The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 375 Happy Event (1)

Jiang Ruan sat down in front of him, thought for a while, saw the teapot on the table, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Xiao Shao looked at her without speaking, and the atmosphere was a little strange for a while. Finally, it was Jiang Ruan who broke the silence and said: "Last night, thank you very much."

With such polite words, Xiao Shao's eyes darkened a bit, and his tone was slightly cold: "There is no need to say these things between you and me."

He was a little weird, Jiang Ruan noticed his abnormality, and asked strangely: "Did something happen?"

Xiao Shao turned his head away, paused, and said: "I have already returned to Beijing, and I should also prepare for the wedding banquet. Today I will go to the palace to meet the saint and explain this matter. Have you thought about it?"

Jiang Ruan was taken aback, but he didn't expect that he was talking about this, and smiled slightly: "Think it over, when, just say it."

She was so straightforward, without a trace of shyness, Xiao Shao's expression was a little relaxed, and he suddenly thought of something, and said: "I heard what happened last night from Jin Er, thank you for guarding the Jinying Palace for me. But you don't have to do this in the future, His eyes were cold, and he said: "The most important thing in the palace is not honor and secrets, but you."

Jiang Ruan was startled, feeling a little confused, she smiled: "Since I am the hostess here, I have to take some responsibilities, actually..."

"You are my Xiao Shao's woman." Xiao Shao interrupted her: "You don't have to do anything."

Jiang Ruan was taken aback for a moment, only felt that there seemed to be inexplicable emotions in Xiao Shao's words, she felt strange, and raised her eyes to look at him. The man stared straight at her, with emotions that she couldn't see through his deep dark eyes.

Xiao Shao is cold and indifferent on the surface, but in reality he is strong and domineering. For example, in the words at this moment, there is some intention to take her as his own. Jiang Ruan thought about it and then shook her head inwardly, Xiao Shao was always restrained, unlike such an emotionally exposed person, I'm afraid there is something wrong. After a pause, she said: "You are right in saying that." She changed the subject: "Now that your class teacher is returning to court, His Majesty will have a headache about what rewards to give again."

Xiao Shao was originally a high-ranking official, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he walked sideways among the officials of the Dajin Dynasty. The so-called high meritorious service is completely unnecessary in his current crop. As early as many years ago, what the emperor could reward him was almost all the rewards he spared no effort. Except for the position of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, now every time he makes a contribution, there is no shortage of gold, silver, treasures, and his official position has reached the first rank. coming.

Jiang Ruan suddenly thought of something, and smiled slightly: "After thinking about it, it seems that I can only give you some beauties."

Xiao Shao didn't expect that Jiang Ruan would suddenly bring up this matter, so he glanced at him and said lightly, "No need."

"Your Majesty will support you wholeheartedly," Jiang Ruan looked at the teacup in front of him, "Your class teacher will return to the court, and the Queen Mother's edict will be fulfilled, but Jiang's family is now in decline, and marrying me will not bring you any benefits. Your Majesty will do everything for you. Thinking about it, I really don't want to do that. Back then, I heard that His Majesty intended to betroth the daughter of the Cheng family to you, but this time you have made such a contribution, and getting help from a marriage is more direct than any gold, silver and jewelry."

Jiang Ruan's remarks were not groundless. Ever since the news of the victory at the border came, Jiang Ruan had heard from Aunt Yang, who was next to Empress Dowager Yide, that the emperor had frequently summoned Governor Cheng again when he entered the palace. Jiang Ruan knew that Xiao Shao was carrying many secrets, just like her. She didn't understand why the emperor would protect Xiao Shao, but it was obvious that the emperor's heart was biased towards Xiao Shao. The emperor was very dissatisfied with her being the concubine of Jinying. If it wasn't for Xiao Shao's reason, he might have replaced her long ago. Now that Xiao Shao re-entered the imperial court after many years, he made such a great contribution, how could the emperor let go of this opportunity? Since ancient times, emperors have always liked to arrange marriages for others.

She spoke frankly, without seeming to have any bad emotions. Xiao Shao looked at her quietly and didn't speak. He looked good, maybe he stayed at the border for a while, which aroused all the coldness in his bones. When I came back this time, I saw that my temperament was even colder, and my whole body was filled with a cold aura, but with picturesque brows and eyes, and a handsome face, I suddenly smiled slightly, and immediately felt a little cold and evil.

There was no emotion in his voice, it just drifted to Jiang Ruan's ear: "So, what do you think?"

Jiang Ruan tightened his hand on the stove, and the young man in front of him was dressed like ink, and asked again in a blunt and blunt manner: "Do you want me to accept someone else?"

For a moment, Jiang Ruan froze suddenly, holding the stove in his hand, and suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar. Because she had heard the same words in her previous life.

At that time, she had just entered the palace, and she had the idea of ​​self-destruction every day. At that time, it was rumored in the palace that the prime minister intended to marry his youngest daughter to the eighth prince Ye Li as his concubine. When she heard the news, she consciously felt that her already bleak life was even more gloomy. She had a serious illness, and Ye Li came to visit her during her illness. He leaned into her ear and said softly, "What do you think? You want me to accept someone else? "

Jiang Ruan wondered in a daze, how did she answer that time. Confused and miserable, she endured the pain in her heart and said: "This is His Highness's business, I have no right to ask."

Then what did Ye Li say, Ye Li looked at her with a gentle tone, and said: "In my life, the position of concubine is reserved for you. Other people can't get into my eyes, let alone my heart. If you've heard something, it's just acting on the occasion, it can't be real, I only have you in my heart, don't you understand?"

Such sincere and affectionate words finally dispelled her last bit of uneasiness in the deep palace. For his affection, she worked hard every step of the way in the palace and was willing to play a pawn for him, but in the end there was no bone left to lose. Hearing these words now, time seemed to turn back, and it brought him back to the day when Ye Li whispered gently in his previous life.

Xiao Shao saw her strange appearance and was shocked. Xiao Shao has seen Jiang Ruan in all kinds of appearances, from the gentle and submissive to the obedient and submissive, from the bright and charming to the fierce and ruthless, to the embarrassing and stubborn and independent, but he rarely sees her at a loss. But at this moment, she was sitting opposite him with the stove in her hand, her eyes were in a trance, she didn't know what she was thinking of, her eyes were full of sternness and bewilderment, which made one's heart tense for no reason. Xiao Shao didn't have time to think about why Jiang Ruan suddenly changed his mood, so he immediately stood up and pulled her up. As soon as Fang took her hand, he realized that she was trembling slightly all over. He frowned, and pulled Jiang Ruan into his arms without thinking.

"I was joking just now." There was a trace of nervousness in his tone: "I won't accept others. The only woman I care about in this life is you."

When her body touched Xiao Shao's cold cloth, Jiang Ruan was at a loss for a moment. Her head was resting on Xiao Shao's chest, Xiao Shao's arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and gently landed on her back, soothing her carefully, his posture was actually a bit like coaxing a child.

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