The Skeleton King just stood there, dumbly not making any unnecessary movements. Seeing the Skeleton King stop, the Chaos Emperor stayed in place under Lin Mo's control. Once the operation stopped, the Chaos Emperor began to restore the status of the Chaos servants.

Lin Mo said: "What an overly cautious mixed combat unit." After saying this, Lin Mo smiled and then focused his attention on the Panda Jiuxian.

At this moment, the Panda Jiuxian took out the wine bottle from his waist, and then started to smash the wine bottle on the body of the powerful monster. So at this time, the monster not only entered the deceleration state, but also had a certain degree of reduction in various attributes.

So at this time, the Panda Brewmaster walked towards the monster. Although his posture was shaky, his movement speed was not slow at all. So at this time, the Panda Brewmaster had already arrived at the monster's side, and then the Panda Brewmaster punched it out.

Although this was a simple punch, it caused a lot of damage. Although Lin Mo's combat feedback had disappeared at this time, he could still feel the power of this fist. Under the attack of Panda Brewmaster, the monster's body took a few steps back.

The monster that lost to the Panda Brewmaster in terms of strength said at this time: "Congratulations, you are back..."

But at this time, the Panda Brewmaster had no intention of giving the monster a chance to speak. At this time, the Panda Brewmaster's face was calm and there was no trace of sadness or joy, and he just waved his fist out again.

So at this time, the monster was knocked back a few steps again, and the monster that stood firm decided not to confront the Panda Brewmaster head-on, so it spread its wings and flew up.

The Panda Brewmaster let out a "hum" at this moment, and then began to spit out a ball of magma-colored flames at the monster. When this ball of flame was spit out, even the space was distorted, as if it would be burned at any time.

This is the secret skill of Panda Brewmaster, and the damage it can cause is naturally very terrifying. This also shows that at this time, Panda Jiuxian already has a very strong killing intention towards monsters.

Then Lin Mo heard a low roar from the monster. At this time, the monster still had the wine thrown by the Panda Brewmaster. The wine was ignited by the flames and even exploded violently. In this way, the Panda Brewmaster got rid of the monster very easily.

At this moment, the Panda Brewmaster looked at the burning remains of the monster in a daze. After a while, these debris turned into black particles and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

At this time, the Panda Brewmaster said: "According to the memory of the Fire Spirit, the units in this winery were either killed or turned into low-level monsters...the ones you killed."

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then heard the Panda Jiuxian sigh: "But that's also a good thing for them. At least they don't have to suffer the suffering of being enslaved anymore... Let's go, let's go and meet up."

Then the Panda Wine Master took a look at the messy wine cellar, which was the core of Sunset Winery, and then began to walk out.

So the Panda Jiuxian left Lin Mo with a slightly desolate figure. Lin Mo followed the Panda Jiuxian and moved towards the location of the undead carriage.

There were no accidents along the way, and all the monsters completely disappeared. Lin Mo just shrugged and said: "It's okay if there are no monsters, otherwise it will be a complete waste of time... After all, the benefits are too low."

As time passed, Lin Mo controlled the Emperor of Chaos to walk outside the wall of Sunset Winery. During this process, the Skeleton King has been silently following the Chaos Emperor.

At this time, the first thing Abir noticed was the existence of the Panda Brewmaster. So at this moment, he muttered to himself: "I have transformed back into the form of the Panda Brewmaster...but I haven't been inspired to go outside the realm, haha."

At this time, Akhtar was also quietly staring at the existence of the Panda Brewmaster. After a while, she smoothed her hair and looked at her unit "Skeleton King". When the Skeleton King came to him, Akhtar put it away.

Lin Mo also took the Chaos Emperor back into the contract space. At this time, Lin Mo set his sights on Panda Jiuxian. At this moment, the Panda Jiuxian smiled slightly at Lin Mo and said, "We meet again."

Before Lin Mo spoke, Abil said to the Panda Jiuxian: "I have a question... Where does your consciousness come from?"

Panda Jiuxian pondered for a moment and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Abil continued: "What I mean is whether your consciousness comes from the Storm Spirit or is formed by the integration of the three." When he said this, Abil's voice was serious and a little urgent. He seemed to be very concerned about this issue. Answer.

"Three in one," said the Panda Brewmaster. He gave the answer without any pretense.

Abir fell silent at first, then burst into laughter. He said to the Panda Brewmaster: "Very good, I have no doubts now." After saying this, Abil withdrew his head from the car window.

Then at this time, Lin Mo said to Panda Jiuxian: "You said we met again, I don't know what you mean..."

The Panda Brewmaster smiled slightly and said, "Maybe I'm not talking about you, but that's not necessarily the case." At this time, a dull and violent thunder suddenly came from the sky. The Panda Brewmaster raised his head and glanced at the sky and said, "Is this still a taboo?"

Then he said to Lin Mo: "Sorry, I still can't tell you everything now."

Lin Mo was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

Akhtar said: "We still don't know what your purpose is here." Her eyes made contact with the Panda Jiu Xian, and the Jiu Xian Panda said: "I want to walk with you... I believe that I am here , the possibility of you achieving your goal will increase a lot."

He continued: "Because there is no place to protect, and I have nowhere to go."

Akhtar said: "Very good. I have a question, that is why ordinary sages are enough to protect a big city, but you can't do it here?"

"They only have this opportunity once." Panda Jiuxian said calmly. But at this time, his fists were clenched.

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