When the aunt heard this, she first looked at Chen Bing beside her. Then she realized that the other party was a literary star from heaven, how could her mortal daughter compare to him.

So she quickly said yes, but still insisted on leaving her daughter here, thinking that while she was still young, it would be good for her to get more literary air.

In this way, Liu Wucheng accepted the two children and chatted with them casually.

As the topic went on, Chen Bing also recalled who the brother and sister were.

The younger sister was called Zhu Xinru, a few months younger than herself. At the age of four or five, she and other little brats from the same village often played together.

But later, the village was demolished and moved to the town, and they rarely saw each other. I vaguely remember that she was obsessed with love in her first year of high school, and her grades plummeted thereafter, and she only got into a private college in the end.

The older brother was called Zhu Shuo, four or five years older than herself, and was a little soul who was uneducated.

When I was in the fifth and sixth grade of elementary school, I often skipped school. Later, when I was in junior high school, I climbed over the wall at night to go to the Internet cafe outside the school. When I grew up, I naturally had no future. I moved between various factories and became a complete factory boy.

Of course, I don’t mean to discriminate against college graduates and factory workers. Don’t read too much into it. Every profession is very sacred. As long as you don’t steal or rob, and make money steadily, you are good.

Ahem, I’m getting off topic.

After coming to his senses, Chen Bing looked at the two little kids in front of him.

Needless to say, Zhu Xinru, a two-and-a-half-year-old child, doesn’t know anything yet. Her stupid eyes are looking at the environment here. But she can keep quiet in an unfamiliar environment, which is worthy of praise.

As for her brother Zhu Shuo, he was responding to Liu Wucheng’s words impatiently at this moment.

If his mother hadn’t promised to buy him a game console when he came to learn calligraphy, he wouldn’t have left the Golden Eagle cartoons alone and ran here!

After a few casual words, Liu Wucheng began to teach Zhu Shuo basic skills.

At the beginning, because he was still a little fresh, he was quite serious in learning. But in less than ten minutes, his mind gradually wandered away.

Looking at the old-fashioned wall clock hanging on the wall, he thought to himself, should Pleasant Goat start now?

"Ahem, don't be distracted." Seeing that he looked distracted, Liu Wucheng coughed twice to remind him.

Zhu Shuo reluctantly took back his mind, and then wrote two strokes casually before being distracted again.

Seeing Zhu Shuo being distracted again, Liu Wucheng shook his head secretly.

This child is too impetuous and is not suitable for learning calligraphy at all.


Liu Wucheng looked at Chen Bing who was writing seriously on the side, and smiled secretly again.

Yes, children of this age can't sit still. Children as mature, steady, smart and wise as my grandson are rare.

The difference between people can be seen through comparison. With Zhu Shuo as a comparison, Liu Wucheng was more satisfied with Chen Bing.

While Zhu Shuo was daydreaming, Zhu Xinru, who had seen enough of the environment and had no one to play with, suddenly burst into tears.

Her cry was like a charge, which made Zhu Shuo, who could not hold back his wild heart, stand up suddenly.

He carried his crying sister on his back and rushed out of the house without even saying hello.

He ran straight home while shouting loudly, "Mom! Mom! My sister is crying to go home!"

He ran away in a hurry, and even his shouts flew far away and disappeared.

Chen Bing stopped writing the Spring Festival couplets and looked up at Liu Wucheng beside him.

The grandfather and grandson smiled at each other and continued to write Spring Festival couplets.

Since then, Zhu Shuo and his sister have been forced by the aunt to learn calligraphy from time to time. The child who yearns for the wind will never be bound by a cage. Whenever he finds a suitable or inappropriate reason, he will take his sister back home.

The suitable or inappropriate reason here mainly depends on what animation is broadcast on TV at that time.

If it is what Zhu Shuo likes, he will not bother to wait for a suitable reason. But if he doesn't like it, or it is not broadcast at all, he has enough patience to wait for a suitable reason.

This guerrilla warfare was doomed when the aunt broke her promise and did not buy him a game console, but tried to make him surrender by force.

As for the result, neither side has made any achievements in this war without gunpowder for more than half a year.

The aunt did not succeed in making Zhu Shuo surrender. He always refused to study in a hypocritical manner. In more than half a year, he didn't even write a few times.

Similarly, Zhu Shuo did not achieve his strategic goal. Not only did the aunt fail to give himBuying a game console successfully disgusted his spare time.

For the aunt, not only did Zhu Shuo's strategic intention fail to materialize, but even his daughter could not play well with Chen Bing.

Unlike Zhu Shuo's own lack of effort, Zhu Xinru simply had no chance.

Because Chen Bing was very busy every day, not only did he have to learn all kinds of knowledge and cultivate all kinds of talents, but he also had to guide his father's way of making money from time to time. He really had no time to play house with this three-year-old kid.

Although he planned to walk his life again, he occasionally played some children's games with his childhood playmates and recalled the fun he had in the past. But this does not mean that he plans to waste his precious time on this.

It's best to take out one or two hours a week.

And it's said to be playing children's games, but because some games are really boring, Chen Bing found some fun for himself with a bad taste.

He began to guide the children's group he was in, relying on his adult knowledge and wisdom, and began to manipulate them to play the games he wanted to play.

This brought an additional effect, that is, he became the so-called king of children.

The reason for this situation is that on the one hand, he crushed these three or four-year-old brats in terms of intelligence.

On the other hand, through the mouths of the villagers headed by the aunt, his nicknames of "smart", "genius" and even "Wenquxing" spread like wildfire.

So when the adults in the family educate their children, they will take him as an example and let them learn well.

Usually in the hearts of children, adults are authority and parents are truth.

Therefore, the so-called "Chen Bing's authority" has taken root in their young hearts.


"Brother Bingbing! A big black dog appeared near our house. Every day when I pass by there, it roars at me. Let's go and teach it a lesson!"

One day in May 2008, when Chen Bing took the little brats in the village to play again after a long absence, one of the boys wearing a small silver fish necklace said this to him.

After listening to him, Chen Bing thought about it and felt that there was nothing to do now, so he might as well go and take a look.

Because if it is really a vicious dog, it is best to find an adult to deal with it as soon as possible. Otherwise, he is worried that once he leaves, these little kids will provoke it for fun.

It is okay that they did not beat the black dog. At most, these little kids will be bitten twice to learn a lesson. But if they beat it, Chen Bing can't believe how these children who have little sense of good and evil will abuse it.

Not to mention how miserable it would be for Xiu Dog to be played with by a group of children, for children, abuse in childhood, whether they are the initiator or the sufferer, has a great impact on their lives.

Because they call him brother, he doesn't want these people to become twisted and perverted when they grow up.

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