Mo hadn't done this, the game might have been over.

Lin Mo had nothing to do anyway, so he started doing nothing but quietly waiting for the increase in timber resources. After about fifty seconds, Lin Mo waited until the resources met the upgrade conditions.

So Lin Mo clicked on upgrading the undead base without hesitation. Lin Mo said: "If you want to upgrade the three ultimate arms... it will take a certain amount of time."

At this time, the main base has entered the upgrade stage. Lin Mo took a look and saw that it would take about two minutes for the upgrade to be completed.

So Lin Mo turned his vision to the location of the gold mine that was slightly closer to the hostile race, where the sub-base was established. Two minutes passed quickly, and at this time Lin Mo also received a reminder that the base upgrade was completed.

This means that Lin Mo can start building the ultimate unit of the undead tribe. Lin Mo clicked on the barracks and found that the icon of the "Undead Banshee" unit had been unlocked. The construction of the "undead giant" in the heavy barracks was also open to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo couldn't see the specific attributes and skills of these two units at this time. He said: "Let's build one later and see... The ultimate arms can't be too outrageous." Then he took a look at the resources needed to build the ultimate arms, and then said in a rather hesitant tone: "Are you sure? Didn't you double the required resources?" He said this because the individual costs of these two ultimate arms were ridiculously expensive.

Because there were two gold mines operating at the same time, Lin Mo estimated that he would be able to gather the resources needed to create an "undead giant" in about a minute. The construction of a unit like the "Undead Banshee" requires relatively few resources, and it takes almost forty seconds to gather the resources.

The opponent disappeared after a round of testing, so Lin Mo's resources were growing steadily. After another short period of time, Lin Mo finally gathered the resources, so he began to build the undead giant and the undead banshee.

Of course, Lin Mo only built one of each unit. Lin Mo needed to carefully study all aspects of these two ultimate units before deciding on the number to train.

With a low roar, an undead giant was trained and appeared on the game world. Then Lin Mo began to check the attributes of the undead giant. After a while, he said: "This is simply a small mobile fortress." What he meant was that he was very satisfied with the attributes of this unit.

Then Lin Mo took a look at the skills of this undead giant. It has only one skill, and that is "Control Immunity". Lin Mo secretly said: "Although it is a passive skill, and there is only one, its effect is very suitable for the undead giant."

Because of having such a skill, the possibility of the undead giant being controlled and surrounded is greatly reduced.

Then Lin Mo began to check the attributes and skills of the undead banshee. The attributes of the undead banshee were only slightly better than those of the ghouls. This left Lin Mo speechless. He complained: "With a figure like yours, can you afford the cost?"

After he finished complaining, he began to check the skills of the Undead Banshee. The Undead Banshee has one and only one skill, and that is "Seize Body". As the name suggests, this skill can turn into a beam of light and penetrate into the body of the designated unit after chanting for a certain period of time, and then Lin Mo can gain permanent control of the unit.

Not only that, the abnormality of this "Undead Banshee" is that when this unit sings, it can obtain a certain armor value. This kind of armor value can offset a considerable part of the damage, which greatly increases the possibility of seizing the body.

Lin Mo was silent for a moment and said: "This skill is really terrifying." At this time, Lin Mo did not immediately send these two ultimate soldiers to the branch base. Because the defense capabilities of the main base are still relatively weak at this time.

If you want to attack the main base on the opposite side, you usually have to pass by another base first. But the other side can use air units like "battleships" to harass Lin Mo's main base.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Lin Mo placed some troops at his main base, so that Lin Mo would not be at a loss when the other side attacked sneakily.

At this time, red light was flashing around Lin Mo's vision. Lin Mo instantly realized what was happening, that is, his sub-base was being attacked and threatened by the enemy.

He immediately switched his vision to the vicinity of his sub-base, and then Lin Mo saw a large number of small statues rushing over at this time.

And some of them have begun to attack the corrupted spiders at the end of the forest, reducing the health of a corrupted spider from full to about half health.

Lin Mo saw that the defense tower was continuously emitting light beams, so small statues were being destroyed at this time. When they are destroyed, they will emit an explosion with limited destructive power, and the coverage range is not far, so the explosion of small statues can be completely ignored.

Under Lin Mo's control, the corrupted spiders were wandering and retreating. Not only that, they also spread their attacks evenly on the small statues that are running towards them, which greatly improves the efficiency of destroying enemy units.

After confirming that the crisis was over, Lin Mo's eyes fell on the edge of the fog.

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