The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 1294 The project has paid back, and the rest is all profits

Wu Yuan's words were soft and thorny, anyone could hear it.

But Zhong Zhentao felt that he had a debt in his heart and could not act.

But Wu Fanghua was able to apologize and explain: "Brother, it's just to fill your belly, what else can you eat? Why do you waste so much money?"

Wu Yuan sat down and said earnestly: "Fourth sister, do you think I am afraid that you will embarrass me?"

Wu Fanghua and Wu Fanghua were stunned by this heartfelt truth.

The couple looked at each other with a look on their faces, 'Isn't it? ’ expression.

Wu Yuan further asked: "Wen Yong is in the recovery period. He needs to strengthen his nutrition and be in a happy mood. How will the hard and simple style of work you two practice here be beneficial to his recovery?"

Listening to Yaodi's words, Wu Fanghua and his wife were very enlightened.

They know best what kind of character their eldest son has.

He is such a child with strong self-esteem.

The two of them were living a simple life here. They wouldn't be able to embarrass his old uncle, but they would make the children feel embarrassed first.

Thinking of this, the pancakes that were already difficult to swallow became even more difficult to swallow.

Then the two of them watched helplessly as the pancakes in their hands, along with the cage cloths wrapped with more pancakes, were taken away by Yao Di and replaced by steaming, fragrant pan-fried buns and soy milk.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Zhong Wenyong felt a lot relieved, and he felt inexplicably happy.

Because what Lu Huan brought were all Lu Yao's works and short stories about the happiest day in his life, he also felt a bit of identification and affinity with this female classmate from the city.

After the fourth sisters finished eating fried buns and soy milk, Wu Yuan continued to make more arrangements.

"Fourth sister, fourth brother-in-law, you have come to my territory and everything will be at my disposal, that's right."

"I am the boss of Tangtang. I will let you eat and drink well and entertain you to fill your stomach. This is the minimum, right?"

"Is it possible that you still have to calculate the money for these meals with me afterwards?"

"If this news spreads, what will my business friends in Shanghai think of me?"

Zhong Zhentao sighed repeatedly, but said unreasonably: "His uncle, that's not what he meant, and he didn't mean that either."

Wu Yuan slapped his thigh: "If it's not right, you two just listen to my arrangements, stay with Wen Yong to recover from his injury, and be discharged from the hospital smoothly. Even if it reaches the ears of the third sister, she won't be able to say a word to you two."

Wu Fanghua said politely: "Brother Yao, you bought too many buns..."

Wu Yuan said nonchalantly: "Throw it away if you can't finish it. It's so hot today, I can't put it away."

Wu Fanghua said quickly: "You can't throw it away, you can't throw it away."

After a while, there was nothing left of the pan-fried buns and soy milk.

Saying I bought too much is really not convincing.

Even so, Wu Yuan still waited until Director Yu came to check the ward before leaving.

Before leaving, Wu Yuan handed over the money to buy the house to Lu Huan in front of the fourth sisters.

As if he had accepted a glorious mission, Lu Huan held his head high and said, "Uncle Wu, I promise to complete the mission!"

Because she found that when she accepted this task, the idiot would actually smile at her.

After leaving Huashan Hospital, Wu Yuan went straight to Qihua Building.

Arrangements were made at the hospital, and when he returned to the company, Wu Yuan felt inexplicably relaxed in his steps.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I couldn't help but smile at the front desk.

The newcomer at the front desk was stunned for a moment. He didn't recognize the other person and said, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

Wu Yuan did not rely on his old age to frighten the new front desk girl in a domineering manner.

He just stopped and said, "Look carefully and see who I can find."

Seeing this tall and handsome man, Liu Shen, the little girl at the front desk, stopped smiling.

In my mind, I went through all the training content after joining the company, as well as the honors and photos that flashed by.

"Are you the boss?"

Wu Yuan nodded and said: "You are..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Lu's overjoyed voice came and said: "Boss, are you back?"

Wu Yuan joked: "I'm afraid if I don't come back, I won't be able to find where to open the door of Tengda Company!"

Shen Lu smiled obediently and said: "How can you, boss!"

"That's right," he then pulled the little girl at the front desk and said, "This is my new front desk Ning Xi."

This name is a bit strange.

So Wu Yuan had to look at the little girl again and figured out how to write the word "Ning Xi".

Then Shen Lu's eyes fell on the cloth bag in Wu Yuan's hand and said: "Boss, what is this?"

Because it didn't look like a briefcase or any important document, Shen Lu asked.

Wu Yuan weighed the pancakes and pickles that he had snatched from the mouths of his fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law. At this moment, he said like a treasure: "This is a specialty of my hometown. You Shanghainese can't eat it."

Well, after hearing that she couldn't eat, Shen Lu wanted to eat even more.

While accompanying Wu Yuan into the company, he kept begging for help.

When Fan Bingbing came forward with the document in hand, Shen Lu immediately confirmed with her.

As a result, Vice President Fan unanimously agreed: "It is indeed our specialty, and you can't eat it here."

As a result, it made me even more greedy.

But Wu Yuan still didn't let go, and just told Fan Bingbing: "In a moment, you can ask Yu Niang to fry pancakes and bring them over with lunch."

Fan Bingbing immediately suggested: "Fried shrimps with chili? Or side dishes like shredded potatoes, a little of each?"

Wu Yuan didn't make up his mind, just waved his hand and said: "You decide."

Back in the office, Wu Yuan sat in the executive chair.

If you sit in the right place, your whole body and mind will feel relaxed and happy.

Shen Lu made the tea herself and brought it over. As soon as she entered the room, she said with admiration: "Boss, I heard that you have done a lot of things in the capital. It's really amazing."

Wu Yuan came to his senses: "What big deal?"

Shen Lu said matter-of-factly: "The Asian Games Village project! I heard that more than 1,200 apartments have been booked now."

"One thousand and two?" Wu Yuan's news was obviously lagging behind: "When I left, it had just passed the one thousand mark."

Shen Lu said with certainty: "That's right, it's one thousand two dollars. Vice President Fan just asked about it this morning. If all the money of one thousand two dollars is paid, the Asian Games Village project will have paid back. There are still about fifteen hundred sets left. , no matter how much it sells for, it’s all profit!”

Wu Yuan accepted this latest performance, took a sip of tea and said, "You are quite well-informed!"

Shen Lu pursed her lips and said with a hint of sadness: "If I had known, I would have applied for a secondment."

Just then, the phone rang on the table.

Wu Yuan picked up the call and heard that it was his niece Lin Miaomiao calling.

As soon as he got through, he asked directly: "Uncle, where did you take the pancakes that my aunt brought? At least give me some to satisfy my craving. It's been more than half a year, and I've been craving this one."

Wu Yuan said decisively: "If you want to eat, come here before lunch. If you are late, we won't wait."

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