The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 366 Night Attack (1)

Jiang Dan has now been promoted from a beauty to a third-rank Zhaoyi, and now she has a lot of opportunities in the palace, from the empress to the maidservants, all admire her very much. Even a strict person like the Empress Dowager Yide can't find fault with her. She has already colluded with Ye Li secretly, and she is living a good life. A careful and smart person conceals her ambition very well. The palace is naturally rising step by step, step by step is very steady. She is doing well, but Jiang Ruan is not in a hurry, this prosperous world is just a hunt, it depends on who is more patient. I have endured it all my life, so why not wait a while?

Jiang Ruan lowered her eyes, stretched out her hand to catch a grain of snow that fell, and the snow melted quickly in her palm. The new year is approaching, and it seems that she has returned to the year of her rebirth in a trance. She huddled in the dirty room of Zhang Lan's Zhuangzi. In reality, the enemy is above, but she is below.

Time passed quickly, and now she was standing in Prince Jinying's mansion, her position seemed to be upside down, her enemies were dead or wounded, but she was intact. Thinking of Qi Feng's words just now, Xiao Shao should also come back. The big marriage that I couldn't wait for in the last life, but now if it starts with this cold-hearted her at this time, I don't know if it will be a blessing or a curse.


In the eighth prince's mansion, the guards under him knelt on the ground and reported: "Return to Your Highness, there is news from the border that the Tianjin Kingdom can't stand it anymore. Jin Yiwei has entered the Tianjin Pass, and the Tianjin Kingdom has surrendered."

Ye Ligao was sitting in the center of the room, but his face was very gentle. He knew that his subordinates reported such unpleasant news, but he seemed very happy, and his smile was like a spring breeze. It really made people feel happy. It's a little weird.

The staff all dared not say a word. In the past year, Ye Li suffered blows from the Xia family, but he acted more and more calmly. Joy and anger are even more invisible. If Ye Li was able to skillfully put on a gentle mask on his face before, now this mask has already integrated with Ye Li.

"It's faster than I thought." Ye Li sighed, "Is it true that no matter what, Jin Yiwei can't be destroyed?"

"Your Highness, we have not completely matched up with Prince Jinying's mansion, and King Jinying has always remained neutral in the court. It is best to avoid it." An aide stepped forward to persuade. Ye Li's power has been weakened by most of it now, it is not a knowing move to confront Xiao Shao head-on, besides Xiao Shao has always ignored the affairs of the court, if he can avoid contact with him, he will definitely save a lot of trouble.

"It's late." Ye Li said with a smile: "Do you really think that we can live in peace with the Jinying Palace?" He raised the letter in his hand: "Everyone, do you know that the fire of the granary and the downfall of the Xia family came from Whose handwriting?"

The staff members looked at each other in blank dismay, the people Ye Li sent to investigate this matter all the time, but nothing was found in the end, Ye Li was very angry because of this, and this was also his heart disease. Looking at him now, do you already know who is behind it?

Ye Li said calmly: "It's Princess Jinying, Jiang Ruan."

"How could it be?" Everyone in the room was surprised: "Princess Jinying is just a woman, how can she do such a big thing, and she can't predict the foresight. If all these were written by Princess Jinying, how could she Isn't it too scary? Why on earth did she do this, against His Highness?"

"I know you're all surprised, but I'm going to tell you frankly that this matter is indeed the work of Princess Jinying." He said meaningfully: "You think it's impossible for Princess Jinying to do this, and there is no reason to deal with this hall. Didn't expect, does this represent King Jinying's intention?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent. Ye Li looked around and said, "Princess Jinying may not have been instructed by King Jinying?" In fact, Ye Li knew that it was not credible, and he got Jiang Ruan from the spies to be the one behind the Xia family's turmoil. Human Shi was also extremely surprised, but he believed it almost immediately. He has always felt that Jiang Ruan is a bit weird, although he knows that this suspicion is a bit inexplicable, the other party is just a lady from an official family who doesn't understand anything, how can he have such powerful means. But every time he saw Jiang Ruan, Ye Li would have an indescribable feeling that Jiang Ruan had a hidden hatred for him. Although he asked himself that he hadn't done anything to make Jiang Ruan hate him.

After learning the news, Ye Li was extremely furious. His great career was ruined by a woman. One of Jiang Ruan's arrangements cost him the entire Xia family, and later he even lost the 800 chariots of military pay. Every time he thought about this, Ye Li wished he could kill that woman immediately.

"Xiao Shao is about to return to court." Ye Li smiled: "I want to give him a gift."

King Jinying's Mansion is a very special existence in the Jin Dynasty. For so many years, he can't even touch Jin Yiwei's real power. What happened to him was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Sometimes some things have to be reckless. Ye Li doesn't want Jiang Ruan to marry Xiao Shao. If Jiang Ruan is as scheming as the spy reported, and then with Xiao Shao, the power of the Jinying Palace is really too terrifying up.

Before Xiao Shao came back, he needed to confirm one thing and also wanted to solve a problem. Ye Li slowly squeezed his palm tightly.

What Qi Feng said was indeed correct. It didn't take long for the Tianjin Kingdom to defeat Daye and bow down to the Dajin Dynasty. This war lasted so long, which was beyond everyone's expectations. The Tianjin Kingdom is only a tiny place, but it does not know when it will have the power to compete with the Dajin Dynasty. It is really thought-provoking. However, in any case, apart from giving Da Jinchao a warning, it was a defeat in the end. The envoy took the letter of surrender and brought the Dajin army, who had returned to the court with his class, to the capital to face the saint. Among them, there is a lot of rumors about the land cession and indemnity, but the specifics are personal opinions, and I don't know which news is true.

From the border back to Beijing, the mountains are high and the water is long, and it will not be possible to return for a while. Even so, the Jinying Palace started to get busy up and down. Housekeeper Lin was arranging what Xiao Shao should do after returning to the mansion every day. The most important thing was Xiao Shao's wedding with Jiang Ruan. Before Xiao Shao left Beijing, the Empress Dowager issued a decree to get married only after the class teacher returned to the court. Now Jiang Ruan is also out of the filial piety period, and it is just around the corner to take the position of the young wife of the Jinying Palace. Butler Lin has been planning since he received Yizhi a year ago. Jiang Ruan thought that everything was in order, but who knew that Butler Lin was still worrying about it, from the water essence beads on the wedding invitation to the ivory chopsticks used for the guest banquet. The engraved pattern, almost every detail.

Luzhu walked around Butler Lin and made a gesture of begging for mercy: "Butler Lin, this dessert list has been changed dozens of times. I really can't think of anything, please forgive me, I'm just a Slave."

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