Then Lin Mo took a deep breath, and then his eyes shifted from the attribute column of the Emperor of Chaos to Akhtar.

Although Akhtar used such a powerful amplification skill against the Emperor of Chaos, she still looked in high spirits at this time. It seems that releasing this skill does not cost her much.

Lin Mo expressed surprise at this, then coughed and said: "The next step is that I will try to avoid fighting and see what kind of situation is waiting for us ahead..."

At this time Akhtar said: "Don't worry, we will try our best to ensure your safety during this process." Storm Spirit also nodded and said: "I will do my best." Abil Then he said with a smile: "My strength is low, but I will go with you all the way."

Hearing their words, Lin Mo smiled slightly: "In that case, then I'll set off." Then he changed his vision and began to control the Emperor of Chaos.

The Emperor of Chaos began to move towards the interior of the church. With his superb movement speed, the Emperor of Chaos stepped deeper into this church that didn't look big but was obviously much bigger inside than expected.

At this time, the Emperor of Chaos encountered another burly monster. This monster doesn't look much different from the monster that Storm Spirit destroyed...

Lin Mo secretly said: "I don't know how the strength of this monster compares with the previous one." Although he had this idea, Lin Mo did not intend to test it. Because his mission is to see what is at the end of the church instead of fighting monsters here.

He remembered that he could roughly deduce the threat level of the opponent through the Chaos Emperor's gaze. Then Lin Mo began to look at the monster in front of him, and then found that its threat level was yellow with red... This meant that the Chaos Emperor had to pay a lot to destroy this monster.

Lin Mo let out a sigh of relief, and then controlled the Emperor of Chaos to start a detour. Because the interior of the church is very spacious, it is not very difficult for the Emperor of Chaos to make a detour.

Lin Mo's operation was very good. With the help of some walls inside the church and obstacles blocking the view, the Emperor of Chaos successfully bypassed the burly monster and moved deeper into the church.

Then he encountered three thinner monsters patrolling. From Lin Mo's perspective, the three monsters in front of him didn't look much different from the monsters that initially attacked Storm Spirit. If their strength is similar to that monster, then it will not be difficult for the Chaos Emperor who has received a huge increase at this time to deal with it...

So Lin Mo began to stare at these three monster units. As Lin Mo had expected, these monsters were all marked by green light. This also means that the Emperor of Chaos can easily deal with these monsters.

Lin Mo pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "You can't alert the enemy... My mission is to find out what this church is all about."

So Lin Mo took one last look at these three monsters, and then continued to take a detour. About another minute passed, and Lin Mo saw a monster with a body similar to that of a woman appearing in front of him.

This monster's figure is very graceful, and its clothes look like clothes made of ice. They look very delicate and also a bit weird. The most bizarre thing is that there is a gorgeous ice cap made of snowflakes on top of its head, and this ice cap is suspended in mid-air and slowly rotating.

Lin Mo stared at this different monster for a while, and then its body was marked with a yellowish-red color. This means that if Lin Mo wants to destroy this monster, the price he needs to pay is still very high.

So Lin Mo nodded slightly and started to take a detour. Because of Lin Mo's carelessness, the Emperor of Chaos stepped on a piece of thin ice.

"Where does the water here come from?" Lin Mo's thought flashed through his mind, and at this moment he realized something was wrong. From Lin Mo's point of view, the worst outcome at this time is to attract the attention of the ice-crowned monster in front of him. Then Lin Mo carefully began to check the monster's reaction...

This monster was also facing Lin Mo at this time. It should have been attracted by the noise made by the Emperor of Chaos. After Lin Mo stared at the monster for two seconds, the monster began to float slowly towards the Emperor of Chaos.

Lin Mo shrugged helplessly, and then began to check the surroundings for any monsters that might be attracted to him. When he was sure that everything was safe, he thought it was necessary to fight this monster.

If Lin Mo didn't get rid of this monster first, it would probably attract other monsters. If this really happens, then Lin Mo will be embarrassed...

For Lin Mo, it didn't matter whether he was embarrassed or not. The most important thing was that his Chaos Emperor was in danger, and if the Chaos Emperor died here, Lin Mo would undoubtedly suffer heavy losses.

So Lin Mo chose to kill the monster here, quickly and with as little noise as possible...

So at this time, Lin Mo asked the Emperor of Chaos to condense his own black sword. Then the Emperor of Chaos began to move towards the monster at high speed under Lin Mo's control.

The slow monster also has other advantages, that is, it can use some clever magic. The monster stretched out a finger surrounded by black flames and pointed lightly in the direction of the Chaos Emperor. So there was a magic acting on the Emperor of Chaos.

Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and then Lin Mo said the name of this magic, which was the "Ice Rose" magic.

Lin Mo whispered: "This is the first time in my life that I have personally experienced the power of this magic."

The Chaos Emperor's body was controlled by Ice Rose, and then Lin Mo began to control the Chaos Emperor to struggle violently. Because the Chaos Emperor's defense was greatly improved, the Chaos Emperor released the control effect after a short three seconds.

However, in these three seconds, the monster did not do anything, but condensed three sharp ice crystals around it. The monster waved, and those sharp ice crystals shot toward the Chaos Emperor's position.

Those sharp ice crystals all hit the Emperor of Chaos.

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