Jiang Xin was stunned, only to hear Jin'er say again: "How much has your martial arts recovered now?"

"Seventy percent." Jiang Xinzhi thought for a while before answering.

"Can you beat the two people outside?" Jin'er asked.


"That's good." Jin'er became a little nervous: "You have to get ready, I, I seem to hear the signal outside."

"Signal sound?" Jiang Xinzhi wondered.

"I asked before I came here, I believe in howling wolves, listen—"

In the quiet night, there were indeed a few howling wolves. There were many hungry wolves on the grassland, but they always stayed away from soldiers with torches and knives. Now there are a few howls of wolves from a distance, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but Jin'er is so sure, there must be some special rhythm in it.

The two people in the tent held their breath, the night outside was heavy, there seemed to be a rustling sound in the dark, the soldiers turned over and continued to sleep soundly, and the slightest sound was ignored.

Until the rustling sound turned into a crackling sound, which was also mixed with the sound of something collapsing, a hard wood fell, and a sleeping soldier was awakened with a "snap". He rubbed his eyes, stood up and walked out of the tent cursingly, wanting to see where such a big commotion was made. As soon as Fang stepped out of the tent, he felt a wave of heat blowing towards his face.

Waking up from the alcohol, he immediately widened his eyes, and saw a flame spreading wildly in the distance, almost lighting up the entire sky. The night was like day, and the flames were reflected in his pupils. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it was almost engulfing his thoughts. Until the fire had spread to the nearest tent, he woke up suddenly, let out a scream from his throat, and then shouted in a changed voice: "Get up! Get up! The granary is on fire! "

Like a thunder in the dark night, almost waking up all the people in the tent, the soldiers rushed out of the tent one after another, and were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them. No longer caring about other things, he said: "Quickly put out the fire—quickly put out the fire—"

But in this barren grassland, the water source is precious, and drinking water and food are scarce enough on weekdays. Such a large fire will not help at all, but the place where the fire started is the granary! It was the supplies, food and salaries of the soldiers of the entire Dongyi Kingdom. The fire was burning more and more vigorously, and the soldiers were all distressed, and then a deep fear came. The soldiers and horses went ahead without moving food and fodder. They were still laughing at Da Jinchao's military pay being burned up in the capital, but now it was their turn. The soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty had no military pay, and they could survive for a while relying on what they had in the past, but their current food had been completely burned, and they could not even last a day. What's more, when they don't have enough water, they have to watch the food and grass they depend on turn into a pile of ashes, how cruel!

"What are you panicking, use sand to put out the fire!" A low voice suddenly came from the dark place, and when everyone looked around, they saw the man in gray standing up at some point, his voice was deep and full of anger, "Be careful to disturb the Emperor!" Ji!"

"Military division! The rations have been burned!" A soldier couldn't help but panicked: "What should I do?"

"Shut up," Yuan Chuan said: "All the soldiers go to the sand dunes ahead to scoop up sand, and whoever makes a noise will be dealt with by military law!"

The soldiers immediately fell silent, Yuan Chuan was their leader, with Yuan Chuan around, it seemed that there was nothing to worry about. At this moment, Yuan Chuan gave an order, and everyone rushed to the nearest sand dune.

Yuan Chuan stood with his hands behind his back, his large robe covered most of his face, and his expression could not be seen clearly, but his beautiful red lips did not curl up as before, obviously he was not in a very happy mood at this time. Although the words are firm, but... looking at the posture of the fire, one knows that the food and grass may not be saved at this moment, and it is really powerless.

The fingers gathered under the robe slowly curled up into fists, Yuan Chuan stood still, as if something had been forgotten. The fire must have been set by the soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty. This move is not insidious. It turned out that they underestimated Jin Yiwei. They have been silent these days, so they are waiting for an opportunity? It is really well-intentioned to choose such a moment when Dongyi soldiers are most relaxed.

But what is it that has been forgotten? Yuan Chuan looked at the past, and paused slightly when his gaze passed over a large tent. The two soldiers outside the tent still stood upright, but their posture was a little stiff. Yuan Chuan turned his head, and the two soldiers did not move at all, as if they were two stones.

Yuan Chuan was startled, feeling bad. He shouted loudly: "Go and see where Jiang Xinzhi is!"

The soldiers were startled, and hurried to the big tent where Jiang Xinzhi was under house arrest, only to find that the two guards at the door had been dead for a long time, but they were supported by long poles to maintain a standing posture, and the big tent was already empty. Who else.

"It's not good, Jiang Xinzhi escaped—" a panicked voice floated over the entire camp of the Dongyi Kingdom, Yuan Chuan stood in the distance, pursed his lips tightly, and said ruthlessly: "In such a short time, he You can't escape very far, chase after me!"

The subordinate took the order to leave. Yuan Chuan looked at the burning granary fire in the distance, and then looked at the empty tent. There was no one in the tent, and even the maid was gone. Jiang Xinzhi is a sympathetic person... No, as if he thought of something, his body froze suddenly. Jiang Xinzhi was given soft tendons in his daily eating, and how did he overthrow the guards at the door. He took advantage of the chaos to escape today's fire, how could he grasp it so accurately and cooperate so seamlessly, that maidservant—that maidservant!

Jiang Xinzhi is not such a person who easily trusts others, especially in the Dongyi camp, he is on guard against everyone. The spies they sent to Jiang Xinzhi back then failed to get any useful information from Jiang Xinzhi's mouth, but now Jiang Xinzhi brought his maid along with him on the way to escape. The maid must not be that simple, maybe it is The person Xiao Shao sent over to meet Jiang Xinzhi!

Yuan Chuan's face was sinking like water, and his heart was already furious. All his life, he was conceited that he was extremely smart, and everything was under control, but he never thought that he would be manipulated like this. Firstly, the maidservant didn't seem to have any great martial arts skills, and secondly, he expected that this maidservant was not so courageous, but she was fooled by her. Today Xiao Shao sent someone to burn his granary and let Jiang Xinzhi go. This is a great shame and humiliation to him, and the anger of being insulted in his heart is more than other.


In the wilderness at night, the wind was extremely strong, the sound of horses' hooves echoed, and the howling wind blew the horseman's long hair high.

Jin'er was sitting on the horse, and Jiang Xinzhi was right behind her, holding the rein with his hands around her, so it seemed like he was wrapping her in his arms. Getting too close, the man's pleasant scent was close to the tip of her nose, Jin'er blushed slightly, in order not to let the man behind her notice her embarrassment, she said: "What if they catch up?"

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