The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 379 Big Wedding (3)

Yao shi couldn't help being amazed, she had heard Zhao Yuanping say that Zhao Mei, the younger sister of the Zhao family, was passionate and moving when she was young, as dazzling as a ball of fire, and now she can probably see Zhao Mei's demeanor in this niece. Jiang Ruan deliberately suppressed the beauty in his bones, but now he completely let go of it, which shocked people. I just feel that such a color is worthy of disastrous to the country and the people.

Lin Zixiang was always picky, but now she was silent for a long time before saying: "This wedding dress makes you look a bit stunning."

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, several female family members of the Zhao family came in and said something, and when the sky was a little brighter, the procession to welcome the relatives would arrive.

Xi Niang hurriedly said: "Miss, please get up." After saying that, she put the small phoenix crown on her head and covered her hipa, Yao Shi also came to help her go out.

The welcoming team from Prince Jinying's Mansion arrived at the gate of Jiang's Mansion. After all, Jiang's family was her mother's family, and the sedan chair had to be carried to the gate of Jiang's Mansion. Empress Dowager Yide did not come to watch the ceremony, but sent Aunt Yang to bring a wedding gift, which was considered to support the scene. As soon as Jiang Ruan went out, the people around were dazzled by the gorgeous and amazing wedding dress. The girls present and even the wives who were already married couldn't help but gasp when they saw it, just like dew said Yes, wearing the entire Shangshu Mansion on her body, the princess's wedding dress may not be so expensive.

The sedan chair was approaching the door, Jiang Ruan and a group of people had just walked to the door, when they heard the sound of firecrackers outside, opened the half-covered door "blocking the sedan chair door", the eldest grandmother of the Zhao family, Zhou Shi, got up and held a red candle in one hand. The mirror goes to the door of the sedan chair and takes a look inside to drive away the evil ghosts hiding in the sedan chair, and the city "searches the sedan chair".

The eight-carried sedan chair outside was waiting. It was a soft sedan chair that was gorgeous enough. On the sedan chair, there were embroidered pictures of hundreds of sons and thousands of grandchildren, all of which were outlined with thin gold threads. Under the reflection of the deep snow on the ground, it looks like a finely luminous golden fan. The gleaming amethyst stones hang down from the top of the sedan chair, and each one is of great value. The ostentation of Prince Jinying's mansion is too great, even this soft sedan chair is enough to feed a third-rank official and his family for a year.

The eight people who raised their feet were all dressed in green clothes and soap boots, tall and handsome, with a full body and a very dignified appearance, looking very dignified. I have never seen a young man carrying a sedan chair attracting the female relatives to watch, but there are folk girls in the crowd who look at the bearer and blush.

Jiang Quan stood on the side, amidst the bustle, he had a smile on his face, and he seemed very happy, but if you looked carefully, you could see the forcedness of that smile.

Then there is "crying on the sedan chair". The bride was supposed to sit on her lap, and her mother would feed the sedan chair. But Zhao Mei had passed away many years ago, if Xia Yue were to feed the sedan chair, it would be a great irony in the eyes of everyone. Naturally, Xiao Shao would not let this kind of thing happen, and had already discussed it with the people in the General's Mansion. The sedan chair meal was fed by the general's wife, Mrs. Su herself.

Mrs. Su is Jiang Ruan's grandmother. Jiang Ruan was sitting on her lap. Mrs. Su had just scooped up a spoonful of rice and handed it to Jiang Ruan's mouth, her eyes turned red immediately. Back then, Zhao Mei and Jiang Quan were self-made wives, but her only daughter was married but she couldn't feed her in the sedan chair. This is the eternal regret and pain in Su's heart. Now watching his granddaughter get on the bridal sedan chair, he seems to see his bright and enthusiastic little daughter again. Su's heart felt sore, and the words of exhortation were sincere, and tears filled her eyes while holding her.

"Crying on the sedan chair" is followed by "carrying on the sedan chair". The bride's elder brother will carry the bride into the sedan chair. Jiang Xinzhi is wearing a lotus blue auspicious suit today, with a bunch of colorful ties around his waist. his. He walked up to Jiang Ruan, bowed and hugged Jiang Ruan, leaned into her ear and whispered: "A Ruan, are you ready?"

"Ready, big brother." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly as he put down the hipa. I just felt that Jiang Xinzhi held her arm tightly, as if some emotion was about to burst out, but in the end he just said: "Ah Ruan, from now on, you are his family. If he bullies you, you can tell Me. Never allow yourself to be wronged."

His words were heavy and forbearing, not like a brother marrying a girl, but like a father marrying a daughter. Jiang Ruan wanted to laugh a little, and stretched out his hand to hold his neck tightly, but he remembered the sad news of Jiang Xinzhi in his previous life, and the sadness and despair in his heart at that time. In this life, she has always kept Jiang Xinzhi, and Jiang Xinzhi is still by her side, that is enough. She smiled and said, "I see, big brother. No matter who I marry, you will always be my big brother."

Jiang Xinzhi didn't speak any more, and walked towards the sedan chair with Jiang Ruan in his arms. The girl in his arms was grown up by him, from a babbling baby to a slim girl now, even if she is about to become a wife, in Jiang Xinzhi's heart, Jiang Ruan will always be a little sister who has not grown up.

After Jiang Ruan sat in the sedan chair, the person at the front of the welcoming team appeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Shao was sitting on the white horse, and he was holding the rein, and he was dressed in a brand-new happy attire. He was really handsome, and he caught everyone's attention almost immediately.

Xiao Shao is a low-key person, he doesn't often appear in front of people on weekdays, and he always likes to wear dark clothes, never wearing such bright colors. Now that she was wearing a bright red wedding dress, even though her expression was calm, she still showed some delicate charm. He has an outstanding appearance, sitting on the horse at this moment, looking down at the sedan door, his picturesque features are not like the peerless elegance of mortals, this beauty is truly astonishing, it makes people stunned.

Seeing his appearance like this, Su Shi was genuinely happy even though there were tears in his eyes. She had long been indifferent to King Jinying's temperament after listening to it, and she was worried that Jiang Ruan would be wronged when she married in the past, but now it seems that she is thinking too much. Xiao Shao looked at the appearance of the sedan chair, but she was not all heartless, she was someone who had experienced it, so she could see some things clearly. Xiao Shao's appearance was outstanding, and his family background was also there. For a while, the Su family was very satisfied with this grandson-in-law.

Jin Er, who was distributing wedding candies among the crowd, shook his head and said, "The four chiefs of Jin Yiwei have all become bearers, and the master is too feminine."

When Steward Lin heard what he said, he immediately kicked him unceremoniously: "What did you say? This bearer represents the face of Prince Jinying's mansion. How can he randomly find a few people like other mansions?" That’s it. Look at the person we’re looking for to carry the sedan chair, the steps are also the same. It looks like a Lianjiazi, and the princess can sit comfortably in it. The face is also good, and it’s attractive to look at. You put it this way, I'm afraid I was jealous of others, so I didn't let you carry the sedan chair."

"Thank you, Lao Lin," Jin Er smiled, "I'm all blamed for being too ugly, I really can't represent the face of our palace, I'm very ashamed."

"Yo, quite self-conscious." Luzhu was busy sending out silver nudes, and she was delighted when she heard Jin Er's words: "The real value of a person is knowing one's own self."

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