At this time, Akhtar couldn't put it down for the purple moon sphere surrounding her palm. This is not only because with this orb, Akhtar's strength has reached the level of an ordinary sage or even stronger, but also because this purple moon orb is too precious.

The child in green shirt smiled and said: "You are really in love now." Before getting a reply from Lin Mo and Akhtar, the child in green shirt changed the subject and said: "Okay, we can go over now, I This is the end of the introduction." He always maintained a professional smile on his face and looked polite.

After saying this, the child in green shirt's body turned into a puff of light smoke and disappeared.

Lin Mo glanced at Akhtar and found that her eyes had been fixed on the purple moon ball in her hand, and she turned a deaf ear to the words of the child in blue.

At this time, Lin Mo let out a slight sigh, and then turned his attention to Abil and Panda Jiuxian. He thought to himself: "I shouldn't be so stupid that I fall in love with a program..."

When he thought of this, Lin Mo waved his hand and said, "Let's enter Biqu Pavilion next." After saying this, Lin Mo turned around and walked towards the building in front.

At this time, Akhtar slowly raised his head and stared at Lin Mo's back, and then sighed slightly.

The Panda Wine Master walked past Akhtar. He didn't say anything to Akhtar but took another sip of wine from the wine flask. Abir said nothing as he passed by her.

Akhtar was left where he was. After she was silent for a moment, she began to walk towards the direction of the Panda Jiuxian and other entities.

Although the name "Biqu Pavilion" sounds like a small pavilion, in fact it occupies an amazingly large area. It is a magnificent palace-like building.

Lin Mo walked near this building, and the door of the gorgeous building slowly opened. At this moment, Lin Mo heard a vague sigh.

Then Lin Mo stopped moving. Instead of summoning a new Emperor of Chaos to "share life" with him, he waited for the Panda Jiu Xian to move forward, and then followed behind the Panda Jiu Xian.

In front of him was the great sage-level Panda Brewmaster, and in the back was Akhtar, who was more than an average sage. Lin Mo was very safe now. And because Lin Mo drank the blood of the phoenix, he could still be resurrected even if he was assassinated... although this state has a long cooling time.

They walked into the interior of Biqu Pavilion. Then, at this time, the cold blue flames lit up one after another on the lampposts. Then Lin Mo looked towards the end of the building and could vaguely see a vague figure in the distance.

This being was dressed in black clothes and seemed to blend in with the surrounding environment. The Panda Brewmaster stopped moving after taking a few steps, his face looked very solemn.

Because the existence of the black figure in front of him is not only indistinguishable from the outside, but also the Panda Jiuxian, who dominates perception, cannot feel the aura of this existence in front of him.

Although Panda Brewmaster's strength has been suppressed to the level of a great sage, his perception is still at the level of a master...

Just when Panda Jiuxian was secretly on guard, Lin Mo heard the distant figure smile and say: "I didn't expect to meet a great sage-level existence in troubled times. I am deeply honored." After saying this, He stood up from his seat.

At this time, Akhtar had also arrived at Lin Mo's side. She frowned and said: "This unit gives people an unfathomable feeling." Akhtar's feeling was similar to that of the Panda Brewmaster, that is, he could not detect the strength of this humanoid unit.

Lin Mo did not summon the Chaos Emperor and other beings at this time, because even the sage-level beings could not do what the zerg units could not do even if they were extremely talented.

Then the figure in black clothes walked towards where Lin Mo was waiting. As the distance got closer and the blue flames lit up, Lin Mo gradually saw the figure clearly.

This figure looks young, but that's not the point. The real point is that his facial features look exactly like the child in green shirt before.

Lin Mo sighed but did not speak. Instead, he waited for the being who seemed to be the master of Biqu Pavilion to speak.

He said: "You can also see it, my appearance is too similar to the child who picked you up before."

"However, I'm not interested and don't want to know the reason..." Lin Mo said secretly in his heart. But he had just obtained the Purple Moon Spell from the opposing force, so Lin Mo decided to agree. I heard Lin Mo say: "That's true, but what's the reason?"

The young man in black said, "It's okay to tell you that the kid in blue is the clone I made out of jade." At this point, the young man waved his sleeves and summoned the kid in blue.

The child in green shirt had his eyes tightly closed when he appeared. After a while, the kid in green shirt opened his eyes: "We met again... although we just separated." He still had a professional smile on his face.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "I really didn't expect that...but are you the only one who exists in this huge Biqu Pavilion?"

The man in black replied: "No, it's just that other beings are away for something... Guess what it is?"

Akhtar snorted lightly, and then said: "What else could it be... Naturally, I took this opportunity to sell the supplies and equipment needed by various cities."

"The girl is very smart." The man in black touched his chin and said. Then he smiled and said, "I know the purpose of your trip here is for it, right?"

At this time, the man in black lowered his arm and spread it flat in the air. Then a necklace appeared in his palm. It was a very beautiful necklace, exuding color like ice edges reflecting the sunset light.

Lin Mo's eyes could no longer move. This was the Sage Necklace, the third component of the Sage-level suit "Immortal Will" that he needed.

"How can we get it?" Lin Mo asked slowly.

The young man smiled and said, "It's very simple, just pass the test."

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