In Prince Jinying's mansion, Jiang Ruan put down the book in his hand, and looked at the purple-clothed youth in front of him. He was sitting opposite Jiang Ruan, looking at her with a smile, and slowly shaking a folding fan in his hand. The mustache that doesn't match his age is also a very handsome Mr. Pian Pianjia. It's a pity that because of the beard, this supposedly chic action looked a bit ridiculous.

Qi Feng lived in a large courtyard separated from the Jinying Palace, which was also arranged by Xiao Shao for him, and he lived with Xia Qing. If Jiang Ruan was not in the Jinying Palace, Xiao Shao would have let these two live in the Jinying Palace directly for fear of causing rumors. Although Qi Feng and Xia Qing don't live in Jinying Palace now, they are only separated by a wall, but they are very close.

"Sister-in-law three," Qi Feng said, waving his fan, "I specially asked fourth brother to come here, what can I order?" Qi Feng put on a very flirtatious appearance, but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He lived in the Baizhang Building all the year round, he was indifferent to the court, and usually hid in the dark, he didn't know anything about the back house of the Dajin Dynasty palace, so he didn't know much about Jiang Ruan either. On the way to the capital this time, I learned something about Jiang Ruan's past and present from others. Regarding Jiang Ruan's evaluation, Guan Lianghan is resourceful, Mo Cong is ruthless, and as for Xiao Shao, the one who can make Xiao Shao love him so much is certainly not an ordinary person. Qi Feng didn't underestimate Jiang Ruan, but he felt that no matter how smart he is, he is still a woman, and women are always a little whimsical and overly affectionate, but since he came to the capital and met Jiang Ruan until now, Jiang Ruan has not shown a trace Thinking of Xiao Shao, Qi Feng found it interesting in his heart, it seems that Luohua intentionally flows ruthlessly, Xiao Shao is kicking the iron plate now.

Jiang Ruan looked at the young man in front of him, and slowly showed a smile. She had never been in touch with what kind of person Qi Si was. However, since Xiao Shao said that Qi Si is a man of imperial power, it would be better for him to take the lead in some matters.

She said slowly: "I came to find Mr. Qi today to ask Mr. Qi to save his life."

"Help?" Qi Feng looked at Jiang Ruan and found that her expression did not seem to be joking. Find Xia Wucai." He hasn't figured out Jiang Ruan's temperament yet, he is different from Xiao Shao, Xiao Shao believes in Jiang Ruan because of his love, but Qi Feng and Jiang Ruan don't have a deep friendship now. It is a little wary, if Jiang Ruan wants to take advantage of Xiao Shao's absence and do something that will damage Xiao Shao and Jinying's palace, Qi Feng will never stand by, even if he fights for his life, he will stop it.

"If it's one person's life, Mr. Xia can indeed save it, but now it's tens of thousands of lives, how can Mr. Xia save it alone?" Jiang Ruan said lightly.

Qi Feng slowly frowned, and put away his playful look just now, he said: "Sister-in-law three, what does this mean, brother four really doesn't understand."

"Mr. Qi is a smart person, why bother to talk to me in a corner." Jiang Ruan's words were unceremonious, even a bit straightforward: "Since Mr. Qi and Xiao Shao are brothers of the same school, they naturally have a deep friendship. Now someone wants to plot Xiao Shao, I think with the friendship between Young Master Qi and Xiao Shao, I will definitely not stand by and watch. In terms of emotion and reason, can you help him?"

"Did something happen to Xiao San?" Qi Feng looked a little disbelieving, these days he had not received news of Jin Yiwei Xiao Shao's accident, Jiang Ruan's words were indeed suspicious. If something happened to Xiao Shao, he must be the first to know.

"No accident happened to him now, but if things go on like this, something will happen soon." Jiang Ruan's voice was deep, she looked directly at Qi Feng, a trace of sarcasm suddenly jumped into her beautiful eyes, the sarcasm was fleeting, the dark light Disappearing, turning into bright eyes that are as bright as glazed glass, looking forward to lingering is full of amorous feelings. She said: "I want to hear about me before Mr. Qi came. I have enmity with Jiang Chao and Xiahou Mansion. I made Jiang Chao lose a finger, and I also made Xia Jun no longer unable to enter. official."

Qi Feng originally smiled along with the trend, but found that it was a bit inappropriate to make this expression at the moment. He had indeed collected information about Jiang Ruan before coming. But he didn't know the significance of Jiang Ruan talking about these things now. After a pause, he said: "So what? What does it have to do with the third brother? Could it be that they would do something outrageous for revenge?"

"No," Jiang Ruan stared closely at Qi Feng, Qi Feng was shocked by her eyes, and only heard Jiang Ruan continue: "What I want to say is that Jiang Chao and the Xia family hate me more than On the surface, Jiang Chao and the Xia family are working for the Eighth Prince Ye Li, and Xiao Shao has become a thorn in Ye Li's side. Xiao Shao is unwilling to cooperate with Ye Li, and for such a person who refuses to cooperate and has power beyond his control , Ye Li has only one choice, and that is to kill." When Jiang Ruan talked about these secrets, she kept acting very calm, as if she was not talking about the big event of seizing the heir and beheading, but talking about how good the weather is today.

Qi Feng's expression was a little stiff, and he heard Jiang Ruan's cold and calm voice from the opposite side: "So, on the surface, it seems that Jiang Chao and the Xia family want to deal with me, but in fact, it is Ye Li who wants to deal with Xiao Shao, or rather, Ye Li wants to deal with Jin Yiwei. I mean, do you understand?"

"You..." Jiang Ruan's words were so straightforward that Qi Feng didn't know how to answer them. He suddenly had a feeling that Jiang Ruan was indeed very suitable for Xiao Shao. On the surface, Jiang Ruan is extremely calm and a conservative person, but there is an offensive force hidden in her dark side. He saw strength and tenacity in her eyes.

"I know Ye Li very well. He will make good use of every opportunity, especially at this juncture. Now that Xiao Shao is leaving the capital, there are only Zhao Yi left in the General's Mansion. This is the best time, Ye Li. I will definitely try my best to find out something." She looked at the book in front of her: "I asked the secret guard Xiao Shao gave me to monitor Jiang Chao, and Jiang Chao met Xia Jun a few days ago."

"They formed an alliance?" Qi Feng asked: "The Xia family is no better than before, how dare they act rashly?"

"Naturally, the Xia family doesn't dare, but it's a pity that Xia Jun is a lunatic." Jiang Ruan smiled coldly: "In the past few days, Mr. Zhang Zhang Ji of the supply unit seems to be very diligent, and his hands are extremely generous. He even bought them in the east of the city. There are three mansions and five shops. There are also a lot more banknotes stored in the Four Seas Bank, Mr. Qi, tell me, is this strange?"

"Zhang Ji..." Qi Feng's expression froze. He learned the art of imperial court, so he knew the court ministers very well. Zhang Ji is an old man in the supply team. He is upright and talented. There was a mistake, what Jiang Ruan said clearly meant to doubt Zhang Ji. On the one hand, he was surprised, but on the other hand he couldn't believe it: "Master Zhang is a good official, and when the water is clear, there will be no fish. These silver taels are not necessarily related to Ye Li. Soldiers, horses, food and grass are important matters, and Master Zhang cannot destroy his future. If you know what happened, His Majesty will be the first to spare him."

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