Time passed slowly in the tense mood of the people, and every moment seemed extremely long and unbearable. When the tea on the table was still cold, I heard the roar of the guards outside - the other party rushed into the yard .

Jiang Ruan smiled lightly.

The lights were brightly lit, but after a while, people with torches quickly surrounded the entire courtyard. These people were all dressed in office clothes of officers and soldiers. At first glance, they looked like officers and soldiers on errands, but the murderous look in their eyes showed their intention of coming.

This is already a one-sided situation.

After those people surrounded the yard, they didn't act rashly for a while. The leader came out. Today's affairs probably did not go according to plan. When accepting the task, the master also said that if he meets Jiang Ruan, there will always be some accidents. At first he didn't take it seriously, she was just a woman, and at most she could only rely on the power of a man to exert some power. But it was not until they arrived outside the Jinying Palace that they realized that the sudden situation almost made them feel overwhelmed.

The house on this street suddenly caught fire, and I think it has something to do with the people in the house, otherwise the water would not come out sooner or later, but at this time, everyone in the street would wake up. Their identities were exposed, and if they could not complete this task, going back would be a dead end. Besides, the sudden fire messed up their plans a bit. It's just that the signal flare in the air was indeed seen, presumably it should be the signal of Jin Yiwei, the leader man's heart shuddered, thinking of the elusive team, he couldn't help but be full of fear. However, the master's order cannot be disobeyed. As a dead man, one must have the consciousness of a dead man.

He went all the way into Prince Jinying's mansion, and his subordinates confronted the guards, deliberately making a brutal gesture, originally intending to disrupt the entire palace to take advantage of it. But along the way, I didn't even see a servant girl, except for the well-trained guards, I didn't see a panicked person at all. The silent fighting did not have the effect of intimidation and deterrence at all, and even the person who wanted to ask the secret was not seen, and everyone was very weird. At this moment, when I came here, I saw a group of guards outside the main hall protecting me, and I knew in my heart that this must be the hostess.

In fact, their people were guarded outside, if Jiang Ruan escaped from Jinying Palace, he would be chased and killed by them. Jiang Ruan may not be able to escape before Jin Yiwei arrives. They had a foolproof idea, but they only missed the fact that Jiang Ruan never left the Jinying Palace at all, and she had no intention of running away at all.

This is so stupid, the leader felt unbelievable, just because under such circumstances, the most important person in the protection mansion is the right way. It is heard that Xiao Shao cares about this Princess Hong'an very much. If so, she should put her safety first, but Jiang Ruan did not leave Jinying Palace at all, which was originally an accident.

At this moment, the guards protecting Jiang Ruan are standing quietly outside the main hall, the servant girls in the main hall are standing on both sides to fiddle with the silver carbon in the stove, and the bearded butler is standing on the side gently flipping something like an account book, No one glanced this way, and no one spoke, as if all voices disappeared. And these people didn't see the scene where they led troops into the yard.

Everything is so peaceful and unbelievable. It was a very common and warm scene, but here it seems a little weird, even a little weird.

The leader took a few steps forward, and a woman in red was sitting on the main seat in the main hall. She was dressed in a light red embroidered plum brocade long Qin jacket skirt, and a fiery red fox fur cloak over her head. The fox fur cloak is sleek and shiny, and it shines like a gang in the night. What is more dazzling than the fox fur is the woman's appearance. She holds a small heater in her hand, lowers her head slightly, her long and curly eyelashes tremble slightly, her eyes are as charming as a pool of autumn water, her skin is more radiant than snow, her lips are red and her teeth are white, Although I haven't seen the whole picture yet, I already feel that every move is indescribable, which is really deceptive.

This picture is so beautiful that it is almost unbearable to be alarmed. However, the leader settled down, waved his hand, and his subordinates slowly approached the main hall: "But Princess Hong'an?"

The girl in red slowly raised her head, revealing a charming and bright face. She seemed to have just seen the firelight in the yard, her expression moved slightly, then disappeared for a moment, revealing a very shallow smile: "Exactly."

"I'm sorry, Princess," the man sneered, "When you get to Huangquan Road, I will burn a piece of paper money for you!" His expression was gloomy, but there was a bit of suspicion in his eyes.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but Ye Liyong's personality is always somewhat similar to his, especially when it comes to being suspicious. The calmer Jiang Ruan behaved, the more nervous they became, fearing that there might be some conspiracy involved. It was precisely for this reason that these people were hesitant to do anything, probably because they were afraid of her tricks, or because Ye Li had warned them before leaving.

A trace of disdain flashed across Jiang Ruan's eyes, if she was given back her place in this person, she would never be so procrastinating. When it comes to life and death, fighting is ruthless, looking forward and backward will only ruin your own life. She sighed softly, but said nothing.

"What does the princess mean?" The man became more and more suspicious. But I heard Jiang Ruan's smiling voice: "It's late."

"Why is it late?" The man was taken aback for a moment, then sneered: "Is it the Jin Yiwei who came to rescue?"

"It's late." Jiang Ruan said calmly: "Jin Yiwei won't come, your master can't find out anything."

The man was startled, and almost took two steps back, only to feel that Jiang Ruan's eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was a compelling shock. He collected himself, and said coldly: "Why should the princess deceive himself and others, and still speak hard when he is about to die."

"I thought, what exactly are you guys going to do, now I understand." She smiled like a flower, and she was so gorgeous in the firelight, but her voice had a shocking coldness: "Tonight you can neither take my life nor test it. Of course, you can't walk out of the gate of the palace, let alone have a chance to survive. So I said," she shrugged, "it's too late."

The more she said that, the more nervous that person felt, as if he was pinched by someone, he couldn't help but be affected by her words, and he was not as sure as before. Immediately, he made a gesture to make his subordinates move, but just as he raised his hand halfway, he heard the sound of piercing through the air. Before he had time to turn around, he saw an extra section of arrow sticking out of his chest. An arrow from nowhere passed through his chest.

Outside the yard of King Jinying's mansion, on the roof, black shadows appeared one by one at some point, these black shadows disappeared silently in the dark, and someone shouted outside the door: "Bandits are rampant and there is no sign, Zhao Yi, the guard of the capital, is here!" So, hurry up and catch him!"

Everyone was startled, the leader fell down slowly, Jiang Ruan's voice came to his ears from far and near, with an inexplicable sarcasm: "All the way to Huangquan, please go."

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