Ye Lang slowly withdrew his long sword, his eyes looking at the cowardly and mediocre from both sides shone with a light of excitement that he had never had before, which was very strange. It's like a mouse that has glimpsed a delicious meal, it's disgusting for no reason. If someone passed by, they would be shocked, because Ye Lang's expression at the moment seemed to be another person possessed by a demon. And Ye Li took a step back slightly, as if he was afraid of being splashed with blood and stained the corner of his robe, but the expression on his face did not change a bit.

The blood slowly soaked and soaked down the sleeves of Princess Heyi, and the "criminal evidence" in the sleeves was also stained red by the blood stains, and the handwriting gradually melted away. I am afraid that in the end, even The seal is also not very clear. Princess He Yi's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, maybe she didn't expect that this incompetent prince who never paid attention to her would eventually kill her. Perhaps it was unexpected that this exquisite garden would eventually become her burial place.

The last thing she saw was the clean clothes of the two in front of her, which formed a sharp contrast with her bloody and sticky body.

The last thing she heard was Ye Li's indifferent inquiry: "How did she find this place?"


Under the bamboo building, the subordinates hid the body of Princess Heyi and cleaned up the blood on the ground. In the bamboo building, Ye Li and Ye Lang sat at the table, their expressions were not as relaxed as before.

"I just want to know, how did she know about this place." Ye Li stared at Ye Lang and said.

Although this place is in a deep palace, not everyone can see its twists and turns and secrets. If you walk by other roads, you will definitely meet the guards guarding the gate, and Princess Heyi can walk in unimpeded, it must be because you have not encountered any guards. This can only show that the way she walked was her own way. And Princess Heyi obviously couldn't be one of his own people, there might be a traitor among them.

This place is very confidential, Ye Li and Ye Lang would meet here when they have something to discuss on weekdays, so when they met Princess Heyi today, the two of them felt murderous almost at the same moment. Although this place looked like a remote and abandoned concubine's backyard, but other people in the palace knew that the two of them had appeared here together, which would definitely arouse people's suspicion.

Ye Lang was startled: "Eighth brother, you don't doubt me, do you?" He didn't seem to know how to explain it: "I swear I didn't, how could I tell her such a thing?"

"I didn't say it was you." Ye Li waved his hand: "However, is there anyone else around you who knows this place?"

Ye Lang shook his head: "Except for a few guards given by my eighth brother, no one knows this place. I also find it very strange that He Yi found here suddenly. If it is said that he found it by accident, it is really too coincidental. After a pause, a hint of annoyance flashed across Ye Lang's face: "I should have asked how she got here just now."

It's a pity that he lost control of his emotions just now, and killed Princess Heyi on impulse. At this moment, he felt a little regretful and afraid. But there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Since the person is dead, it is too late to say anything.

"This matter always reveals something strange." Ye Li squinted his eyes: "The sudden disappearance of He Yi will inevitably arouse suspicion in the palace. There is only one way to prevent people from suspecting themselves."

"What method?" Ye Lang was taken aback.

"Misfortune is brought to the east." Ye Li smiled slightly: "The Princess Heyi was killed by someone, but we can't kill her. Whoever has a grudge against her in this palace will kill her. If we can get rid of her A thorn in the side, she deserves to die."

Ye Lang's eyes lit up, it was true, it was not safe for Princess He Yi to hide in the palace, and it was not easy to smuggle the corpse out of the palace. Up until now, there was only one scapegoat to be found, but this scapegoat wasn't just found casually. It is best to be able to kill two birds with one stone, not only to get rid of this hot potato, but also to get rid of the serious trouble. Ye Lang thought about it, and suddenly a cold figure floated in his heart.

"I see," he said excitedly, "Eighth brother, I have a good candidate."

"Oh?" Ye Li's eyes flashed: "Let's hear it."

"This method, I promise, will satisfy my eighth brother more than finding a scapegoat. We can use Heyi to fulfill my eighth brother's wish."

Ye Lang smiled lowly, grabbed a piece of paper in front of him, and started to write.


Tianzhu returned to the Princess Palace, put down the flower basket in his hand, and indeed picked a basket full of petals, poured out all the petals and put them into the wooden basin and began to wash them little by little.

"What time is it and you are still in the mood to do this here." Luzhu pulled the wooden basin, grabbed her sleeve and walked into the room: "The girl is still waiting for your reply."

Tianzhu shrugged. As a subordinate, he must obey his master's orders. In addition to leading the way, Jiang Ruan's instructions were the same as looking for the petals. She couldn't care less about one thing than the other. Big and small things were all things assigned by her master.

In the room, Jiang Ruan was sorting the petals that he had picked earlier. Empress Dowager Yide was in a good mood recently, and asked her to learn how to mix a few bottles of spices. When she was in the palace in her previous life, she had learned a little from Ye Li's blessing, and it was not difficult, but now it is easier to act.

"Miss, the road has already been brought." Tianzhu said: "This subordinate saw Princess Heyi enter the garden with his own eyes, but he did not come out after waiting for an hour, so this subordinate went to Jingzhu Garden to pick some flower petals as the young lady ordered. return."

Before Jiang Ruan ordered Luzhu to inquire about the latest movements of Princess Heyi in Shufang Palace. Once she knew that Princess Heyi had left Shufang Palace early today, she immediately asked Tianzhu to dress up as a court lady, and brought a flower basket to meet Heyi in person. The princess "encountered by chance". Let Tianzhu be "followed" again, and show Princess Heyi the way calmly.

She didn't explain to the maidservants why she did this, and Luzhu and the others didn't understand the reason, but just vaguely felt that this was an extremely important matter. Only Tianzhu, she is a martial artist, Jiang Ruan called her into the house before, and after giving her a map, she walked all the way to find the ingenuity of this map.

The garden that Jiang Ruan asked her to lead Princess He Yi to was clearly a very secret place. The one that Jiang Ruan took her away was the one that avoided all the guards. This kind of garden looks bright and upright, but in fact it is very difficult to really enter. There are many forks in the road, and the forks in the roads are forked. Owner. If some important person gets the news by luck and goes in, it is just a garden inside, and there is no other reason.

This is actually a very daring secret room. It is so bold that it is exposed in front of everyone. The secret room is in this garden that is open to the public. Except for the owner, basically no one can enter.

And Jiang Ruan obviously already knew the location of this garden, and even knowing the road was the most trouble-free one. She led Princess Heyi to this place, one can imagine the danger of that place. If it is one of his own, Jiang Ruan doesn't need to use this method, that is to say, Jiang Ruan's trick to kill people with a knife is really extremely clever.

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