The blackened earth spirit stared seriously at the storm spirit who was in a fighting posture. Then, at this time, the Blackened Earth Spirit tapped the Storm Spirit slightly with his finger.

So at this moment, the black giant python left his body and began to move towards the Storm Spirit's position. At this time, the Storm Spirit stretched out his palm, and a rotating blue electric ball condensed in the palm of his hand.

After the blue electric ball was formed, the Storm Spirit began to move towards the front. His speed was not as fast as when he turned into lightning, but his speed also surpassed Lin Mo's previous Emperor of Chaos.

At the moment when he came into contact with the black python, when the python was about to attack the Storm Spirit, Lin Mo saw the Storm Spirit turning very flexibly in the air, avoiding the attack of the black rock python. .

Then the Storm Spirit suddenly accelerated, and when it hit the electric ball in its hand into the belly of the rock python, the Storm Spirit turned into a bolt of lightning and shot towards the direction of the Blackened Earth Spirit.

Although the black rock python was destroyed, the earth spirit just smiled. Then he stretched out his palm and created a black earth wall in front of him. This kind of defense method was made by the Earth Spirit in the past, but the current earth wall seems to be different from before.

On the surface of this earth wall, there are some black lines that are not clearly visible. This also shows that this earth wall has been strengthened and will not be shattered by one attack like before.

In fact, the same development happened. At this time, the Storm Spirit had already punched the earth wall in front of him. However, the lines on the earthen wall burst out with a strong black light.

Storm Spirit narrowed his eyes at this moment, and then used his fist to hit the earth wall again. Only this time, Storm Spirit's fist was covered with a layer of blue light, which meant that this attack was a strengthened one.

Then this wall of earth began to tremble with a "rumbling" sound, and fell apart in the next moment, and then there was no way to stop the Storm Spirit's progress.

As for why the Storm Spirit did not choose to use its ultra-high movement speed to take a detour, it was mainly because once it did so, it would enter the rhythm of blackening the Earth Spirit.

Then what the Storm Spirit will face next is earth walls one after another, until the Storm Spirit can no longer take advantage of its speed...

So Storm Spirit knew very well from the beginning that he only had this path to choose. That is to defeat ten guilds with one force and destroy all the earth walls.

The Blackened Earth Spirit continued to create earth walls at this time. This time he directly created three such earth walls. These three earth walls formed a triangle, trapping the Storm Spirit inside.

Storm Spirit's response was to create a blue-white head-sized ball of light at this time. Then this ball of light exploded, directly blowing up the three earth walls in front of him.

"Really, amazing destructive power." Akhtar also had a solemn look on his face. The three earthen walls were all reinforced, but in front of the blue-white light ball, they were destroyed like paper.

At this time, when Storm Spirit is about to charge, you can see that there are some black vines under his feet. These black vines restricted Storm Spirit's body in place.

Storm Spirit began to struggle, but he soon discovered that the black vines in front of him were actually strengthened and blessed. While the Storm Spirit was struggling, Lin Mo saw black arcs of light dancing on the edges of the black vines.

The Blackened Earth Spirit smiled slightly: "You are really still the same... without any progress."

At this time, the Storm Spirit said: "I would rather not have the power gained by falling into darkness." Then he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he could see blue rays of light floating out of them.

A layer of blue shield was tightly wrapped around Storm Spirit's body, and the blue shield and the black vines eroded each other. In the end, the blue shield was slightly better. Those black vines seemed to have been burned by fire, becoming less stable in the process of becoming dim and slender...

The Storm Spirit just walked out from the control of the black vines. However, after the consumption just now, you can clearly see that the blue shield has become thinner.

The blackened earth spirit, who had been silent for a moment, smiled slightly at this time: "I told you, you still haven't made any progress!" The earth spirit waved his hand, and seven figures appeared above his head. Eight slender and sharp spears.

These spears are undoubtedly black, and the magical pressure released from their surfaces is also quite terrifying.

At this time, the Earth Spirit said to the Chaos Emperor: "Although your strength can match me when it explodes, your strength has declined greatly as time has passed."

At this time, the spirit of the earth pointed seven or eight spears at the Chaos Emperor, and then these spears flew out immediately.

"Is this what you meant by using all your strength to destroy the Chaos Emperor?" Lin Mo said. Then Lin Mo began to say to Akhtar: "I will leave these black sticks to you."

Akhtar smiled and said: "No problem, just leave these black sticks to me." After saying this, Akhtar stared at the spear that was carrying huge magical pressure at this time, and then she stretched out Showed his delicate hands.

A wall of air was created, and then another wall of air was created. These air walls are arranged layer by layer, thus forming a very powerful defense.

Then the black spear hit the air wall, and the air wall began to become chaotic. In this way, the air wall was destroyed, and then the black spear began to face the second air wall.

At this time, Akhtar had already tested the specific power of these black spears, so Akhtar nodded and began to chant silently. And magic that can make immortal-level beings chant must be extremely powerful.

But Akhtar did not chant this magic. Akhtar raised his head slightly and met the eyes of the blackened earth spirit.

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