The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 317 Collusion (2)

Hongying was startled, never expecting that Jiang Susu would tell this secret in front of her. Hongying agrees that Jiang Susu's relationship is not close enough to share her daughter's family concerns, and Jiang Susu is not a person who trusts others casually. There must be some reason for this, Hongying not only did not relax, but became vigilant, and said with a smirk: "Second Miss is serious? Don't take your own reputation as a joke."

"Auntie doesn't believe me?" Jiang Susu sighed quietly. When she frowned like this, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, making people feel like looking at flowers through the fog, and when she was about to see clearly, she fell into the deep pool in it. Those light-colored lips are plump and small, they are clearly talking, and it can be seen that the mouth is dry.

Hongying tried her best to suppress the dryness in her heart, she didn't open her eyes, and only heard Jiang Susu say again: "Auntie doesn't believe it, that's all. As early as three years ago, on the day of Linglongfang Lantern Festival, after Lord Xiao relieved Susu of the siege, I focused on him with all my heart. I thought that I couldn't be his wife, so I could just take a look at him from a distance. I didn't expect that by accident, he became my brother-in-law."

The more Hongying heard it, the more she felt that it was outrageous, and after thinking about it, she asked: "Since the second lady also knows that the fate between you two is over now, it is better to let go of it earlier, and it may not be a good idea to choose another son-in-law." Marriage."

Jiang Susu glanced at Hongying sadly, that look was like a bright light, and it made people feel as if they saw a beautiful snake writhing slowly, and they couldn't look away at all.

"Susu also tried to forget him from her heart, but later found that she couldn't do it. Now she came to find my aunt, and it was precisely because Susu was desperate that she made such a bad plan. I only hope that my aunt can see it for Susu's pity Come on, save Susu's life."

Hongying secretly scolded Jiang Susu for being cunning, and went around in a circle, but in the end she didn't ask her anything. It's just that Hongying also wanted to hear what Jiang Susu's plan was. If the gain outweighed the loss, she would not take this muddy water.

Thinking of this, Hongying slowed down her expression, and said softly: "Second Miss will ruin my concubine's body by saying so. I don't know how Second Miss wants my concubine to help you?"

"It would be best if my aunt would help me." Jiang Susu smiled: "I am obsessed with Lord Xiao, but the position of wife must be taken by my sister now, and Susu has never thought about competing with her for anything. It’s good to have a place next to the prince. It doesn’t matter if you are a concubine.”

"To be a concubine?" Hongying cried out in surprise, the dignified minister's daughter-in-law was made a concubine, and she would laugh out loud if she said it. As expected, Jiang Susu's love for Xiao Shao is so deep that she can even tolerate her self-deprecating status as a concubine. But even if she could tolerate it, Jiang Quan would definitely not allow it.

"My dear miss, it's not that I don't want to help you." Hongying sighed, "It's because the second lady's request is too difficult. The master loves the second lady so much, how could he be willing to let you be a concubine?" People's face, Second Miss, if you do this, where will you put the face of the entire Shangshu Mansion? Although this is beyond the mark, I still have to say something, Second Miss, as long as you have the Jiang family in your heart, you can't have such a thing. idea."

After finishing talking, Jiang Susu burst into tears: "Auntie, if there is a little way, why would Susu be like this? No one is born willing to be a concubine. Besides, Susu was also brought up in the mansion with rich clothes and fine food. Naturally I also know that this is a shameful thing to say. But Susu really only recognizes the prince, if she can't marry him, she won't be able to marry anyone else in the future."

She looked at Hongying, her eyes shining brightly: "Besides, didn't my aunt also say that? Although Susu is not as beautiful as her sister, she is not useless, and she may not be able to please Prince Xiao in the future. If the prince is happy, promote Susu Susu and her eldest sister are both from the house, and the sisters work together as a husband, so it is a good story to spread." She reached out to hold Hongying's hand, her tone full of pleading: "I beg my aunt to help Susu, if In the future, Susu will be lucky enough to be favored by the prince, so she will definitely miss the kindness of Auntie today."

Hongying's eyes flickered, she had nothing to do with this matter, and she shouldn't get involved, but Jiang Susu's words just said that she was a little tempted. In the past, she really just wanted to live in peace in the house. When Xia Yan was here, she was cautious, for fear of being caught by others. Although she has been favored by Jiang Quan for so many years, she has been very cautious. Now that Xia Yan is not in the mansion, the second aunt is dead, Tongfang Lianye is nothing to fear, she is the only one in this mansion. Once a person has tasted power, it is not so easy to let go. Although Jiang Ruan helped her at the beginning, Jiang Quan and Jiang Ruan were deadly enemies. If she wants to firmly grasp her position in the mansion, she can no longer be involved with Jiang Ruan.

Besides, Jiang Ruan is really scheming and cannot be controlled by her. Hongying is now used to giving orders to others, how can she be content to be inferior to others in front of Jiang Ruan. What's more, Jiang Ruan knew her secret, it was like an untimely scourge always hiding in Hongying's heart, making her unable to sleep peacefully every night. If Jiang Susu can be sent to Jinying Palace and build a good relationship with Jiang Susu, maybe Jiang Ruan can be restrained by a point or two, at least Jiang Ruan dare not act rashly towards her.

Hongying looked at the woman opposite, Jiang Susu was dressed in white clothes, but she wore a kind of charm, like a fox spirit, her gestures almost dazzled people's eyes. This is different from the beauty of appearance, it is a kind of amorous feelings engraved in the bones. Rao Hongying had stayed in the brothel for so many years, and seeing Jiang Susu's current demeanor, she couldn't help but say hello in her heart. If Jiang Susu was born many years earlier, I am afraid that the red card of the brothel would have to be replaced.

Such a woman, there is no reason for a man not to love her. Even if Xiao Shao is a stone man, he would still be tempted by such beauties. After all, men are just animals that follow instincts. This second lady is so powerful, it is not right to hold the legendary cold-hearted young prince in the palm of her hand. A difficult thing to do. On the other hand, Jiang Ruan, although she looks bright and beautiful, but when you think about it carefully, her temperament is too cold and cold. Men like soft jade, and women should show weakness. Jiang Ruan is so strong, how can he compare to Jiang Susu's tear.

The more she looked at Hongying, the more she felt that if Jiang Susu and Jiang Ruan entered Jinying Palace together, in the end, Jiang Ruan must be left out and Jiang Susu would be favored. Now that Jiang Susu's mother-in-law is gone, if she wants to live well in the mansion, she must rely on her. Now it seems that Jiang Susu is also a wise man, much easier to control than Jiang Ruan. She had an idea in her mind, but it wasn't for nothing after all. Hong Ying wondered: "This... the second miss is infatuated, and the concubine came from her daughter's house, so I understand what the second miss is thinking. It's just that this matter looks simple , but it is not easy to do. If you screw up, the master will punish you. The second young lady is a daughter from the mansion, so naturally it is fine, but the concubine is just a concubine. If the master is not happy, he may sweep the concubine out of the house Maybe. There is nothing else, but the concubine is still pregnant with the child, I don't want the child to be punished as soon as it is born, and become a child without a name..."

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