The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 360: Frontier (3)

In any organization, there are always some secret rooms and secret passages. Although Jiang Ruan is not very familiar with Jin Yiwei, he also knows that there must be such an existence. In fact, there is indeed such a place. Jin Yiwei transported the general's salary to his own secret road, and then used other methods to take another road and pretend to be a merchant to send it to the border. This not only solved the problem of the border military salary, but also made Ye Li angry. .

With Ye Li's temperament, he would be furious when he heard the news that the military salary had disappeared for no reason. In this way, Ye Li will be immersed in the confusion of this matter every day, and with his suspicious nature, he will inevitably suspect that his secret way has been discovered. This is the real murder without blood. Letting a person be immersed in fear every day, no matter how tough that person's mind is, is still a kind of torture.

"What's strange to me is, how did she know Ye Li's secret way?" Ye Feng pondered. This secret way has never been used by anyone for so many years, and even Jin Yiwei failed to find out. It is the first time Ye Li has used it, but Jiang Ruan seems to know it well, and knows everything very well. In detail, this is really unbelievable for Jin Yiwei who rely on mastering secrets.

Both Jin Er and Jin San looked at Lu Zhu, Lu Zhu noticed their expressions, took a step back, and said, "What are you looking at me for? I am the maidservant of the girl, not the roundworm in the girl's stomach." After thinking about it, she He said again: "Besides, the girl is now the concubine of Prince Jinying's mansion, and is your master, what do you have to doubt?"

"That's right." Tianzhu also stood up, looked around, and said, "She is also your master, pay attention to your identities."

Ye Feng lowered her head embarrassingly, with some doubts in her heart, but it was only a short period of time, and now Jiang Ruan has subdued so many people's hearts unintentionally. She was afraid that she didn't realize that Jinyiwei was using it more and more smoothly now. The Jinyiwei under Xiao Shao was not actually used to participate in court battles, nor did they do these things for so many years. Now that Jiang Ruan wants them to participate, but no one objects, this in itself is already a miracle.


At the border gate thousands of miles away, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. It seems that they don't know what happened in the capital at all, but it is very lively outside the tent at the moment, the fire of the bonfire reflects everyone's face, a group of soldiers are cheering and having fun, and from time to time there are beautiful women of different races wearing cool clothes Serve singing and dancing.

No matter how brave the soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty were, they could not withstand the engulfment of the desert grassland. The rapid consumption of supplies was not something everyone could bear, and there was no supply. What's more, they heard the news that Jinchao's military pay was burned to the ground, and there was no other way to replenish food and grass for the time being, which meant that in future confrontations, Dajinchao was likely to run out of food Absolutely, lose without a fight.

So today these soldiers are celebrating here, they are singing and drinking, and they are sure of victory. They probably don't know whether this war should continue-after all, the hundred thousand royal guards will become their captives in the end, just like in the big tent now People in the middle are average.

Yuan Chuan—the man in the gray cloak stood quietly far away from the bonfire, but his eyes were somewhat gloomy. The little soldier on the side raised a glass of wine and toasted him: "Military division, this great victory is thanks to the protection of the military division, and I respect you!"

Yuan Chuan took the wine with a smile and drank it down. The firelight outlined his figure gracefully and mysteriously, and his chin was beautiful and full of temptation. He turned to look at the soldiers who were singing and laughing, and everyone was full of joy, but...why did the news of Da Jinchao lose contact after the army's salary was burned? This is not an ordinary thing. Those Central Plains people who think they are elegant love to do treacherous things. Could it be that this alliance is not as reliable as it looks on the outside? Or is something wrong? Motokawa lowered his head slowly.

In the tent, the young man looked at the busy girl beside him, frowned slightly, and said, "You don't have to do this, let it go."

"Vice General Jiang, I am your servant girl, and I should do these things." The girl Jin'er smiled back at him. These days, she seems to play the role of personal servant very well, as long as she doesn't look at those lame loopholes. .

There is no servant who can't even clean up the dishes, doesn't know how to serve dishes, and doesn't even know the rules and etiquette. The mending and cleaning are even more messy. For example, tidying up the tent at this moment makes the whole tent full of dust.

"This is the desert, you will only raise the dust." Jiang Xinzhi finally couldn't see it, and couldn't help but stop her.

Jin'er was taken aback, put down what she was doing, and stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Vice-General Jiang, I'll stop right now." If it wasn't for such a large scar on her cheek, she would have made this expression It should also look playful and cute. She has a very good temper, no matter how indifferent Jiang Xinzhi treats her, she can always finish it happily by herself, although she is not helpful every day, but sometimes Jiang Xinzhi sees her busy and busy, and thinks she is a bit cute.

Yuan Chuan arrested Jiang Xinzhi for interrogation every now and then. The interrogation process was naturally horrible. When he came back, he was covered in scars. Jin'er didn't look like the other party's spy.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Jin'er brought over the food on one side, and said: "We are celebrating outside today, the food is good, Vice General Jiang should use some too." Then she opened the food basket box, and there was a sudden smell It poured into Jiang Xinzhi's nose, and inside was a plate of roast beef and a few pieces of dusty dry biscuits.

Jin'er blinked her eyes: "I went to steal a few dry biscuits. I asked others for the beef. Just try it."

Since Jin'er came, Jiang Xinzhi's meals often have a few more dishes, which is naturally Jin'er's "kindness", although it is not necessary at all, but Jin'er is very persistent about adding extra meals for him, Don't want to watch him eat up her extra snacks.

Today's dry biscuits are the same. The meals prepared by the Dongyi people must not be these, and he didn't bother to care about it. After eating a few mouthfuls, he said: "Why celebrate?"

Jin'er was stunned for a moment, and turned her head away: "Who knows, maybe they thought they were winning again and celebrated indiscriminately. Vice General Jiang doesn't care, these people will eventually be defeated."

Seeing her expression like this, Jiang Xinzhi was shocked and understood. He thought that the Jin Dynasty army had failed again, and his heart was a little heavy, and he couldn't eat any more. Just looking at the dry biscuits thoughtfully.

Seeing that Jiang Xinzhi was so silent when she saw what she said, she felt anxious, and said, "Vice General Jiang, don't think too much, don't give up, this battle will end soon, and you will be saved soon, these people It's just a clown, and it will be defeated in the end."

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