Xia Qing stood there in a daze, swallowed the smoke and dust raised by the carriage, and he was still in a daze as the onlookers gradually dispersed. He has lived to such a great age, and wherever he goes, he receives respect and praise from others, even young girls who know his reputation will favor him. But now he got a thorny head for some reason, and just scolded him like that. Rao, this young man has always been good-tempered, and at this moment he was being provoked to the point of gnashing his teeth. She...she actually asked if he had a hidden illness? From a girl's family, where did such shocking words come from!

The little genius doctor Xia was still immersed in the shock, but he put aside what he wanted to tell Lin Zixiang just now, shook his head, looked at the gate of Jinying Palace in front of him, and suddenly felt a wave of resentment that could not be added. If Xiao Shao didn't want him to stay in the capital and become Jiang Ruan's personal doctor, why would he be accused in front of so many people. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Xia Qing flicked his sleeves, turned and left.


In Xiahou's mansion, Xia Jun brushed the dust off his sleeves, walked out of Yuanzi. When Fang walked out of the yard, he saw Xia Jiaojiao fighting for something from a maid, and said loudly: "You low-class girl, what do you need such a good bracelet for? Don't give it to me!"

The servant girl was not to be outdone, and said: "Miss, this is what the old lady gave to the servant. If the lady needs it, she can ask for it like the old lady. The slave does not dare to give away the things of the old lady. Besides, Miss, the golden branches and jade leaves, what are you doing?" If you don't have any good things, why should you be as knowledgeable as a slave?"

The servant girl's eloquent teeth obviously angered Xia Jiaojiao, and when Xia's family slapped her, "You should talk back! Who is the master!"

The servant girl turned around to avoid Xia Jiaojiao's slap, and said: "Miss, don't embarrass your servant, if the mother next to the old lady sees it later, it would be bad if the lady is punished."

Hearing this, Xia Jiaojiao was even more furious: "How dare you threaten me!"

The courtyard was full of noise, the maid raised her eyes and saw Xia Jun standing not far away, and immediately called out: "My servant has seen the second young master!"

Hearing Xia Jun's name, Xia Jiaojiao was startled, and immediately stopped her movements. When she saw Xia Jun standing not far away, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she whispered, "Second brother."

Xia Jun looked at Xia Jiaojiao coldly. Ever since Shen Rou Xiacai's incident was exposed, Xia's family had become the laughing stock of the whole capital. Unfortunately, Shen Rou's natal family could not be easily divorced. Although it would not be dead, Shen Rou Rou's status in the Xia family has plummeted. Xia Jiaojiao became the trace of shame left by Xia's uncle and sister-in-law's adultery. Mrs. Xia once called Xia Jiaojiao to the ancestral hall and wanted to drink a glass of poisoned wine to finish the matter. Who knew that Xia got the news halfway through. In a daze, Xia Jiaojiao was rescued from Mrs. Xia.

It's a pity that although Xia Jiaojiao saved her life, she will never be able to return to the days when she had a high status in the Xia family. Wherever she went, she would be a disgrace to the Xia family, and people would talk about the Xia family's scandals, so Xia Cheng imprisoned her in the house and did not allow her to leave the house. Her own reputation has become like this, naturally no one is willing to marry her, not only that, Shen Rou can't keep her, Xia Yi hates him, Xia Cheng and his wife are cold towards her, Xia Jiaojiao's life in the mansion is difficult, and her life is difficult. It's not even like a lady. Therefore, it was reduced to the point of grabbing jewelry with the maid.

Xia Yi has now resigned from his official position, spends his time outside every day, and has never returned to his calm and introverted appearance. Maybe he feels that the green hat that his younger brother personally put on for him is a big blow. Anyway, he is now devastated , like mud.

Yu Ya took care of Shen Rou, but she didn't live a happy life as she imagined. Because of this matter, Xia Tian showed her displeasure towards her, and acted more and more presumptuously, so he simply stopped spending the night in her yard. Xia Cheng and his wife hated her for revealing the scandal, disregarding the face of the Xia family, and treated her very indifferently, Yu Ya's temperament became more and more gloomy.

Among these people, it was Xia Jun who lived the most comfortable life every day. At the beginning Xia Jun lost the opportunity to become an official because of the ancestral hall, and he was very depressed for a while at the beginning, but now it seems that it is only mediocre. He looks at these absurd nonsense in Xia Mansion with cold eyes every day, like an outsider.

Xia Jiaojiao was originally afraid of this second younger brother, but now that her status is no different than before, she is even more afraid of Xia Jun. He also played low and petty to him in various ways, Xia Jun smiled, and walked leisurely past her, when passing by Xia Jiaojiao, he shook his sleeve and dropped a piece of broken silver.

This was a very insulting gesture, a gesture that people only do to beggars, but when Xia Jiaojiao saw this, instead of getting angry, she immediately burst into laughter, bent down to pick up the broken silver, and said, "Thank you very much." Second brother."


After Xia Jun left the mansion, he walked to a tavern on the street, and walked in. The tavern owner seemed to know him very well, and welcomed him into a small room, where there was a person sitting at the moment. The man was dressed in blue, and was sitting in front of the window pouring himself a drink. The shopkeeper retreated. The man turned around and saw Xia Jun, and smiled slightly: "Cousin."

This person is Jiang Chao. Xia Jun also smiled, walked to Jiang Chao and sat down, then poured a small glass of wine to his lips, sniffed it, and said: "Wine is good wine, my cousin can enjoy it so much, I feel ashamed .”

"It's just a matter of tongue-in-cheek, and it can't be put on the stage. If there is a chance in the future, you can enjoy endless wine. It's much better than this."

Hearing this, Xia Jun drank the wine in his glass in one gulp: "Brother said so, but what's the good thing?"

"Of course there is a good thing," Jiang Chao said unhurriedly, "and it's a great thing."

"Oh?" Xia Jun seemed to be interested: "What? Cousin works under the Eighth Prince, and this time he was promoted again?"

"That's not true," Jiang Chao said indifferently: "There are things that are more gratifying than being promoted. That is, cousin, the common enemy of you and me, now has a chance, and it can probably be eliminated."

Xia Jun's eyes darkened, and a trace of emotion flashed quickly in his eyes. The emotion was fleeting, but after a while, he smiled faintly and said, "Cousin, what do you mean by that?"

"My cousin and I also have half of the Xia family's blood, so we have to be honest with each other. There is no need to play charades, cousin, now that you have fallen into such a situation, you are not allowed to be an official, and you can only stay outside in the dark Doing things for His Highness the Eighth Prince, but not being able to get the official position and honor that he deserves, who is the gift of all this?" Jiang Chao said with a smile: "You and I both know it well!"

Xia Jun smiled and looked at Jiang Chao. He was different from Jiang Chao. Although Jiang Chao worked under Ye Li, he seemed to have advanced in his official career, but Xia Yan protected him very well back then, but his brain was not enough. . Moreover, Jiang Chao inherited Jiang Quan's cowardly and wavering temperament, and often pretended to be smart. For example, at this moment, Xia Jun clearly knew that Jiang Chao was speaking to him on purpose, but he just kept his face.

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