Yunxuan: You did great on the test! That's amazing. Tell Yunmiao too. She's amazing too! (laugh.jpg)

Seeing the message under the picture, Chen Bing guessed without even looking at it that the picture sent by Aunt Xuan must be the monthly test score sheet.

Shang Yunmiao also thought of what Chen Bing could think of. The little girl changed her nervousness of being afraid of being seen by the teacher and instantly became energetic, with her big eyes fixed on the screen.

Without letting Xiao Shang wait too long, Chen Bing clicked on the picture.

Almost immediately, the names on the first and third lines of the document came into their eyes.

"Wow!" Shang Yunmiao exclaimed softly, and two beautiful dimples immediately climbed up her cheeks, "Chen Bing, you are amazing. You are only one point away from a full score!"

Shang Yunmiao said this in Chen Bing's ear. Her voice was as thin as the breeze, but as soft as cotton, making Chen Bing's ears almost pregnant.

Of course, boys can't get pregnant, let alone ears. This is just a rhetorical device to show that Xiao Shang's voice is really sweet and nice to hear. It was so nice that Chen Bing thought to herself that the reason why I am alive, and I work so hard, and I get such good grades, is to listen to Xiao Shang's admiring praise.

"Praise a few more words." Chen Bing, who was floating for a while, turned his head and said to Shang Yunmiao with a happy mouth.

"Ah, ah?"

It's still class, and it's already the limit to praise in a low voice. How can I continue to praise? What if others see it?

However, it seems not good not to respond to Chen Bing's request. Shang Yunmiao had to praise in a low voice again, and then silently refused to speak.

Although I still want to continue listening, I have to pay attention to the occasion after all. Chen Bing suppressed the thoughts in his heart for the time being, thinking that he would talk about it after returning. What the two of them should do now is to take a good look at their grades.

Chen Bing took the initiative to lean towards Shang Yunmiao, and the two of them got together and continued to look at the grades.

After confirming that her grades were third in the grade, and that the second place was from another class, Shang Yunmiao chuckled twice. If we choose seats according to grades, Chen Bing will choose and then I will choose, and then we will be the front and back desks.

After calming down her joyful mood, Shang Yunmiao continued to look down the list, she wanted to know the rankings of other people in the class.

Zhang Xinyu, fourth in the grade. Wen Xin, sixth in the grade. Song Ze, ninth in the grade. Ma Lele, tenth in the grade...

The transcript sent by Yunxuan was not complete, and it only showed the scores of the top 27 students in the grade. If you want to see a more complete list, you probably have to wait for the class teacher to send down the transcript.

However, Shang Yunmiao didn't care much about the rest. She just wanted to know that her efforts during this period were not in vain, and she would soon be able to sit in front of and behind Chen Bing. That was enough.

When she thought of this, the tune she would only hum when she was happy came out of her mouth unconsciously, drifting into Chen Bing's heart bit by bit. This tune was intermittent, starting from 13:14 at noon, and continued to resound until 5:20 in the afternoon. It was not until the class meeting in the afternoon that other students had packed up and left, and then gradually left Chen Bing's world.

"Why don't you continue singing?"

"Ah? What, what?" Shang Yunmiao, who had been humming the tune for a long time without realizing it, was stunned by Chen Bing's sudden question. She tilted her little head and looked at him standing beside her in confusion.

"Nothing." For the purpose of appreciating music, Chen Bing called Shang Yunmiao outside the classroom to blow the wind while waiting for Yunxuan to go home after school. But I don't know if the wind today was too noisy, it actually blew away the singing of my lovely classmate Shang.

With some sad thoughts, Chen Bing touched Shang Yunmiao's head and said, "Be happy for me."

Shang Yunmiao: (・∀・(・∀・(・∀・*)?

Although the request was strange, Shang Yunmiao still planned to meet Chen Bing's request.

"Is this so?" Shang Yunmiao asked with a fake smile on her face.

This is not what I want... But, seeing that you have worked so hard, I will still praise you.

"Great, great."

After hearing Chen Bing's praise, Shang Yunmiao did not show much joy.

Because, why does this compliment feel wrong? It sounds like something that would be said when teasing Zhaocai.

So, I should have been teased, right? With the idea of ​​revenge, Shang Yunmiao clenched her fist and gently punched Chen Bing's chest twice.

Shang Yunmiao's punch was certainly not very strong. With her slightly shy little face and the increasing height difference with Chen Bing, it was almostThis action looks like a spoiled child.

The reason why it looks like a spoiled child is not just Chen Bing's subjective YY. Because Yunxuan, who saw this scene, gave a clear definition of this behavior.

"Don't be a spoiled child with your brother. Mom is back. Let's go home."

Shang Yunmiao was slightly startled when she heard her mother's voice suddenly sounded behind her. After she came to her senses, she turned her head and threw herself into Yunxuan's arms.

Excluding the possibility that she missed each other too much because she hadn't seen each other for an hour, Shang Yunmiao probably hid in shyly because her mother saw her flirting.

Without saying much, Yunxuan patted her daughter's back and took her home with Chen Bing.

This weekend, Chen Bing didn't plan to stay at Shang Ping's house. The reason was that he was tired of the nine-day holiday for National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. So, he deliberately didn't ride the electric bike this morning, but waited for Yunxuan to go to work and then went there together.

Facts have proved that riding a car is much more comfortable than riding a bike. Although it is only mid-October now, the temperature in Shandong Province is already very low in the morning. When it is deep winter in a few months, if I ride my electric bike to school by myself, I am afraid I will freeze to death on the road.

So, when the time comes, I will find the class teacher and tell him not to attend morning reading and evening self-study, and go to school with Aunt Xuan every day. Anyway, if the grades are good, these small requests will be allowed, right?

"What do you think?"

Secretly pinching Shang Yunmiao's little hand in his palm, Chen Bing asked her opinion.


"When winter comes in the future, let's not attend morning reading and evening self-study, and go to school with Aunt Xuan every day."

"Ah, is this okay?" Shang Yunmiao is a very obedient child in her bones, so when faced with Chen Bing's unorthodox request, she is a little unsure.

"Why not, with our grades and Uncle Shang's relationship, the school will definitely agree."

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