The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 309: Ending the Curtain (2)

Concubine Shu also had some doubts about Xia Qing's words. She was not a genius doctor, so naturally she couldn't see anything wrong with Princess Heyi's corpse. At first she thought that Jiang Ruan had done this, and she wanted to put Jiang Ruan to death, but at this moment Xia Qing suddenly said this. If it is true what Xia Qing said, Princess Heyi died a day before Mu Fengting, who is the real murderer? Although Concubine Shu hated Jiang Ruan because of Princess Heyi, she was unwilling to let the real culprit who killed her daughter go unpunished, and she couldn't accept the feeling of being deceived in the dark. Immediately, her brows stood upright, and she shouted: "Xia Qing, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true." Xia Qing was so questioned. Although he was a little angry in his heart, he still explained in a good temper: "Although the grass people roam around, the medical center has been open in Jinling for so many years. No one has ever said that the medical center It's not true, and I won't smash the signboard myself. Caomin has seen the corpse of the princess, and the medicine has been removed now. If the empress doesn't believe it, you can find some foremen and imperial doctors to go to the autopsy to see if what Caomin said is true .”

Everyone in the Great Jin Dynasty knew the reputation of the Master of Jinling. What he said was the golden rule among the doctors of the Jin Dynasty. Who would doubt that his diagnosis was false? If you doubt it, you are doing the right thing with the medical ethics of the entire Dajin Dynasty. Xia Qing is straightforward and his character is praised by everyone. He said so, and everyone did not suspect that there was something wrong.

The crown prince followed suit and said, "Father, my son has just asked the Imperial Medical Office and the palace officials to re-examine it. As the doctor Xia said, He Yi died before the day of Mufengting."

The emperor's expression moved slightly, and Empress Dowager Yide's hands in her sleeves gradually stretched out, slowly stroking the ruby ​​armor, and said lightly: "Fourth, what else do you have to say?"

"No, it's not..." Ye Lang never thought that Xia Qing would save such a trick and kill him by surprise. However, it is already difficult to turn the tables at this time. The emperor looked at him with deep thought, which made Ye Lang unable to bear it Don't be scared. He has been planning for so long, pretending to be cowardly and harmless for so long, and seeing that the great cause is about to be accomplished, is it possible that today, all the original efforts will be wiped out?

"Fourth brother, I know that you love Princess Hong'an, but you can't use such an unappealing method." The prince smiled and said: "Besides, the life and death of Vice-General Jiang at the front line is uncertain, so you don't hesitate to put Princess Hong'an in prison. The level of framing is really too despicable."

It's okay not to mention this, but once it was mentioned, everyone immediately thought of Jiang Xin's matter again. Just now Ye Pei said that Ye Lang wanted to take advantage of Princess Heyi’s death to force her to marry him. Why did he want to force her to marry him? If he really came for a beauty, he would be destroyed if he couldn’t get it. It's too much to lose. If it is for the military power in Jiang Xinzhi's hands, it is very possible.

Although Jiang Xinzhi's status is very embarrassing now, if he advances, he will make great achievements, and if he retreats, he can take over the military power. In any case, marrying Jiang Ruan is a good deal. If Ye Lang had thought this way, everything would make sense. It's just that when they understood, everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. They saw this incompetent Fourth Highness following behind the prince every day, but they never thought that there would be such ambitions and plans. They really should not be underestimated.

Ye Lang looked at the prince angrily, and the prince smiled back at him. Ever since I was reminded by Jiang Ruan, although the prince is a brainless person, in the deep palace, he does not have the temper to be slaughtered by others, especially those who hate betrayal and deception the most. He thought he treated Ye Lang well, but he didn't know that the result of the investigation later was that Ye Lang secretly had a close relationship with Ye Li. Thinking that Ye Lang was just acting like a brother and friend, the prince felt disgusted as if he had eaten a fly. And some inexplicable things in the early years also proved that Ye Lang did it behind the scenes. The prince had already been furious with Ye Lang, now that he found an opportunity, he wanted to suppress him to death. The so-called cause will reap the fruit, but if Ye Lang treated the prince with three-point sincerity at the beginning, he would not fall into the situation where everyone betrays his relatives now.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Gu, the commander-in-chief, entered the palace and reported: "Back to the emperor, I found blood-stained clothes in the abandoned well in the palace, and I identified them as the princess's clothes."

If it was the person Jiang Ruan killed, Ye Lang had already seen the murder, how could there be time to take off Princess Heyi's clothes and run to the abandoned well a few miles away to throw it away?

The crown prince shook his head and said: "Fourth brother, I didn't say that you killed my own sister for the sake of Princess Hong'an. Concubine Concubine speaks for you in front of Emperor Father. Concubine Shu must be so sad that you killed Heyi like this, you see, she trusts you so much, she never doubted you at all."

As soon as these words were finished, the expression on Concubine Shu's face suddenly changed, and Ye Lang also froze in place.

The crown prince's words are indeed correct. Concubine Chen Gui is gentle on the surface but arrogant in fact, and usually goes far away with the other three concubines. Concubine Shu is arrogant and childless, so she does not pose a threat, and she has been favored by the emperor for some time. In the past, Ye Lang deliberately tried to please Concubine Shu, only hoping that Concubine Shu could say something nice about him in front of the emperor.

Now the prince's words have directed everyone's attention to Concubine Shu. Indeed, Concubine Shu lost Princess He Yi, and first targeted Jiang Ruan to attack, but she completely trusted Ye Lang's words. If Ye Lang and Concubine Shu had a close relationship, would there be any inside story? Once the concubine of the deep palace has ambitions, she will act in a terrible way. Is it possible that the concubine Shu Shu, who is the princess of Yi County, actually knows about it, but she and Ye Lang want to force Jiang Ruan to marry her. What is the purpose? Naturally, it is because Concubine Shu has no children, Princess He Yi is just a woman after all, if Ye Lang has power in the future, even thinking deeply, if Concubine Shu can take that position, Concubine Shu can also get a share.

The emperor's heart is particularly sensitive to these matters, almost as soon as the words fell, the emperor's eyes shot straight at Concubine Shu.

Although Concubine Shu is arrogant and indulgent in the palace, she is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages involved. She secretly hated the prince for dragging her into the water, but at the same time she hurriedly said loudly: "I didn't expect that I trust you so much, fourth prince, but you hurt me so much!" He Yi, Your Majesty," she looked at the Emperor, two lines of tears fell down her glamorous face, "You must be the master of your concubine!"

This is to follow to crusade against Ye Lang. Only in this way can Yoyo's mouth be blocked, and it can be shown that she and Ye Lang did not conspire at all. So far, Ye Lang has betrayed his relatives.

The emperor was furious: "Come here, take the fourth prince away and send him to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation the next day!"

"No, father, it's not me..." Ye Lang heard this sentence before he had time to think of a countermeasure, and he panicked immediately, only begging for mercy and crying for grievances.

However, at this time, it was too late for him to say anything. The crown princes Ye Pei, Xia Qing, and now Mr. Gu almost confirmed his lies. And Ye Pei's divisive words finally made Ye Li shut up right in front of him. Or Ye Li himself didn't intend to help, after all, it's his consistent style to abandon the car to protect the handsome man.

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