The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 311 Marriage Grant (2)

"You idiot." Mo Cong knocked him on the head: "You don't care too much about the important affairs of the third brother's life. You don't know that the third brother has finally enlightened. It's a pity that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless. The girl is cold. Doesn't the third brother not care about it?" Do you want to find ways to increase your favor in front of the girl? But this girl is a good person, and the elder brother has some military power in his hands, Ye Li also has her idea. The third brother became angry and became a beauty, trying to trip Ye Li. "

What Mo Cong said was teasing, but Xiao Shao just drank tea and said nothing, didn't take his words to heart at all, instead he was slightly distracted, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing these words, Xia Qing shouted exaggeratedly: "What? Who is it? You are still ruthless, and the third brother has been shut out. Seventh brother, don't lie to me."

Who is Xiao Shao? Since he was five years old, he has been given flower bags. His face is too attractive. Of course, the end result is just to take advantage of his brothers. Later, when I studied under Canaan Mountain, countless girls who were not interested in drinking also clamored to go to Canaan Mountain to learn from a teacher. This is naturally impossible. The method, once caught in the formation, is full of dangers. At that time, how many ladies from all over the world didn't want to get close to Xiao Shao, Xiao Shao always ignored her. For no reason, they bothered them, a kind of trouble that the senior brother wanted to wipe Xiao Shao's buttocks. At that time, Xia Qing and Mo Cong were young, and the most they did every day was to persuade those sad girls.

Persuasion is fine, the disappointed eyes of those girls looking at them are enough to become the nightmare of every Canaan mountain disciple—it hurts self-esteem too much.

In fact, among their fellow apprentices, there are many handsome young men. It is probably because Xiao Shao's appearance is too good, and there is a kind of alienation and indifference on his body that rejects others thousands of miles away. A unique charm. When they were young and they were looking for a beautiful girl, only Xiao Shao stood still with an extraordinary look. The rest of their senior brothers also secretly discussed in private, thinking that Xiao Shao will definitely become a monk in Shaolin Temple in the future.

Who knows that listening to Mo Cong's words today, Xia Qing was taken aback, and he didn't know what it was like in his heart. He probably didn't expect that the god-like figure in his heart would finally step down from the altar and hit a wall. Rao This baby-faced young man was innocent by nature, and couldn't help but gloated a little. It really is that feng shui turns around, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don't believe me, look up, and the sky will spare you.

"Nuo, you have seen it today." Mo Cong knew what Xia Qing was thinking when he saw Xia Qing's expression, and said with a narrow smile, "It is the master who escaped unharmed today because of your assistance in the autopsy, Princess Hong'an, You see, framed people."

"It's her!" Xia Qing was taken aback. Thinking of the girl in prison clothes in the Golden Luan Hall, she was naturally beautiful and charming, but Xia Qing was a little scared by that calm expression. Xia Qing thought for a while, and said seriously: "It turns out that the third brother likes beautiful and charming girls. I understand, and I will write a letter to tell the fourth brother later."

Mo Cong rolled his eyes, the fact that Xiao Shao fell in love with a girl is really going to be known to everyone. I don't know what kind of expression Mr. Yachi knows. He looked at Xiao Shao, put away his playful look, and said seriously: "After the marriage is given, you are going to the border to crusade against Tianjin?"

"Yes." Xiao Shao reminded: "When you meet him in Beijing, be careful."

"Ye Li will definitely play tricks in the back." Mo Cong murmured, "Even if you have arrangements, he has an advantage in Beijing, so how do you distribute the hundred thousand brocade guards?"

"One hundred thousand troops follow me. I will leave some people in the capital." Xiao Shao said: "Xi Rong is not peaceful, and he may be suspected of attacking from front to back. Ye Li really has something to do, so he must take advantage of this opportunity to make trouble." After a pause, he said: "You are in Beijing, protect her for me."

"She" naturally refers to Jiang Ruan. Mo Cong didn't know how he felt, he just said: "I know. You should also be more careful."

"Xirong, Dongyi Kingdom, Tianjin Kingdom, and the traitors in the court. We can't catch them all this time, and there will be more troubles in the future. I have written a letter to recall Qi Si. You two stay in Beijing. After I leave, court There is probably a big commotion, so you must not slack off. Ye Li is here for fishing, but if he is really insane, he will be killed directly." Xiao Shao's eyebrows flashed a trace of hostility: "I will take care of what happened."

Xia Qing was taken aback: "Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Xia Wu, you also stay in the capital. If you enter the palace today, you will inevitably be watched by Ye Li. It is not safe to go back to Jinling. At least there are people in the capital to protect you. I will send you troops. With you here, you can also replace me." Take care of Jiang Ruan." Xiao Shao looked at Xia Qing and said.

"Ah?" Xia Qing touched his nose: "I am a genius doctor, not a doctor in your mansion, how can I treat only one person, besides, why should the Eighth Prince follow me? ..."

Seeing that Xia Qing wanted to go on, Mo Cong said: "Shut up, if you want to die, go back to Jinling now, the third brother is doing it for your own good, if the death is unknown by then, don't say that everyone didn't care about the same sect Brotherly love."

Xia Qing was originally a pure medical idiot, and when Mo Cong said this, he immediately fell silent, Nuonuo said: "I just said it casually, I just listen to the third brother."


When Jiang Ruan was almost indisputably murdered, there was a sudden turning point. The appearance of the crown prince and the thirteen princes brought a turning point to the case, and the master of Jinling found out the strangeness in it. In the end, the imperial court personally interrogated, and in the end many doubts were found. Jiang Ruan was proved innocent, but the fourth prince Ye Lang became a murder suspect.

A few days later, the emperor brought people to interrogate him again, but for some reason, Ye Lang took the initiative to admit the crime. However, after investigation by the people from the Ministry of Punishment, criminal evidence was indeed found. There were all witnesses and physical evidence, how could Ye Lang deny it? Immediately he was thrown into prison, and everyone was guessing how much crime Ye Lang would be convicted of this time. After all, Princess Heyi was quite favored by the emperor at the beginning, and Concubine Shu would not let her daughter die in vain, so she spared no effort He wanted to put Ye Lang to death.

But before the verdict came down, Ye Lang committed suicide in the prison. He committed suicide by taking poison, and the dungeon was heavily guarded by soldiers, so it is impossible for someone to kill someone to silence him, but Ye Lang's sudden death like this is really suspicious. However, no matter how much you suspect, the person is dead, and if you can't find any evidence, you have to give up. In a fit of anger, the emperor removed Ye Lang from the royal jade plate and demoted him to a commoner, and even if he died, he could not enter the imperial tomb.

On the second day after news of Ye Lang's death came, Concubine Xian hanged herself in the palace. The mother and child both went to their deaths, and immediately created quite a storm in the palace. The emperor hated the house and black, so he didn't have a good look at Concubine Xian's suicide. He found a reason to let Concubine Xian's family collect the body. After all, Concubine Xian accompanied him in the palace for so many years, and let her and Ye Lang We were buried together.

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